BTG Transcript Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane



EVA: Morning, Nicole. I’ve confirmed your appointments, sorted your emails and restocked the office supplies. Already? I haven’t even had my morning coffee. Well, Mona gave me the rundown on how you like things to run smoothly, as well as your coffee order. Sugar-free latte with oat milk, light foam and two pumps of caramel.

Let me put it in now.

That won’t be necessary. I’m headed to the country club to have breakfast with my family. Did I forget to text you that today would be a late start? I got the message, but I just wanted to come correct to make a good impression on my first day. Mission accomplished. Thanks. Although there were some emails I wasn’t too sure about. Before we get into that, we need to discuss the elephant in the room. And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Laura’s surgery is confirmed for tomorrow. Poor thing’s gonna be laid up for a while. She was about to live her best life. Off to Hawaii on a romantic getaway with the boy toy, then bam! She gets run off the road, crashes her car and breaks her leg? Talk about the worst luck. [engine revving] [tires squealing] [car crashes] It’s nice how your bosses have stepped up for her. They did? How? Oh, Nicole and Ted are covering her medical expenses. Ted Richardson even admitted her to his private clinic. They’re treating Laura like family. Do the police have any leads on who did this to her? I haven’t heard of any, but I have been thinking. [Jan exclaims] All that late-night true crime binging paying off?

Girl, you know I’m obsessed.

[laughing]: Yeah. So, the crash happened near some warehouses. I bet the police pulled the security footage. So, it’s only a matter of time. Wow. [indistinct police radio chatter] ♪ ♪ [sighs] ♪ ♪ What elephant in the room? Eva, let’s not play dumb. By now, I know that you’ve seen the drama that unfolded at Bill and Hayley’s wedding fiasco. [sighs] Oh, you mean hashtag Shotgun Wedding? That’s the one. I was trying not to bring it up. My job is to make your day easier, not remind you of stress from your personal life.

I’m sure it’s been hard enough.

Oh, you don’t know the half. But my family will get through it. We always do. I’ve heard that about the Duprees. That when stuff happens, you guys circle the wagons. Must be nice. It’s nice when you can help, not so much when you can’t. Will your sister be okay? If she stays offline. I can only imagine the Internet’s having a field day. I’m not making excuses for Dani, and she has owned up to all of it. But she’s mourning the life she thought she’d have. The life she felt she deserved. Rejection like that can make anyone lash out. Oh, I get it. More than you know. Well, that was brutal. Someone brought the heat today. Whatever’s gotten into you, I love it. Well, then give yourself a pat on the back.


Left to my own devices, I avoid the gym like a plague. But you… [sighs] know which buttons to push. I guess I don’t want to let you down. Oh. My husband. [Vanessa chuckles] Leslie, I got to hand it to you. Suggesting that Eva fill in for Laura was a stroke of genius. Does that mean it’s going well? Still too early to tell. It’s just the first day. Don’t worry. Eva has what it takes to not only do the job but thrive at it. I spent some time schooling her. She soaked it up like a sponge. Filled up that little spiral notebook so fast, I thought smoke was gonna come off the pages. [laughter] Always a good sign. [laughter] Well, I did drill into her head that you only get one shot at a first impression. Sounds like it took root. Eva’s such a sweet girl, and she’s so eager to please. I remember her saying she was looking for a new direction in life. Well, if she keeps up this attitude, whichever path she chooses, sky’s the limit. That’s the master plan. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Who the hell are you? EVA: Oh, hi. We haven’t met yet. I’m Eva, Dr. Richardson’s new assistant. And you’re her daughter? A qualified assistant would already know that. Just wanted to make sure. Kat, right? I’ve heard all about you from Mona. She and my surrogate mom are friends. Surrogate mom? My biological mother died when I was little. Leslie took me in and raised me as her own. We recently moved here from Chicago and met Mona at church. Now it makes sense. Who you know got you this gig. Sure wasn’t your professional style. Your mother said the vibe was more of a relaxed work environment. Is that why you thought it was okay to go snooping through her desk? Snoop? No. I was just hunting for… a stapler. Oh, like that one over there? Ah, right in front of me. [laughs] I’m still getting familiar with the office. Shouldn’t you be meeting your mom at the country club? You’ve been here all of, what, ten minutes, and you’re already in my business? Well, I only mention it because Nicole said your family was having breakfast.

