Beyond The Gates Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
This is the second time I caught you creeping in my mom’s things. Give me a second, Kat. I need to close this. What did you just delete? What are you hiding? Nothing. You seem upset. Not upset. Astute. Laura usually does her work at the home office. Why are you in my mom’s hospital office alone, messing around with her computer?
It’s called working.
I’m calling it messy. The Duprees have a family motto: “Fool me once, it’s on me. Fool me twice, it’s your funeral.” [sighs] [indistinct police radio chatter] [phone vibrating] I was just staring at this stack of legal briefs, thinking I’d rather be staring at Detective Jacob Hawthorne in his briefs. [chuckles] I love the way you think, woman. Let the record show, though, you’re the one who caved and called after
we just saw each other.
But we weren’t alone. Hmm. How much longer do you have to work? It’s hard to say. Listen, Naomi. You know I love you, right? Mrs. Hamilton. Or… Ms. Dupree. Forgive me. What should I call you? Thirsty. Yes, ma’am. The usual? Time to embrace the unusual.
Surprise me.
[phone vibrates] You got it. [“No Consequences” playing] ♪ ‘Cause there’s♪ ♪ No consequences♪ ♪ There’s nothing to lose♪ ♪ You could burn this house right down…♪ [song continues faintly] [laughs softly] ♪ ♪ [upbeat music playing] [line ringing] CHELSEA [recorded]: Hey, it’s Chels. Leave a message, but while you’re leaving it, please note that I probably won’t ever hear it.
Text me.
[line beeps] Chelsea Bear. It’s Momager Bear. Your presence is requested tonight at your grandparents’. I have something earthshaking to share, and you are going to want to hear it in person. I need you to know that there is nothing and no one above you, and I would never, ever intentionally cause you a moment of pain.
You think I don’t know that?
Yeah, I just… I needed you to hear it. And I needed to say it. I love you something fierce, Naomi. I love you more. EVA: Why do I feel like I wandered into one of those fancy shops where the salespeople eye me like I have sticky fingers? Victim act. Good pivot. Might have worked if I didn’t see you just blank that screen. I blanked the screen because even though you’re Dr. Richardson’s daughter, you aren’t authorized to… Exactly. I can’t see those files, and I’m related to her. You just hung up your apron at the salon, but you have full access? Don’t even. Mom’s still here. Let’s ask her. Nicole’s probably not answering because she’s still in the psych unit finishing up her rounds. Now, if you want to go run and whine to your mommy, go right ahead. And while I’m gone, you’ll bolt. Since I’m not the one with the issue, I’ll stick around and make sure nothing conflicts with that big award ceremony she has coming up. Everything’s all set with that. Except for last-minute details. You’re right. I’m new to all this. But I am not new to scoping out a client’s needs. Just give me a break, Kat. I’m trying to make the most out of the opportunity Nicole so graciously gave me. Nah, I’m not buying it. Mom should be out of her rounds by now. We’ll both be back and see what you’re really about. I didn’t come looking for this job. It got dropped in my lap by some random curveball. You’re saying Laura getting slammed by that biker is your lucky day? Stop twisting everything. I’ve got no beef with you, but you seem to be gunning for me. Maybe you should ask yourself why. Oh, I know exactly why. And now my mother will know, too.
There’s my award winner.
[chuckles] They haven’t given it to me yet, and who knows if they still will? Now that the Dupree name is synonymous with wielding a deadly weapon. You’re synonymous with grace, brains
and beauty.
[laughs] For instance, the curve of your neck and the taste of your… [laughing]: Ted, stop. Remember where we are. Remember who loves you. MAN [over P.A.]: Nurse Hugo to ICU. I have one more patient to see. And I have a few files to update. Meet me in my office when you’re done. Oh, how much of that smush did you have to witness? You don’t have to be embarrassed when your husband’s being romantic like that. Some of us would kill to have what you’ve got. [elevator bell dings] Mom, I’ve been looking all over for you. You will never guess what that queen of locks did. Queen of locks? You mean Eva? Do you have another hairdresser on your payroll? I didn’t need to see the video. I was there, George. Thank you for your concern. I know you can empathize with… after what you went through with Grayson. Send Adelaide our love, too. Was that George giving you the business about our girl?
I set him straight.
Mm-hmm. How many calls have you fielded
from the ladies who lunch?
