Days Update Friday, October 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Rafe takes a walk in the hospital and calls Jada, asking her to pick him up later as he reveals that Kayla has cleared him to leave the hospital and he’s just waiting on the paper work to officially be a free man. Rafe mentions that he’s on his way to Gabi’s hospital room to give her the good news.

Gabi sleeps in her hospital bed where she dreams of Stefan coming to visit her and asking her to take him back.

Aaron joins his sister Felicity in the town square. Aaron tells her that Mark sent him to pick her up because he said something about having an important meeting.

Mark sits in the park with his sister, “Abigail” and tells her that reciting Abigail’s wedding vows to Chad was a genius move. She talks about going through their box of wedding mementos for something she could use. She assures that no one saw her in the attic where she found Abigail’s vows written. She talks about feeling bad for Chad believing his beloved wife’s memories are starting to come back.

Julie joins Chad in the living room of the Horton house. Julie mentions that she was just up in the attic and tells Chad that they have to talk. She sits Chad down and talks about Charlotte loves to go up in the attic and look through all their old things. Julie explains that Charlotte was up there going through every box, including the one that included Chad’s mementos with Abigail. Chad says he pulled that out the other day, hoping it would help “Abigail” remember and she ended up remembering her wedding vows. Julie says she’s glad she remembered something. Chad asks if there’s a but coming after that. Julie responds that unfortunately, there is.

“Abigail” talks to Mark about the look in Chad’s eyes as she recited the vows and how excited he was remembering the love he and Abigail shared. Mark says he can imagine how hard this is for her. “Abigail” asks who cares how she feels and complains that she hates lying to Chad and how hurt Chad will be when he finds out this is all a lie. Mark argues that she’s upset because she has a good heart and he loves her for that. Mark adds that it hasn’t been easy for him either as Chad obviously went through Hell when his wife was murdered and now making him think she’s back when she never will be. “Abigail” acknowledges that there is no alternative as thanks to Clyde, that’s clearer now more than ever that they don’t have a choice and she has to get Chad to the altar soon for his fourth wedding or else their mother is a dead woman.

Gabi continues dreaming about Stefan asking her to take him back until Rafe arrives and wakes her up. Rafe notes that she was mumbling and asks if she was having a good dream or a bad dream. Gabi calls it just a dream.

Stefan works at the Bistro as EJ arrives and asks if Stefan is still getting the hang of running a legitimate business. Stefan asks what he wants. EJ hands Stefan a folder and announces he’s suing him for defamation. Stefan asks what the hell he’s talking about and when he defamed him. EJ brings up Stefan telling Paulina that he had a hand in stealing Nicole’s baby which would hurt his reputation and career, so he’s going to need to be well compensated. Stefan calls EJ delusional if he thinks he’s going to bankroll his future after EJ admitted to helping Sloan cover up stealing Nicole’s baby. Stefan says he may not be the lawyer, but he’s not an idiot and he knows the truth is the best defense against any claim of defamation. EJ calls that impressive and admits he’s right that the truth is a solid defense against claims of defamation, but the question is who is going to give a damn about the truth when it becomes common knowledge that he slept with Stefan’s wife.

Gabi asks about Rafe being out of his hospital bed. Rafe says he’s been taking walks on the hospital floor and feeling relieved to be healthy and strong. Rafe adds that he had to come give her even more good news. Rafe then announces that he’s being released from the hospital today which Gabi calls amazing. Rafe talks about being sick of lying around and doing nothing, so he can’t wait to get home and back to work. Rafe asks how Gabi is. Gabi responds that she’s not too bad given that she was almost blown up by the psychopath who stabbed him. Gabi feels like such a fool as she can’t believe she hired Connie as her assistant, questioning how she couldn’t see that she was dangerous and totally insane. Rafe assures that she was an accomplished con artist so she couldn’t have seen that, but she’s locked up behind bars and won’t be able to hurt anyone else including Stefan. Gabi questions why Rafe brought up Stefan. Rafe points out that Connie hurt him too. Gabi states that she couldn’t care less about him which Rafe questions.

Aaron talks to Felicity about Mark being a good brother taking care of them and how their parents would be proud of him. Felicity wishes their parents hadn’t died. Aaron talks about it being hard for all of them and says Mark is a great older brother, but assures Felicity that he’s always there for her too.

Mark tells “Abigail” that the hardest part for him is lying to Aaron and Felicity. Mark talks about how they reacted when they were told that both of their parents died and how he still hears Felicity crying sometimes. “Abigail” says this will all soon be over and they will then be able to tell them that their mother is still alive.