So I just thought that…

That’s your first mistake. So we’re clear, you handle my mom’s schedule, not mine. Do not concern yourself with what I’m doing or where I’m going. Fair enough. I didn’t mean to offend you. Also, my dad’s overseeing Laura’s care. She’ll be back on her feet soon enough, so don’t get comfortable. We all want Laura back, including me. Hey. [chuckles] This went south real fast. Let’s start over. No need. This is a short-term assignment. Maybe even shorter than you think. [birds chirping] Look at you, making time for breakfast. Feels like forever since we’ve done this. It has been a minute, hasn’t it? I hope you haven’t been feeling neglected. I get it. Emergencies happen. Although it does seem it’s been nonstop lately. It’s that time of year, post holidays, after people overindulge. Plus the common cold combined with the seasonal flu. I guess cardiac surgeons will always be in high demand. But can’t you refer some cases out before you have a heart attack? I know I need to set boundaries. It’s just hard turning people away that’s going through it. They come to me scared, confused, holding on to hope. Makes me think how I would want my loved one’s doctor fighting for my family with everything they’ve got. [sighs] Your patients are lucky to have you. I am, too. So… [laughter]


Hello. Getting slow in your old age.

Hey, cut it out.

I said what I said. I guess we could have squeezed in a few more baskets since the family hasn’t arrived yet. You’re only saying that because I was beating you for once. Hey, don’t get cocky. I already told you, I wasn’t properly stretched.


[phone vibrating] Congressman Richardson. No, I won’t comment on the wedding. But if you would like to hear the proposed changes to the national defense bill my subcommittee dr– I didn’t think so. I love my aunt, and I respect her privacy. Quote that. No wonder they say real journalism is dead. The press isn’t gonna let up. I wouldn’t. You were a serious reporter who covered issues that mattered. Not like these vultures, just looking for clickbait. I also knew not to take no for an answer. This is why I wait it out. This is the United States of Amnesia. Next week, another scandal pops up, and Aunt Dani’s drama is ancient history, never to be unearthed again. What did you say your name was again? This is it, honey. Ooh, it’s the day I-I’ve dreamed about. [laughs] You are finally gonna be where you should’ve been all along. In your father’s house. I never met a man like him before. And he never loved a girl like me. I’m sorry for what he did to you, Mama. To us. To us. I-I will pass that along. I’m sorry to barge in. I’m looking for Dr. Richardson. I’m the other Dr. Richardson, her husband Ted. Oh, I know who you are. You must be the new assistant that’s stepping in for Laura.


And your name? Oh, right. Sorry. It’s Eva. Eva Thomas. Pleasure to meet you, Eva. We’re happy that you’re on board. Happy that you’re here. [quiet chatter] Sorry to intrude. You’re always welcome at our table.

Isn’t that right, Doug?

Oh, yeah.

How’s it going, Diego?

Good, thanks. I just heard from my cousin who’s moving into the area. He has deep pockets, and he saw this listing online that he’s crazy about. It’s actually one of yours. Delightful. Which one? Constitution Avenue. Grand entrance, killer view to the Capitol. The Coleman Estate. And it is available immediately. When will your cousin be in town? We can arrange a viewing. Uh, he was hoping that I could take a first look. VANESSA: Of course. I can show you the property after breakfast. You could even take some videos to give your cousin a virtual tour. Thank you, Ms. McBride. You’re the best. I’ll swing by in a few. Doctor. [laughing] Oh. Oh. Oh, that’s bad. [laughing] Are you all watching that Bill and Hayley wedding mess again? You could probably lip-synch the whole thing by now. Well, I can’t get over the look on Bill’s face. I mean, he actually thought he could humiliate his ex and get away with it. I’m with you. That man had it coming. Flaunting his infidelity like that. Having a wedding at the country club. Buying his mistress-now-wife a house in the neighborhood. Where all their old friends would see them. The audacity. Lady Karma is patient, but when she strikes… Mm. Too bad Dani’s aim wasn’t as patient. I’m almost sorry she missed.