Too many. Remember all the calls we got when Dani begged us to go to New York and start modeling? I thought she had perfected the art of the tantrum then. She’s outdone herself with the revival. If we just hadn’t forced her to go to that wedding, she never would have touched that gun. Bill didn’t give us a choice. We cannot go back, my love. All we can do is pray our beautiful daughter can finally move forward. You sound happy. Jacob just called a little while ago just to tell me he loves me. Mom, I’m sorry. I didn’t think. Naomi, honey, never apologize for being happy. I tell you, I am so grateful for the grace I have received. I may hate Bill forever, but after that stunt I pulled, I am glad that your father is still breathing and that I am not dripped out in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. So not my color. You know, I thought Jacob’s call was the best thing to happen to me today, but hearing you sound like you might be a close second. Well, there’s more where that came from. When you’re wrapped, come on to the Grands’. I’m gathering the whole family together. Some things are best done face to face.
Like what?
Oh, gotta go. Be there tonight. Later, baby. Dani Long Legs! [grunting rhythmically] [laughs] Vandanna! Vanessa McBride, I thought you were never going to get here.
We have to get you a drink.
Yes. Doug McBride. Joey Armstrong. I’ve seen you around the club. I like to take private meetings in my car. You ever read that book The Lincoln Lawyer? No. No? Michael Connelly’s a genius. You should check it out. You look a little nervous there, McBride. Everything all right? I’m thinking maybe I made a mistake. R-Randy didn’t think we should meet. I think maybe I should have listened to him. Maybe. Or maybe we should talk it out. Find out if you got into the right car… or if you should hitch another ride home. I thought we put this to bed the other day. That was before I caught Eva creeping again on your work computer, Mom. When you caught Martin and me doing that once, you grounded us for a week. You really think Eva was snooping in my patient files? Well, you gave your passcode keychain to the kingdom to an imperfect stranger, someone you barely know and wouldn’t even trust to do your hair. Eva is not a stranger. Mona recommended her, and we trust Mona implicitly. Mona’s smart, but Eva’s slick. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to pediatrics. [sighs] You think Eva is some type of grifter out to steal my patient files and blackmail my clients? It’s possible. You’re reaching, Kat. That girl has stepped up, and she has been a capable, courteous and effective assistant. So you’re just gonna ignore this transgression? Alleged transgression. And this will all soon be moot. Laura will be back at work, and Eva will be out of our lives with a glowing recommendation. I’m telling you, her vibe is off. Not just off. Wrong. Dead wrong. You expect me to fire someone based on vibes? Baby, the only one having bad feelings is you. So my opinion doesn’t count? I don’t need you to be friends with Eva. Do I need you to see her as a person of value? You should want to give her a hand up. You mean like a makeover? ‘Cause she could use that. You know what is not a good look? My spoiled brat of a daughter looking down on someone based on vibes.
Mom, if you would just listen…
No, you listen. Just like when you were a little girl. I need you to sit and spin and think on this. And do not revisit this with me until you realize how wrong you are. WOMAN [over P.A.]: Orderly to 211. So I’ve been playing cards since I was a kid. M-Me and my boys, we got this Saturday night game. Small stakes. Anyway, when V and I sent our kids off to college, I ended up spending a lot more time at a casino and ended up owing more than what I had on hand. So you went to Randy? Yeah. Yeah, we-we have a history. Randy was this scrawny little kid, and one day, I found myself on the opposite side of a bully, and there was Randy offering up a punch. We got our asses kicked. [laughs] And now Randy’s still that little kid looking out for you. But he doesn’t see what I see. A grown man responsible for his own debts. That number look familiar? That’s exactly what I owe to the penny. How did you know? I know you own the casino, but… I take an interest in my clientele, Doug. And they become friends. I can always use more friends. Friends like you. For my daughter to strut wearing those Walking Deadrucksacks. Make it happen. I’m so sorry. I hate to be rude. It’s good seeing you handling business. You mean instead of a .45? [laughs] Yes, this is preferable. I’m just glad you can make time.
What are we celebrating?
Me, of course. Grands? I was just texting you.
Granddaddy indulged me.
[laughing] Cassiopia was visible tonight. [laughing] You see, when we’ve been married as long as you have, I hope Jacob and I are strolling under the stars, too. Aw. And I’m sorry for barging in, but Mom insisted I get over here ASAP. Oh, we got the same vague call, too. Okay. Any inkling? Good surprise or bad? And your mother sounded confident, grounded. I think Dani’s bearing good news. Or… she’s run out
of things to break.
[laughter] I’m here. It better be for a good reason. You look like you just got out of bed. I told you I was meeting up with a couple of new friends. Emphasis on “couple.” What’s up?