Chad asks Julie if Charlotte got upset when she found the box. Julie tells her that Charlotte was delighted to see the old pictures. Chad asks why Julie seems upset then. Julie explains that afterwards, Charlotte wanted to talk about her mother and she said she knows that her mother is in Heaven but then she wanted to call her, so she had to explain that they couldn’t. Julie cries that Charlotte was so disappointed. Julie says it made her angry because Charlotte could talk to her mother since she’s not in Heaven, she’s right across town and she needs her. Julie declares that it’s time for Chad to tell the children that their mother is alive.

Stefan questions EJ planning to make it common knowledge that he slept with his brother’s wife. EJ remarks that Stefan’s wife threw herself at him and virtually begged her to have sex with him when he was just trying to help her right an egregious wrong. Stefan says that’s a great speech. EJ thinks The Intruder would be happy to print an item about his night of passion with Gabi. EJ jokes that it’s a shame Lady Whistleblower is no longer writing as he would’ve been glad to share. Stefan asks if he thinks him sleeping with Gabi being in print will make his involvement in kidnapping Nicole’s baby come off as fake news. EJ reminds Stefan that he has experience with jury selection, so he knows they will see Stefan for a cuckold husband, humiliated and vengeful, trying to desperately prop himself up with baseless accusations. EJ adds that by the time he finishes making his case, Stefan won’t have enough money left to split rent with Ava. EJ says that’s if he files the lawsuit which he won’t if Stefan signs an affidavit, saying that any accusations he made about him were patently false.

Gabi tells Rafe that she didn’t want to overwhelm him about Stefan when he first woke up as it was stuff he didn’t need to know. Rafe says he did need to know since she is his sister and that’s why Jada told him that Stefan cheated on her. Gabi talks about it being with Ava while she was rotting away in prison. Rafe guesses it must have been tough to hear. Gabi calls it brutal but points out that she told Rafe that Ava was trouble back when they got together as she was sure Ava would ruin his life. Rafe points out that their relationship ended because he cheated on Ava. Gabi brings up Ava getting back at him by trying to set him up as a dirty cop and ruin his reputation which she thinks was going overboard. Gabi guesses that since Ava didn’t succeed in ruining Rafe’s life, she decided to ruin her life instead. Rafe feels she didn’t succeed there either and asks if Gabi really thinks Ava ruined her life. Gabi declares that her marriage is over. Rafe feels it doesn’t need to be. Rafe gets that Stefan hurt her, but points out that they were in love and so happy. Rafe asks if Gabi doesn’t think at some point that she can forgive him and that at times Gabi isn’t the most level headed person. Gabi questions Rafe thinking she’s overreacting. Rafe says maybe a little, but he doesn’t want her to make some drastic decision that she can’t take back. Rafe repeats that Stefan and Gabi were so good and happy together and in love. Rafe asks if Gabi really thinks in her heart that her marriage is over.

Chad assures Julie that he wants to tell the kids that their mother is alive but “Abigail” is afraid because of how different she looks and not remembering them, so she thinks it will be too traumatic for them. Julie argues that nobody knows how the children will react but worries about the longer they wait. Chad says that “Abigail” doesn’t want to until she gets her memory back since she doesn’t remember anything about them. Julie questions if she ever gets her memory back while she’s living in Salem, so anyone could tell the children. Julie thinks it would be better for them to hear from their father that their mother is alive.

“Abigail” tells Mark that Aaron and Felicity have been through enough and it’s cruel to lie to them. Mark says he understands, but as long as Clyde is holding their mother hostage, they have to keep them in the dark. Aaron and Felicity then approach them in the park.

Rafe comments on Gabi and Stefan being through so much, reminding her that she thought he was dead for years and when they found each other again, she was so damn happy. Rafe asks if she’s going to let this one mistake ruin everything. Gabi calls it a big mistake. Rafe agrees but asks if she wants to throw it all away over it. Rafe says it might not be his business but feels there could be a way to get past it. Gabi responds that Stefan’s infidelity isn’t the only thing they would need to get past, revealing she may have escalated the situation when she slept with EJ which shocks Rafe. Gabi knows it was really stupid but she was so angry and hurt. Rafe calls that completely insane, arguing that she hates EJ for sending her to prison and questions why she would sleep with him. Gabi then admits it was Connie’s idea which Rafe questions. Gabi clarifies that Connie told her that she should get back at Stefan by cheating on him like he did to her. Rafe can’t believe she listened to her. Gabi argues that she didn’t know Connie was a homicidal maniac, hellbent on ruining her life. Gabi adds that it didn’t seem like bad advice at the time which Rafe questions, reminding her that EJ sent her to prison. Gabi complains that she had to do something because she couldn’t stop thinking about Stefan sleeping with Ava and picturing it as hard as she tried. Rafe wonders if sleeping with EJ made her feel better and if it got rid of the image in her head. Gabi admits that it didn’t as no matter what she does, she doesn’t think she will ever stop picturing Stefan having sex with Ava.