[Jan laughing] Oh, come on, Mona. You have to admit he had it coming. I don’t find it funny. Nicole is my girl, and this mess is wearing her and the whole Dupree family down. How would you feel if your family’s dirty laundry was exposed for the whole world to kee-kee at? [smacks lips] She makes a point. They must be mortified. Good thing they have a shrink in the family. And it’s weighing on Nicole. She’s the one holding everybody down. One of these days, it’s gonna be too much for her. There you are. Sorry I’m late. Is your brother here yet? Martin and Smitty are already inside. But before you go in, we need to talk. Of course, sweetheart. What’s on your mind? Mom, I met your new assistant. Great. I was hoping you and Eva would hit it off. You have so much in common. You’re joking. So it’s like that? Regardless of what you may think of Eva, she is already doing a fantastic job.

I think you can do better.

Why do you say that? Because I caught her snooping around your desk. She is still getting acquainted with the office. And she seems mad shady. You are not always a beacon of sunshine yourself, young lady. Are you sure you just didn’t make her nervous? Can you just trust me on this? My reads on people are usually spot-on. Let me help you with this. I use this app to staff Dad’s office. Give me till the end of the hour, and I will have a hundred resumes with more relevant experience than hairstyling. And given her IG, she’s not even good at that. Katherine Richardson, I raised you better than to be this judgmental. I’m being cautious. You would think this family would’ve learned their lesson after what Hayley put us through. What are you saying, Kat? That I didn’t do my due diligence? This might surprise you, but I did more than scan a few posts and make a silly assessment on her clothes. I interviewed Eva myself, checked her references, one of which is a close friend I trust. Now, are there any other of my employees you would like to replace, or can we finally have breakfast? I was hoping to catch my wife so we could drive to the country club together, but my morning ran long, and it seems like I just missed her. Seems like you got a good handle on things here. I’m doing my best, Dr. Richardson.

[phone vibrates]

Uh, call me Ted. I’m sure your best is fantastic. Nicole was looking for someone to step right in, and you’re making my wife’s life a whole lot easier. You don’t have to say that. Sure I do. My job is to make Nicole’s life happy, and you’re helping me do so. So, keep up the good work.

Hey, what’s up?

I was hoping you had a minute to talk about Laura’s hit-and-run. I’ll give you some privacy. Excuse me. TED: So, what did you find out? I’ve given Laura this update as well. We pulled the security footage from near the crash site, but it wasn’t much help. The motorcycle that caused it was a popular model. Can’t catch every crotch rocket in D.C., huh? What about the license plate? Removed. And the driver’s face was obscured by a helmet. I made a few calls, got our best guys to enhance it, but they couldn’t do anything with the video. TED: No witnesses have come forward? None. And no evidence at the scene either. Just some skid marks from Laura’s car. Look, Ted, I hate to say it, but we’ve hit a dead end. Look at our Deanna looking like Ms. Collegiate on the quad. She’s so bundled up with all those hats and scarves,

you can barely see her face.

[laughing] She is still adorable. Oh, is that the time? I got to bounce before the hospital starts paging.

A poker chip?

Oh, must be from the charity casino night here at the country club.

I got it.

Okay. All right. I love you.


Ah, Ted.

Catch you on the flip?

Yes. [quiet chatter] I ordered your usual. Should be out any sec. Good looking from my good-looking. Any word from Dani? Actually, I was just telling the kids she sounded okay on the phone. Well, okay for Dani. Her friend Pamela is treating her to a spa day. Which is a good move. It gives her a chance to chill out and keeps her out of the public eye. That’s Martin-speak for the less attention she gets, the better his poll numbers. Well, you better brace for impact, bro. That video made The Shade Room, The Breakfast Cluband TMZ. And it’s still trending with no signs of slowing down. We may need to hook Aunt Dani up with a permanent membership to that spa. Let’s not anticipate the worst. This could all blow over. I wouldn’t count on it. Your perspective is all screwed up from your time in Congress. For them, scandal is just another word for Tuesday. [laughter] This is a small community with a long memory. People still come for me for all the dumb stuff I did back in the day. You’re too young for “back in the day.” What are we talking about, sis? Middle school. [laughter] How are your folks holding up? Must be rough. Vernon and Anita have always been grace under pressure. Yeah, but this is different. Dani’s pain cuts Mother and Daddy deep. Your babies are always your babies, no matter how grown they get. [sighs] I rushed over as soon as I saw your text.