Seriously? You chose this time and place to bitch about the temp? This place because when I was little, my dad used to bring me out here to see the… the skyline and beyond are mine for the taking. And this time, because tonight, I caught Eva creeping on my mom’s work computer. News flash: assistants often use computers. She’s my mom’s personal assistant. My mom’s personal office is at the house. But her person is at the hospital. Checking Aunt Nicole’s iCal at whichever office is just part of the gig. I’ve hired and fired enough assistants to know it’s suspicious. And when I told my mom that, she acted like I was being privileged. Can you believe that? [scoffs] Okay, I know I can be bougie to the max, but this isn’t that. Something is off about Eva. She makes my baby hair stand at attention. Then whip out the gel for five more minutes before she’s out of there. Cuz, you are putting way too much emphasis on a passing hiccup in your big, beautiful life. But Eva doesn’t feel temporary. It feels like… I don’t know, like she’s being diabolical and strategic. [both laughing] What? Ah, why does she bug me so much? Maybe it’s my mama’s drama that’s got us all acting out of character. Oh, like bringing home two total strangers? That’s completely in character for me. But deciding that the new girl can’t sit with us at our table because she wore combat boots in your mom’s office? That reeks of some high school “mean girl” shizz. You were never that girl, Kat. I’m still not. [scoffs] Oh, uh, you summoned me to the top of your daddy’s castle, where he told you that the world was yours. We are literally standing in your “special spot” looking down on one of your mom’s subjects. The assistant. Just pretend for one second I’m right about this.
Then what?
[phone chimes] [sighs] I got to jet. Mom wants me at the Grands’ for some big announcement.
Thanks for coming, Chels.
Aw. I’m sorry for making this about me. I could give a masterclass on that. My mom is at the lowest point in her life, and all I can think about is telling her I want to quit modeling to work full-time on our purse empire. And my advice? Tell her, stat. My advice? Let it go. We just barely survived Hayley’s insurgence, and now I’m supposed to be okay with this perfect stranger coming into my family’s life? Not happening. [sighs heavily] Ted. Hi. Nicole got hung up and I thought I’d wait for her here. Okay, well, um, I’ll just go. Don’t rush off. Tell me, how are things going with you?
Yeah. I know my wife’s schedule can be a lot sometimes. I’m just happy that Nicole, after all these years, hasn’t figured out that she can do so much better. But you’re a godsend, and she adores you. And she’s a good judge of people. You don’t have to be so nice. Well, it’s the truth. Try it. Tell me, what’s bothering you? Nothing. See you tomorrow. Eva, I can’t let you leave like this. I think I know what’s going on here. You leave any couture for the rest of us? I just realized my closet is a mausoleum. Everything I wore was to make Bill look good, so everything’s gotta go. I love that the first step in your rebirth is shopping. Please tell me the next step is something tall, dark and fine. Like gym rat hottie over there? VANESSA: Diego. The club’s most in-demand trainer. I hear it’s because he specializes in locating the G spot. So, what’s happening with you? Things good with Doug? I didn’t know an empty nest meant an empty house. Now that the twins are away at college, Doug’s never home.
Then again, neither am I.
You okay with that? It works for us. Doug and I are still partners. The hearts and flowers and sex have long faded, but when we’re actually around each other, we’re content and comfortable. And we trust each other not to let anything or anyone screw up this thing we’ve built. I used to think that about Bill. Just because you’ve had it on lock for years doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep locking it down. I told myself Hayley was a passing fling until Bill was about to say, “I do.”
[phone vibrates]
Oh, there’s my cue. I can’t be fashionably late for a family gathering that I called.
Wish me luck.
You don’t need it. You are Dani Dupree.
You’re right. Ms. McBride. You forgot something. Yes, I did. So how does this work, exactly? Do I, do I sign a marker or… These hands, they might not look like much, but they can get me back in the black. A few valve repairs and some stents, and I can pay you back
with interest and…
Doug, relax. Your debt’s been paid. I took care of what you owe my casino, and… for a little extra touch, I’d like to float you some more.
Look, I can explain.
Is it the Dupree of it all?
You got me.
[laughs] They can be intimidating. But you belong here, Eva. Never doubt that. I know your parents must be very proud of you. Well, sort of. I never knew my dad. And my mom died when I was little. I don’t even remember her. But I have Leslie, who raised me. And, yeah, she’s proud, for sure. I’m sorry to hear about your parents, especially since they’re not here for you when you’ve been mistreated.
I’m not mistreated.
I know Kat came at you before. Has she done that again? She’s just looking out for Nicole.
I’m not mad at it.
That’s our father’s parents. We wanted her to think that the world was hers. I guess we overdid it. And it seems like you got a taste of her entitlement. That’s okay. If you ever run into that again from anyone, you have me as a resource. You mean that, don’t you? I’m a man of my word, Eva. Sure. Look, it’s okay if Kat doesn’t like me, but I don’t just want this job.
