Days Update Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Shawn is at home on the phone with Paulina, assuring her that Chanel is fine. Shawn asks Paulina not to say anything to Johnny because Chanel specifically didn’t want him to know where she spent the night last night, as Chanel then comes out from the bedroom behind Shawn.

Johnny sits in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, texting Chanel that he’s worried about her and to let him know that she’s okay. Kristen comes in and greets him. Johnny says he heard they found Rachel and brought her home which Kristen confirms. Johnny asks where they found her and if she’s okay. Kristen says she’s fine and wishes she was more sorry for what she put them through. Kristen admits she thought she was never going to see Rachel again, so she’s tremendously relieved. Johnny asks again where she ended up finding her. Kristen reveals that Rachel holed herself up in her family’s vacation home.

Rachel calls The Woman in White from her room and says she’s calling to check on Ava. The woman responds that Ava is fine and they are having a lovely breakfast as Ava remains tied up in a chair.

Brady calls Ava, leaving a message that he’s wondering why she’s not calling him back. Brady asks her to call him when she gets this as he’s starting to worry. Marlena comes in and asks if everything is alright. Brady tells Marlena that he’s just trying to get a hold of Ava to let her know the good news about Rachel and hoping she calls him back soon. Marlena mentions making coffee and suspects Belle might need some since she went to Jada’s bachelorette party last night and she’s still in bed, so she guesses she came in pretty late.

Belle wakes up complaining of a headache and then rolls over to see EJ in bed next to her. Belle hits EJ with a pillow to wake him up and questions how this happened. EJ says everything is a bit foggy. EJ remembers one minute they were arguing in the living room and the next minute, they were ripping each others’ clothes off in the bedroom. Belle continues to question how this happened and how she ever slept with him again after she just told a room full of women that he was her biggest regret.

Shawn thanks Paulina for keeping things quiet and says Chanel will appreciate that. Paulina asks to speak with her but Shawn claims she’s still asleep and he can have her call when she wakes up. Chanel thanks Shawn for covering as she’s not in the mood to deal with Paulina. Chanel calls it pretty pathetic as she used to be able to party all night and wake up fine, but now she’s completely destroyed after a couple round of Jell-O shots. Shawn says he heard it was a little more than that and asks what she remembers about last night. Chanel recalls being at the bachelorette party, crashing the bachelor party, fighting with Johnny and then running off to the bar. Chanel says it kind of goes blank after that but she remembers Shawn showing up at some point and that she kissed him. Chanel says it goes blank again after that and she just remembers waking up here in Shawn’s shirt, so she asks Shawn if they had sex last night.

Johnny asks Kristen how Rachel even knew about her family’s vacation home. Kristen explains that Rachel found a scrapbook she had all about her family with the information in there. Johnny recalls Sami mentioning the old Blake house. Kristen mentions it being where Peter married Jennifer back in the 90s and also where Andre set John up for his own murder. Johnny jokes that there was a lot of drama in that house. Kristen says the most dramatic surprise was finding out that her mother didn’t die in the accident when she was little and that she was just roaming around alone in that house.

The Woman in White says that’s enough about Ava and asks Rachel how her plan went and if her parents got back together, but Rachel says not even close. She says she’s sorry to hear that but encourages Rachel to be patient as it’s only a matter of time before they are one big happy family again.

Brady tells Marlena about Rachel running away to Kristen’s family’s home. Marlena asks if she said why she went. Brady says she admitted that she thought it would reunite he and Kristen. Brady thinks this has proved that Rachel needs therapy. Marlena agrees and says she has the number for a wonderful child therapist named Jillian Shaw. Brady says he’ll call on the way to see Rachel, noting that he and Kristen are going to need all the help they can get with Rachel.

Rachel tells the Woman in White to keep an eye on Ava because she’s very sneaky. She assures that she will take care of Ava and tells Rachel to just concentrate on getting her family back together which she agrees to do as they hang up. The Woman in White then tells Ava that she must be hungry and asks if she wants breakfast. Ava nods. She removes the gag from Ava’s mouth and warns her that screaming will do no good because everyone has thought the house has been haunted for years. Ava questions why Rachel was here. She explains that Rachel came for her help as she just wants her parents back together, so she’s keeping Ava from interfering. Ava asks why she cares and who the hell she is.

