Days Update Thursday, October 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Holly asks Tate if it’s just over between them then. Holly calls Tate a coward and says she’ll save him the trouble. Holly declares that they are over and tells Tate and Sophia to have a happy life together as they totally deserve each other. Holly says goodbye to Tate and storms off.

Xander opens his desk drawer and pulls out his gun, commenting that Eric better hope the justice system works fast or else he’ll have no choice but to take matters into his own hands. Maggie then arrives and asks what he’s doing with that gun.

Marlena goes to see Brady in the interrogation room at the police station. Marlena tells him that she and John are so worried about him. Brady responds that he’s worried about John with all he’s put him through because of his screwing up. Brady adds that what he did was unforgivable. Marlena assures that they love him so much and will be here for him now and always. Marlena questions EJ leaving. Brady responds that EJ just came to gloat and was sure to let him know that he’s going to prison and not even Kristen can save him.

Dr. Rolf emerges from the DiMera Tunnels and questions it looking like a bomb went off down there which Kristen confirms. Kristen warns Rolf that he shouldn’t be here since he’s wanted for crimes if the police catch him. Dr. Rolf acknowledges the risk but says he has important news that he felt must be delivered in person.

Xander tells Maggie that as CEO of Titan, there’s a huge target on his back and claims he keeps the gun for protection. Maggie argues that the building has a ton of security. Xander points out that Maggie was able to gain access without him knowing then asks what brings her by. Maggie says she has something to speak to him about alone. Xander asks if he’s in trouble. Maggie says not yet but perhaps trouble can be avoided if she takes her advice. Maggie brings up Sarah identifying Brady as the drunk driver who hit her, so he will be going to prison for what he did. Maggie then asks Xander to drop his vendetta against Brady.

Marlena tells Brady that it sounds like EJ is pretty upset with Kristen for making Brady’s car disappear so it couldn’t be used as evidence. Brady confirms that he is and says he’s upset with her for doing it too, but she’s determined to get him out of this mess. Brady mentions that Kristen visited earlier and offered to do something pretty extreme to ensure his freedom. Marlena says she’s afraid to ask. Brady thinks back to Kristen offering to make Sarah disappear. Brady decides it’s better that Marlena doesn’t know. Marlena asks if it was something illegal. Brady assures her that he told Kristen to lay off and stand down immediately. Marlena hopes that she listens because whenever Kristen gets involved in somebody’s problems, she can make them a lot worse.

Kristen asks Dr. Rolf what his urgent news is. Dr. Rolf reminds Kristen that she reached out to him after becoming CEO of DiMera Enterprises and asked him to work on scientific innovations for the company. Kristen says she wanted him to work on something that would secure her a win and prove the doubters wrong. Dr. Rolf informs her that it paid off as there’s been a monumental breakthrough that will make her and her board members very rich.

Sophia tells Tate that was intense. Tate can’t believe that he and Holly are over. Sophia says she’s so sorry. Tate questions if she really is. Sophia says she is and asks why he would even ask. Tate points out that they were just at each others’ throats so he thought she would enjoy watching their relationship blow up. Sophia says she has her issues with Holly but she knows how much Tate cared about her and fought to be with her, so she’s not happy for his sake. Tate apologizes for doubting her as he’s just obviously upset. Sophia understands that Holly broke his heart. Sophia says after the way Holly broke his trust and used him to try to get evidence against Brady, she truly thinks he’s better off without her.

Holly breaks down crying outside the Pub. Eric walks by but Holly tells him to leave her alone. Eric knows she’s still mad at him but he wants her to know that he loves her and he’s always there if she needs to talk. Holly then informs him that she and Tate just broke up and says it’s all Eric’s fault. Eric says he’s sorry but questions how it’s his fault. Holly complains that Eric and Brady just get drunk, run people down, and don’t face the consequences but Tate still defends both of them. Eric argues that Tate loves his father and is scared that he’s going to prison which Holly says he deserves. Eric knows this situation hits close to come. Holly stops him and yells at him not to pretend to know what she needs. Holly declares that Eric doesn’t care about her and neither does Nicole.

Tate brings up how Sophia said he and Holly fought so hard to be together including lying to his parents and sneaking around behind their backs while now it’s just over, like it was all for nothing. Sophia says it really sucks and she hopes it’s not his fault since he tried to work things out but she went a little psycho. Sophia says Holly may have a lot going on but she didn’t have to take it out on him. Sophia points out that it isn’t the first time Holly screwed him over, bringing up how she took her time clearing his name when he went to jail and rehab, then apologizes for bringing that up. Sophia asks if there’s anything she can do. Tate thanks her but thinks he should just head home. Sophia suggests they take a walk instead so he’s not alone. Tate asks about her having to work but Sophia says she has time before her shift starts so Tate accepts and they walk off together.

Xander thinks Maggie is exaggerating and says all he wanted was for Brady to be brought to justice for what he did to Sarah. Maggie asks why he wanted to break his legs then, revealing that Fiona told her about him going after Brady with a baseball bat. Xander explains that at the time, he was very frustrated that Brady got away with paralyzing Sarah. Maggie questions him taking it that far and says thank God that Fiona was there to stop him. Xander argues that Fiona sleeping with Brady was another reason that his anger was justified. Maggie points out that Brady didn’t even know that Fiona was Xander’s mother when they slept together. Xander thinks he continued in order to stick it to him. Maggie argues that Xander is obsessed with Brady and suggests he spend more time with his wife than getting back at Brady.