I need it.
Are you strapped for money? Isn’t everybody? WOMAN [over P.A.]: Code blue. Look, and working for Nicole makes me feel like I can learn and grow and have the same kind of place in this world you gave your daughter. Whatever Kat felt about you, I think she was off base. I feel it. I was just telling Kat the same thing.
Of course. Our daughter can be a little hard on people, especially new people. But you just keep doing what you’re doing, and you won’t be going anywhere. At least until Laura gets back. Well, I really hope she gets well, but I do like working for you. Remember that. You work for me, and Kat works for Ted. The only business of mine that Kat is involved in is the business of being my daughter. She does not hire or fire or even ask for so much as a latte. I wish I could say that Kat will get over this and stop making your life difficult, but that’s not her way. Understood. Any, um, advice on how to deal with her? [chuckles] Don’t give her any oxygen, and hopefully she’ll stop breathing down your neck. But you know where to find us if the situation escalates.
I would hate to lose you.
And I have some advice. Get out of here and don’t give us or our colorful family any more thought. I’ll try to do that. And, Eva, when you get to the office tomorrow, make yourself at home. She seems like a good kid.
I feel bad.
Why? You didn’t do anything. WOMAN [over P.A.]: We need a nurse to trauma bay seven. [hushed]: Eva. [hushed]: You can’t be here. Nicole and Ted are just down the hall. I got your video. I watched it a dozen times. If I knew the video would upset you, I wouldn’t have sent it.
But you’ve got to go.
Imagine being that entitled that you think that the whole world revolves around you and your family, that untouchable. And him looking at her like she’s freaking Beyoncé. He used to look at me like that. You’ve waited years for this. You can’t just blow it on impulse. People build gates to make them feel safe. They don’t realize that by building them, the whole world knows that there’s something precious inside. It’s just an invitation to burn it all down. I’m going to make Ted and Nicole wish they never met. [elevator bell dings] [elevator doors open] [R&B music playing] Hey, babe. I’m at Uptown. You wanna come join me for a drink? Oh, okay. No, no, no, babe. Hayley, enjoy your steam, okay? You deserve it. All right, babe. I’ll see you at home. Oh, and you were right, by the way. Everything’s gonna work out fine. Better than fine. [playing gentle piano music] [laughter]
No, stop, stop, stop.
I know you’re out here saving civilization one pro bono case at a time, but I hate that the world doesn’t
get to hear you sing.
Oh, no, Gran.
I’m just happy I get to sing with you.
[door opens]
Are you kidding?
[door closes] Ugh. I rushed here, and Mom is not even here yet? Dani’s not late, and neither are you. Your grandfather is certain she’s going to show up here a changed woman. Oh, you don’t share his sunny forecast? I think that child of mine might actually be part tornado. Best case, I’m hoping this isn’t a prelude to more storms. Anita, have a little faith. Okay, sunshine. You might be right. Since she’s never announced her bad behavior in advance. I will remember that for next time.
Your mother meant no harm.
I know. She’s just worried like the rest of us. I know. And I realize… that none of this was fair to any of you. I put you all in an impossible situation, and still you backed me up. That’s what Duprees do. So, what’s the big announcement, Mom? Wait. Where’s Nicole? I don’t think I can do this twice. She’s wrapping up at the hospital. She’ll be here momentarily. We’ll fill her in. We just need to know what’s going on and whether or not we need to intervene. Just let her get it out. Go on, Dani. [clears throat] Nicole was clinical. Daddy was kind. Mother was matter-of-fact. Chelsea was blunt. Naomi was funny. You all said it, and still I couldn’t hear it. I couldn’t feel it. Until today. My marriage is dead, and I am finally ready to bury it. It’s really, finally, absolutely over. Where’s the applause? Isn’t this what you all wanted? ♪ ♪ I know, I know I’ve made similar noise before, but this is different. I am different. No more outbursts at weddings. No more bullet holes in the country club ceiling. No more forceful use of a golf club. I am done with all of it. Uh, it’s not that we don’t believe you, baby girl, but what is this about a golf club? And do I really want to know? Oh, uh, Mom recreated Beyoncé’s “Lemonade” video in Dad’s office. All of that was because I was stuck in a nightmare from which I could not wake up. But today, I woke up, standing right in front of Hayley.
Oh, how awkward for her.
And Bill? Wasn’t there. But I could still smell his damn cigars in the home that Hayley had someone else decorate where she is living with my husband. [Anita clears throat] And it was then that it struck me in the face, in the gut, in the heart, all at once. Bill is not my husband anymore.