Johnny comments to Kristen that it must have been a shock to find out her mother was alive. Kristen talks about how everyone thought she was a ghost and they referred to her as the Woman in White. Kristen talks about how she was frightened and confused after the accident, but eventually got her memories back and she was very grateful to have extra time with her even though it was short lived. Johnny asks what happened. Kristen responds that a couple months after finding her, she and Stefano had a confrontation and the tunnels collapsed. Kristen says that Stefano found a way out but her mother did not.

Shawn assures Chanel that they did not sleep together. Chanel is relieved and asks what did happen. Shawn says after she kissed him, he tried to convince her to let him take her home but she refused because she didn’t want a lecture from her mother, so he brought her to his place, gave her water, his t-shirt, and now coffee.

EJ questions Belle telling a room full of women that he was her biggest regret. Belle explains that it was a game at the bachelorette party where everyone had to say a hookup that they regretted. EJ jokes that in her case, it had nothing to do with not enjoying the hookup. Belle says it was wishing it never happened and adds that Gabi also named EJ. EJ remarks that he didn’t hear any complaints from either of them at the time. Belle says they didn’t want to hurt his feelings. EJ asks if he was so regrettable, why she allowed him to take her home last night. Belle says he offered and she needed a ride. EJ argues that any number of people could have given her a ride and she could have got a taxi. Belle says if she was sober, she would have. EJ thinks she wanted him to take her home because she wanted this to happen. Belle asks EJ if he did or didn’t want this to happen. EJ asks why he’d want to sleep with her when she stole his job. Belle accuses him of seducing her out of revenge. EJ says he didn’t have to do much seducing because she kissed him first. Belle argues that he was the one who started taking her clothes off. EJ says he was caught up in the moment. Belle says she was too and then they start kissing again.

The Woman in White tells Ava that she’s just a woman who believes that families shouldn’t be separated. Ava says she has a family too and talks about her son, Tripp. Ava says he was taken from her when she was born and she wouldn’t wish that torture on her worst enemy, but she found him and now they are spending every moment they can making up for lost time. She responds that her children were taken from her too. Ava asks her to let her go, bringing up that Tripp just got engaged on Christmas and they are going to get married in Hong Kong, so she has to be there because she’s missed so many important moments in his life. She tells Ava that she does feel for her but letting her go would only hurt Rachel and she’s already hurt her so much by coming between her parents which she calls selfish of her. Ava argues that she wasn’t selfish and tried to break things off with Brady but he wouldn’t let her. She suggests that maybe she shouldn’t have let Brady get his way and she should’ve just disappeared, like she’s going to now.

Brady goes to the DiMera Mansion where Johnny tells him that he was glad to hear he and Kristen got Rachel home safe. Brady mentions having to take Rachel to her appointment for therapy. Kristen questions when he was going to tell her. Brady says Marlena had a recommendation so he called on the way over and she had a last minute opening. Kristen says she will clear her schedule to be there. Brady says that’s not necessary and that he can take her himself, but Kristen insists that she wants to be there. Kristen declares that afterwards, she and Brady will sit down and figure out what else they can do to protect their daughter, especially now that child protective services have been contacted, unless he has plans with his girlfriend Ava. Johnny questions Brady dating Ava now. Brady confirms that he is, but he doesn’t have plans with her right now. Brady adds that he will though, as soon as he can reach her.

Chanel tells Shawn that she’s so sorry for coming onto him last night. Shawn understands she’s going through a rough time. Chanel says it was inappropriate and adds that even though she’s furious with Johnny, he is still her husband. Chanel remarks that her wedding vows meant something to her even if they didn’t mean anything to Johnny. Shawn knows it’s none of his business but he doesn’t think that last part is true. Shawn acknowledges that Johnny screwed up, but at the bachelor party, he could tell that Johnny deeply regretted what he did and is miserable. Chanel argues that he should’ve thought about that. Shawn points out that he got drunk and made a mistake. Shawn suggests Chanel focus on the good things in their relationship and the good times she and Johnny had together instead of fixating on the one mistake he made, then she might be able to find it in her heart to forgive him.