Why aren’t you at your new job?

I’m running errands for Nicole. She won’t expect me back for a while. Okay. So what happened? It’s nothing bad. Everything is fine. Better than fine, actually. Nicole likes me so much, you could be looking at her new employee of the month. Okay, well, if everything’s fine, then why did you need to see me? Mama, I met him. I met my father. Lord have mercy. Spill it. Spill it all.

Every last drop.

Okay, okay. Well, he strolled in looking for Nicole, but she was out. So he introduced himself to me. He shook my hand like I was any other employee. I mean, that’s it, really. Sounds like he didn’t have time for a proper meet. Oh, I hope you’re not too disappointed, honey. No, well, we actually got interrupted. Well, he probably thought I was intimidated or whatever by him, anyway. Mom, I was so shook, I could barely string two words together. Who cares what he thought? What’d you think of him? Well, I can see now how someone as innocent as you were could have fallen for him. That man thinks he’s God’s gift to Black women everywhere. Hmm. But I knew his good guy routine was all cap.


Smoke and mirrors, Ma. It means he’s faker than knockoff Gucci. He talked about “Nicole this” and “Nicole that” and how he just wanted to make her happy. Yeah, there’s some truth to that. He dropped everything for Nicole. He was smiling in my face, laying it on thick, thinking I was gonna fall for his game like everyone else. Good thing you didn’t. I’m his daughter, and not a flicker of recognition. And why would there be, huh? Since he walked away from us and never looked back. All I could think about was how he did you dirty. And how scared you must have been to face the world as a single mom. Sounds like you handled yourself very well. [sighs] My heart was beating so loud, I was worried he could hear it. I should’ve put him on blast right then and there. Soon enough, baby girl. Soon enough. Our day is just around the corner.


Good to see you, son. [sighs] I appreciate you making time for some coffee. I know you got a million things on your plate. No sweat at all. I’m always looking for a good excuse to escape headquarters. Rather be out here with the rank and file, you know? Especially when it’s with you or your brother. Things to think about before accepting the promotion to chief of police. Who knew that high-ranking title came with a ball and chain? Yeah, I didn’t have much of an option. It was either that ball and chain or retire and be one to your mother. [laughs] So how’s your day? Man. I just had to break it to Ted Richardson that the security footage of the car crash is damn near useless. We may never ID the biker who ran Laura off the road. Yeah, the Richardsons are not used to hearing no. He didn’t come at you sideways, now, did he? Nah. Ted knew it was a long shot. [sighs] Something’s eating at you. Come on, Pops. You know exactly what’s wrong. [sighs] I was at the wedding when Dani pulled her weapon, and I didn’t stop or arrest her. I had a duty to act, and I neglected it. [sighs] I know I let you down. I’m all in. Show me the money. Come on. Come… It’s all good. It’s all good. W-We still in this. We still in this. [sighs] I wish I’d known about Dani’s spa day. I would’ve cleared my work schedule to keep her company. Aren’t you generous? It’s a sacrifice I’d be willing to make. Got to show solidarity with my girl. Jokes aside, I appreciate the neighborhood standing behind Dani, even when my sister doesn’t make it easy. You can always count on me. I’d better get going. I have a listing to show. Uh, I should, too. Where are Martin and Smitty? In the lobby, schmoozing with one of Martin’s donors. Are you heading to the hospital? I can meet you there and show you the research I did on that laser equipment you mentioned. That’ll work. See you later. At least Dad trusts my instincts. Kat, I do not doubt your business acumen for a second. You have done wonders for your dad’s private practice. Then why won’t you listen to me about Eva? Profit margins are one thing. Interpersonal relationships are another. When it comes to people, you have a blind spot. And I think you have a blind spot when it comes to Eva. Come on, Mom. Tell me you didn’t do a double take when you saw Eva’s tacky boots. You’re a psychiatrist. Your assistant should be professional and pulled together like Laura. Or casual and relatable like Eva. She was rude to me. Were you rude first? Be honest. You should listen to me, Mom. I have a sixth sense about these things, and that girl is sus. You’re gonna regret ever bringing her into our lives. I met another member of that family today. The congressman? Martin? I thought you were being bitter when you called Kat a spoiled princess, but now that I’ve seen her for myself, she’s actually worse. That young woman reeks of arrogance. She has a stank attitude, too. Took one look at me and decided I was worth less than the dirt on the bottom of her stiletto heel. I know the feeling. She basically told me to pack my desk and dropped hints about me getting fired. Okay, here’s how you handle that one. Stay quiet, stand tall and picture the look on her face when she realizes that she’s not Daddy’s only daughter. I hope her Louboutins are comfortable, because she’s about to fall hard off that pedestal. [chuckles] Well, her brother isn’t as bad. Well, unfortunately, he wasn’t there. Neither was his husband. But Naomi’s husband Jacob did drop by to talk to Ted about some police business. Ah, well, they’re probably investigating Dani going gun crazy at the country club. Mm-mm. That’s what I thought, too. He’s actually investigating Laura’s car crash. I think you’re being too hard on yourself. Come on, Pops. I don’t need you making excuses for me. When have I ever done that? I hear you, son. You feel like you dropped the ball, but there’s more than one kind of duty.