Stefan agrees to sign EJ’s affidavit and hands it back to him. Stefan brings up EJ saying that Gabi threw herself at him and says that may have been true that one time, but she admitted it was the only time it happened and that she was not interested in coming back for more. EJ confirms that is true that it was only the one time, but says it’s not true that Gabi wasn’t interested in coming back for more. EJ informs Stefan that his wife did come to his room, hoping it could happen again since the first time was so satisfying, but he turned her down out of respect for Stefan. EJ doubts that Stefan will ever be able to get the image out of his head as he then exits the Bistro.

Chad agrees with Julie that the longer they wait to tell the kids, the greater the risk is that they find out from someone else which would be very hurtful. Chad decides that he will tell the kids. Julie thanks him and says that’s all she wanted to hear as they hug.

Mark asks Aaron and Felicity what they are doing in the park. Aaron explains that he was taking her to feed the ducks and asks what they are doing since Mark mentioned an important meeting. Mark claims it finished early, so he took a walk and ran in to one of his patients, who he introduces as Abigail Deveraux. She says it’s nice to meet them while Felicity says that she looks familiar.

Gabi asks Rafe about getting released from the hospital. Rafe then gets a text from Jada that she is on her way to pick him up. Gabi tells Rafe that in spite of their discussion, she knows everything he said came from a caring place. Rafe assures that he didn’t mean to be hard on her, he just loves her and wants her to be happy. Gabi responds that she wants the same for him. Gabi says she’s so happy that he’s getting out of the hospital. Rafe tells Gabi that whenever she gets out, she’ll always have a home with him. Rafe tells her not to forget that and that he loves her as he then exits her room.

“Abigail” questions Felicity thinking she looks familiar and assures they haven’t met. Mark guesses she just has one of those faces and says he should get to the hospital, so he’ll see them at home for dinner. Aaron and Felicity then walk away. “Abigail” turns to Mark and says she can’t believe she just saw her little brother and sister for the first time in so long and they didn’t even know it was her because of the plastic surgery. She talks about Felicity sensing something with her. “Abigail” then gets a call from Chad, who tells her that they need to talk and invites her over to the house.

Stefan goes to Gabi’s hospital room with flowers as he did in her dream.

Mark sits in the park, looking at a photo of his mom on his phone. Mark promises he’s going to get her out of this. Aaron and Felicity return to the park, so Aaron questions what Mark is still doing there when he said he had to get to the hospital. Mark claims he just got a call from a patient that he had to take. Felicity mentions having fun feeding the ducks. Aaron asks about his patient “Abigail” and Mark says she had to go, while Felicity notes that she still thinks she looks familiar.

“Abigail” goes to see Chad, who notes that she got there quick and informs her that Julie took the kids to the bakery. Chad then informs her that he wanted her to come over because when the kids get home, he’s going to tell them the truth that their mother is alive.

EJ walks through the town square and gets a call from Rafe. EJ calls it a surprise as he thought Rafe was in a coma. Rafe informs him that he woke up. EJ jokes about hearing rumors of that and asks what he can do for him. Rafe calls him a stupid son of a bitch and says he heard about him getting involved with his sister. Rafe warns EJ to stay the hell away from Gabi and out of her marriage. EJ asks if that’s a threat. Rafe tells him to go to Hell and hangs up. EJ remarks that Rafe must not have gotten the memo that there will soon be no marriage to stay out of because that marriage is doomed.

Gabi questions Stefan bringing her flowers but he clarifies that they were at the desk so a nurse asked him to bring them in. Stefan opens the card and sees they are from her assistants at Gabi Chic, wishing her a speedy recovery and mentioning they thought Connie was a psycho. Gabi remarks that everyone could see Connie was insane except her. Gabi then asks Stefan what he’s doing there. Stefan informs her that he just spoke to his lawyer and announces he’s filing for divorce.

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