EJ and Belle finish having sex again, so EJ asks who is to blame for round two. Belle says it’s obviously him and declares they have made a huge mistake. EJ asks how, arguing that they are consenting adults. Belle remembers when Sami found out about them the first time and asks if EJ wants to face her wrath again. EJ recalls them making jokes about Sami finding out about them and her response, so he questions why she’s so serious about it now. Belle says she never joked about Sami finding out about them and that his memory must be false. EJ says if she can’t handle the potential wrath of Sami, they can call the whole thing off. Belle tells EJ to go ahead and leave then. EJ says he has to tend to an urgent matter anyway. EJ then gets out of bed right as Marlena walks in and catches them together. Marlena questions how Belle could do this and says she doesn’t understand. Belle argues that she’s a grown woman and that she could’ve knocked. Marlena thought she was alone while Belle thought she was at the office. Marlena says she’s working from home and she’s sorry for barging in, but she doesn’t know what to call this. Marlena tells Belle that she’s so disappointed in her as she never thought she would get involved with this amoral man again since she knows how he hurts people including her brother. Marlena declares that if Belle is going to keep seeing EJ, they will not do this in her home. Marlena then storms back out.

Chanel tells Shawn that she does appreciate his take and can tell that his heart is in the right place, but it’s not just the fact that Johnny betrayed her but that he lied to her about it for months. Shawn relates since Belle cheated on him more than once but admits he’s been in Johnny’s shoes too. Chanel remembers hearing about he and Talia which Shawn calls a huge mistake as he hated himself for hurting Belle. Shawn can tell Johnny is carrying around the same guilt, so he can’t help but feel for him too. Chanel points out that Belle and Shawn had such a loving relationship and if they couldn’t make it work, what hope does she and Johnny have. Shawn says there were a lot of factors that led to their divorce and if he thought there was any chance, he would’ve kept fighting for their marriage but there was too much damage done that couldn’t be repaired. Chanel tells Shawn that she’s sorry. Shawn asks if she thinks it’s the same case for her and Johnny. Chanel admits she’s not sure. Shawn thinks she should take his advice then because if there’s even the slightest chance they could work their marriage out, they got to fix it before it’s too late.

Kristen questions Brady being unable to reach Ava and asks if she’s ghosting him. Brady tells her to leave it alone. Kristen suggests maybe Ava needs some space or he was being clingy. Johnny asks when he last heard from Ava. Brady says it was a voicemail but he couldn’t hear it because of the bad reception. Johnny suggests Brady play the voicemail so they can try to figure it out, so he does. Johnny says it sounded urgent but he can’t understand it either. Brady says he’s tried calling back and texted multiple times. Brady mentions that he thought about trying to have Steve enhance the audio, but declares that if he doesn’t hear from Ava soon, he’s going to get the cops involved.

Ava tells the Woman in White that she tried to be reasonable but she’s out of patience. Ava warns that she obviously has no idea who she’s messing with. Ava states that she could have her killed with one phone call. She responds that she used to know a man like her who was very powerful and made all kinds of threats. She says for a long time, she would cower in fear but then one day, she finally stood up to him and realized there was nothing to fear so her threats don’t phase her. Ava says that’s fine because Brady will be coming any moment to rescue her because she left him a voicemail, letting him know that she was coming to pick up Rachel, so he will come running when he listens to it. She points out that Brady hasn’t come yet, so maybe he never will.

Kristen tells Brady that she just cleared her schedule, so they are all ready for Rachel’s appointment. Kristen adds that she thinks Brady is being overdramatic about Ava since she’s tough and she’s sure nothing happened to her. Kristen remarks that she wouldn’t care if Ava dropped off the face of the earth, but she knows she has a thing for Brady, so she hopes nothing happened to her and that she gets in touch soon. Brady says she almost sounded sincere. Kristen jokes that she put a lot of effort in to it.