What do you mean?

You’re a family man now. You have a responsibility to your wife as well as the badge. Yeah, but to just ignore a crime… You can’t always rush in half-cocked, son. In the heat of the moment, a good cop trusts his gut. And you may not always get it right, but in this case, I think you did just fine. Fine? People could have gotten hurt because I hesitated. But they didn’t. And Dani turned herself in. Yeah, I didn’t think she was gonna do that. Yeah, but you know the Duprees. They handle their business and weren’t about to let this mess go on and have their name drug through the mud. And they didn’t. It all worked out fine. So you think I’m torturing myself for no good reason. Take a page from The Beatles, son. Let it be. [sighs] Dr. McBride, has Lady Luck decided to find you yet? On her way. If only the house could spot me a little something to win what I lost, I can have it back to you tonight. Maybe tomorrow at the latest. Unfortunately, that doesn’t follow company policy. Got to clear the tab before we can extend any more credit. How about I get you a suite for later? Nah, that’s okay. I appreciate you, though. Holler at me if you need anything else. [line ringing] Hey, listen, man, I need to see you. You mind stopping by? SMITTY: Hey. If you’re having me time, I can go listen to Martin

work over a donor.

Boy, sit. I’ve been meaning to check up on my favorite son-in-law, anyway.


How’s your world these days? Uh, good. Tyrell and Samantha are, you know, teenagers. So they’re doing their own thing. Not interested in sharing every detail of their day

with Daddy anymore?

No. They’re growing up. Martin and I aren’t empty nesters yet, but… [sighs] it’s close. And I’m not gonna lie, I’m already starting to feel kind of lost. It happens to the best of us. All the time I spent driving them around and making their lunches and reading them bedtime stories. It does seem like yesterday. Well, now I have hours to myself, but for what? I mean, there are only so many political podcasts I can listen to before I feel like the world’s about to implode. That is why they keep the news running 24/7.

It’s meant to draw in worriers like you.

Yeah. Have you thought about channeling that energy into something positive? I am on three parent committees, Nicole. I mean something positive for you, not your children. You have an activist spirit. You want to do good. Have you considered joining Martin’s team? You mean having my husband as my boss? [laughs] Okay, when you say it like that, it definitely sounds like a recipe for disaster. You know, I did have a thought about getting back into reporting. There’s nothing like the rush of being on the scent of a big story.

That sounds promising.