He’s hers.
Mom. And I told Hayley, newly Hamilton, that she doesn’t matter to me anymore. Bill doesn’t matter to me anymore. Daddy, you used to say that words have power. And I tell you, when I said those words, for the first time in a long time, I felt free. And that is why I have called you all here tonight. Because as free as I felt back there, nothing is really real until I share it with my family. So, Mom, try me. You say that man’s name, and I will say, “Bill who?” Now, I know you can’t completely forget. But you can get over it, right? I was thinking about my first runway show tonight.
You remember that?
[laughter] I was strutting, and I fell flat on my ass. I laughed, I pulled myself up,
and I started strutting again.
Like you will now. That fall made my career. Before that, I was the daughter of Vernon and Anita Dupree. After that, I was Dani. One name, like Naomi or Cindy. Until I met Bill. I took his name, and I lost my own. Danielle… More than words, I know you all need action. Now, I can’t go back, but I can show you by being the best daughter, sister, mother and woman that I can be– the woman I should have been all along. And I am gonna take Chelsea to heights I never reached. I… I promise. That is my mission. I might stumble, but I am back on my feet and ready to strut again. I can’t speak for the whole family, but I believe you. Oh, Mom. Mom, anything you’d like to say? You’re wrong about only one thing. You are always, always a Dupree. Our girl has seen the light.
Can I get an amen?
Can I get an A-woman?
[laughter] Vernon, put on some music so we can see this strut.
Ma, it was a metaphor.
Oh, come on, Mom.
Come on, you got it.
Like you said, Duprees, we need words into action.
Let’s do it.
All right.
It’s been a minute.
Oh, you still got it.
[music playing]
You got it.
Oh, yes. Yes! Yes!
Take your time.
[excited chatter]
Chin up, Mom. Chin up, Mom.
You get up here.
Come on up here.
[excited chatter] You still got it. Teach her, too. Come on! Come on!
Like mama, like daughter.
[excited chatter] [laughter] How the– how the kids do it. [laughter] Oh, baby, you still got it. Oh, my goodness, my goodness. You had us worried for a minute. I know. I know. I was scared.
No more worrying.
[excited chatter] [music continues]
Mama two-step. Hey!
Hey! ALL: Hey! Oh! Oh! Your generosity is appreciated, Joey. And unexpected. Now, Randy gave me a different impression on how you would take my request for assistance. Randy knows I only make an investment when I know I’ll make a return. Financially and personally. “Investments.” We are wielders of fate. You with your heart surgeries and me with my business. Wielders of fate, is that it? That’s it. We’ll be in touch. Well, thanks again, Joey. You-you saved my life. You have no idea. Yeah, I do. [door closes] [sighs] Doug has the worst poker face this side of the Potomac. You gave him money?
I did.
And it’s as good as gone. And you always say don’t throw good money after bad karma.
Friend or no.
I know. Then why float a sinker? He’s not good for it. Because I want Doug McBride in my debt. You have to understand, he’s no longer your friend. He’s a mark. And we’re going to make sure he digs a hole so deep, he’ll never escape it. Almost done. I hate being late for Dani. Dr. Richardson, we have a situation.
A trauma?
There’s a woman on the roof of the hospital threatening to jump. An RN tried to stop her, but she pushed her way past. The nurse said she asked for you by name and will only talk to you, alone. You’ll need a couple orderlies to go up there just in case things get hairy. No, no. If she sees anybody with Nicole, the woman may do something drastic. You can’t go up there without some kind of support. Ted, you just told me how much faith you have in my abilities. This woman needs me. We don’t want to do anything to spook her. I can talk her down. I swear I will be careful. Nicole. Nicole! WOMAN [over P.A.]: Nurse to pediatrics. Hello? I’m Dr. Richardson, but you can call me Nicole. I heard you asked for me. How can I help? ♪ ♪ [playing gentle piano music] [soft laughter] That’s a good one. Jacob, baby. How long have you been standing there? Stop looking so serious, bro-in-law. It’s a celebration. Dani has turned the page on all this Bill nonsense. Yes, I am officially done with Bill and Hayley. They cannot touch me anymore. Son, is this a social call or…? It’s a social visit. Jacob’s family. Tell them. Danielle Dupree, I’m here to place you under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do or say will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you. ♪ ♪
Sherry, no!
Leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. Dani, no one can take your dignity. Oh, my God. Wait. Derek! So you’re a congressman who’s itching to blow up. By that I mean run for president. Have you lost your ever-loving mind? You need to get out of here before it’s too late. Leave me alone, Little Miss Big Shot. I’ve got drinks to serve.
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