The Woman in White says she knows Ava is upset about Brady not coming to find her but she still has to eat. Ava questions the food not being poisoned and says she’ll take her chances with starving, so she decides to put the gag back on Ava. Rachel then calls back and tells the woman that they have trouble as Ava left a voicemail for Brady. She says she heard that. Rachel calls it a big problem because Brady just played it for Kristen. She tells Rachel that she will put Ava in another room so they can speak freely and when she comes back, Rachel will tell her exactly what was in the message.

Belle tells EJ how awkward and embarrassing that was. EJ says he’s sorry. Belle says he is too but blames herself for not locking the door. EJ says he would say she’ll know better for next time, but there obviously won’t be a next time.

Chanel returns home to Paulina’s where Johnny is waiting. Chanel asks what he’s doing here and how he got in. Johnny tells her that Paulina let him in and he came by because he was worried about her since she was in bad shape last night and wanted to make sure she was okay. Chanel is surprised Paulina didn’t slam the door in his face. Johnny thinks she saw how concerned he was so she took pity on him. Johnny says that Paulina said she was fine, but he needed to see for himself. Chanel confirms that she is fine, so Johnny says he’s glad to hear that. Johnny then asks Chanel where she has been. Chanel then informs him that she spent the night with Shawn Brady.

Shawn goes to see Marlena and says he was in the area so he asks if it’s a bad time. Marlena says she’s just getting some work done. Shawn says he won’t keep her but he came to return the photos of Rachel that he borrowed from Brady since the search is over. Marlena thanks him and says she’ll make sure he gets them. Shawn then looks past her in the open door and sees Belle in her robe with EJ. Belle tries to explain but Shawn says she doesn’t owe him an explanation as her personal life is none of his business. Shawn then quickly walks away. Marlena turns to Belle and says her personal life is none of her business either, but anyone who comes in to her home is her business and EJ is not welcome here. EJ says he understands and exits.

Johnny questions Chanel sleeping with his cousin, Shawn. Chanel clarifies that they didn’t sleep together, but she did kiss him which she calls a drunken mistake and he did not kiss her back, he just took her home to sleep it off. Johnny guesses he should thank Shawn for looking out for her. Chanel responds that he was looking out for him too since he asked her this morning if there was any chance that she could ever forgive him. Chanel admits that Shawn urged her to forgive him and she told him she wasn’t sure she was ready to do that. Johnny says he understands. Chanel adds that Shawn advised that if she thought there was any chance to save their marriage, she should act on it before it’s too late. Chanel thinks that Shawn was right.

Brady hugs Rachel and tells her it’s so good to see her. Rachel asks if he’s not mad at her anymore. Brady says he’s not happy that she ran away and scared him but he’s very happy that she’s okay and he will always love her no matter what. Rachel asks if they can do something fun like go to the zoo. Kristen reminds Rachel that they are going to therapy today. Rachel brings up that Kristen told her that she could tell her therapist how much she hates Ava which Brady questions. Kristen says that’s what Rachel said and she only said that she would be free to talk about her feelings. Rachel calls it the same thing. Kristen sends Rachel to get her coat. Brady questions Kristen, who insists that’s all she said. Brady then gets a text from Ava’s phone.

The Woman in White tells Ava that she solved her little mystery as she knows why Brady hasn’t come looking for her. Ava asks if he didn’t get her message. She informs her that there was apparently bad reception so he didn’t hear her say she was coming to pick up Rachel. Ava argues that Brady will still come looking for her when she doesn’t show up. She informs Ava that thanks to her big mouth, she was able to help Rachel send the perfect response.

Kristen reads the text on Brady’s phone that came from Ava’s phone, claiming that she just landed in Hong Kong. Kristen guesses she went to visit Tripp and suggests that she left so that Rachel would be inspired to come home. Kristen guesses she’ll be back soon but Brady informs Kristen that the rest of the message says Ava is apparently staying in Hong Kong so she doesn’t come between he and his daughter. Brady then states that Ava is breaking up with him. Rachel listens in from outside the door and declares “mission accomplished”.

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