We’ll see. I did reach out to some former colleagues, just put out some feelers, just to gauge the level of interest. So this is more than just a thought. How does Martin feel about it? I haven’t told him yet. If what Mona told me was right

and Laura’s accident wasn’t an accident…

Okay, listen. I know Mona loves her tea, but that doesn’t make any sense. Look, maybe the driver was drunk or showing off, but intentional? The police have it on camera, but the motorcycle didn’t have any plates. Which means whoever did it wanted to make sure they couldn’t be tracked. What is the world coming to? I can’t see how anyone would want to hurt an innocuous girl like that. Wonder if Jacob will be able to find the driver despite the missing license plate. I doubt it. He has nothing to go on. It’s like he’s chasing a ghost. That just burns my grits. Huh. I pray they get that culprit. What’s wrong? You look troubled. I’m sorry, but I just… I can’t shake this feeling of guilt. Honey, you are not the one that ran Laura off the road. No, but I’m benefiting from it. I mean, here I am, sliding into her job, which strangely fits perfectly into our plans. Meanwhile, Laura is laid up in the hospital. Yeah, well, people are blessed with good fortune every day. All right? So there’s no reason for you to blame yourself for an opportunity that fell into your lap. But did it? I know it’s crazy for me to go there, but I just keep thinking about how you’ve rented bikes before when you got the urge to ride. I did, but what in the world are you… Just help me get this out of my head, Mama. Tell me you had nothing to do with that crash. Oh, thank God you’re here. Yo, my man. This high-roller table is calling my name, but the casino won’t lend me another dime. Is that why you pulled me away from my breakfast rib eye? What do you expect me to do about it? You work for the owner. Can’t you vouch for a brother? [sighs] How deep are you in, man? Seriously, Doug, do I look like your fairy godmother? I swear on my mama, I’m good for it. Don’t you dare bring your mama into this. She would snatch your behind if she heard. Come on, Randy. I’m desperate here. See, and that right there is the problem. You and me, we go back to the sandbox, and you know I would take a bullet for you, but I won’t help you dig your own grave. And that’s damn well what’s gonna happen if we start throwing my boss’s good money over bad. Don’t you got a-a rainy day stash somewhere? Even if I did, I wouldn’t throw it down your bottomless pit. What about your wife? Isn’t Vanessa’s family loaded? Out of the question. So is my boss. Joey’s not what you would call a sympathetic guy, and I want to keep both my kneecaps. So do you. I guess I’m S.O.L. [sighs] Not if you swallow your pride. Go to Vanessa. “For richer or for poorer,” remember? [sighs] Ready to go whenever you are. I’m free right now. Let’s get the party started. Just wait until you see the property. It has an elegant staircase, vaulted ceiling, large windows… Uh, that’s not the type of party I’m talking about. What do you think you’re doing? I’m giving you what you want. About damn time. [Vanessa panting] We will have to finish our chat later. Oh, um, it’s the committee meeting for the annual teachers’ appreciation gala. Don’t have too much fun. Bye. I actually should be getting back myself. Um, actually, Mom, would you mind staying? I have something I want to discuss. I hope it isn’t bad news. God knows we’ve had enough of that as of lately. Then what’s the good news? I’ve been thinking about the next step of my career. Oh, I don’t know how helpful I could be with that. Usually when it comes to politics, you consult with your grandfather. I’m planning to speak to Granddad, too, but it just feels like you need to be the first one to know. You running for reelection to Congress wouldn’t be a surprise. No, I haven’t made a commitment yet, but I’m considering running… for president. Oh, my God. Martin, that is wonderful! [laughs] How could you even let that thought cross your mind?

I know it sounds crazy.

It sounds ridiculous! Your whole plan was for me to get a job with the Richardsons. At the club or the clinic or even with Ashley at the hospital, once we got to know her. And maybe that plan went out the window when the opportunity with Laura popped up.

Oh, my…

So what’d you do?

Hire a hit man just to get me closer to the Duprees?

What? That is absurd! How could you even say something like that? How could you even think I would consider doing something like that? After all we have been through, even after… after all this time, you really think your mother is capable of such a heinous crime? Oh, my… No, no, no. Of course not. Look, look, look, I’m sorry, okay? I-I just couldn’t get it out of my head, and I had to ask to be sure. Are you getting cold feet? Is that what this is about? Because if it is, I already told you, and I meant when I said you don’t have to go through with this. No, no. I said I’m ten toes down, and that’s still the case. After all these years, Dr. Ted Richardson is finally gonna have to face up to what he did. We’re so close. But, baby, you got to play it cool.

Get them to trust me.

Yeah, exactly. Lower their guard, and then I will make sure that their world comes crashing down all around them. And then you will step in, and you will take what is rightfully yours all along. My name and my birthright. That’s right.

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