Brady agrees with Marlena that Kristen would just make his situation worse, but admits that he’d much rather her be fighting with him than against him. Marlena understands they’ve been involved in incredible fights over Rachel. Brady says that may finally be coming to an end since Kristen said she’s willing to revisit their custody arrangement. Brady thinks that was just an incentive for him not to give up after the accident. Marlena thinks that Kristen may have had a different motivation which Brady questions. Marlena then reveals that Kristen told her that she still loves him. Brady notes that she told him that too earlier which Marlena calls interesting since Brady didn’t say he never wants to be involved with that psycho again. Brady wishes he did feel that way after all the awful things she’s done to them and the people they care about. Brady feels that Kristen saying she still loves him should mean nothing since he’s never going to return her feelings. Marlena questions if he doesn’t feel that way.

Kristen goes over Dr. Rolf’s papers and questions understanding any of it. Dr. Rolf explains that he has a whole presentation prepared to explain his research to her that will only take an hour or two. Kristen appreciates his hard work and enthusiasm but says she doesn’t have that time since she needs to focus her energy on trying to save Brady. Dr. Rolf argues that this is the scientific discovery of the century that could make DiMera billions. Kristen understands but asks to put it on the backburner until she can get Brady out of trouble. Dr. Rolf can’t believe what he’s hearing. Dr. Rolf argues that this is the future of the world but she’s still wrapped up in her unhealthy obsession with Brady. Kristen warns him to remember who is in charge. Dr. Rolf brings up that Stefano also had his obsession with Marlena, but he always understood when to put his personal matter aside for the good of the company or at least made the effort to multitask. He believes that is what Stefano would want Kristen to do in this situation. Kristen then gives in and tells him to lay it on her.

Eric tells Holly that she has to believe that he and Nicole hate that she’s in so much pain and Nicole really wants to help her. Holly asks where the hell she is then and why she doesn’t just come home if she’s so important to her. Eric insists that Nicole would be there if she could but Jude is sick so she doesn’t want to put him on the plane. Eric suggests maybe Holly could go visit Nicole instead.

In the park, Tate tells Sophia that what really gets him is how Holly is completely in the wrong but blames everyone else including Sophia. Sophia acknowledges that they haven’t been getting along for awhile now so she’s an easy scapegoat. Tate argues that it’s not right when all Sophia did was call Holly out for using him, then for Holly to hit her. Sophia thinks back to provoking Holly over wanting to have sex with Tate. Sophia then admits to Tate that Holly didn’t hit her for calling her out but because she admitted to having feelings for Tate.

Xander assures Maggie that he’s been there for Sarah and has been spending as much time with her as he can. Maggie says she’s not talking about physically, but emotionally. Maggie says that Sarah has been going through so much while Xander has been focusing so much time and energy on how to punish Brady. Xander admits he doesn’t know how to help Sarah when she’s always insisting everything is fine but she’s not. Xander talks about hearing her cry and seeing how sad she looks which makes him feel helpless to watch her suffer. Xander states that he can’t help Sarah regain the use of her legs, but he can help her get justice. Maggie points out that now Brady is facing judgment and Xander will get his justice, so it’s time to let it go for his sake and Sarah’s.

Brady jokes with Marlena about feeling like he’s in therapy with her but he knows she’s just being a concerned parent. Marlena asks him to answer her question. Brady admits to always feeling this pull towards Kristen as even when times are bad, he can’t get her out of his system. Marlena understands since they share a daughter. Brady calls it like an addiction but says because of Rachel, he has to be in contact with Kristen. Marlena asks if Brady is in danger of falling off the wagon when it comes to Kristen. Brady says no and that he’s just still burned from what happened with Theresa. Brady adds that even if he was ready to love again, it’s a moot point because he’s going to prison.

Kristen tells Dr. Rolf to just give her the gist and make it snappy. Dr. Rolf reminds Kristen of the prisms that contained advanced scientific properties. Kristen recalls Dr. Rolf and Megan using one to cure Bo’s brain tumor. Dr. Rolf adds that they also used one to create a fountain of youth serum from the rare jungle orchid. Kristen questions if he perfected that and asks why he didn’t lead with that. Dr. Rolf clarifies that he didn’t perfect a fountain of youth. Dr. Rolf adds that even though the ISA now has the prisms, he was able to work off his notes and come up with a new serum that will revolutionize medicine that has regenerative properties far beyond stem cells. Dr. Rolf says you could regenerate a failed organ, dying tissue, or reverse any damage to the human body. Kristen asks what about a spinal cord injury.

Tate questions Sophia admitting to Holly that she has feelings for him. Sophia confirms that she does and says Tate can’t be that surprised since he knew before when they went to prom. Tate thought she just wanted to be friends and they were past all that. Sophia says she meant it and tried to get past it so she could be supportive of he and Holly, but deep down she still isn’t over him. Tate says he’s sorry as he didn’t realize. Sophia tells him not to be sorry as she doesn’t want it to be weird between them. Sophia says she didn’t realize it either but Holly kept suggesting she was trying to steal him away which led to her admitting she does still like him which is why Holly hit her. Sophia admits to flirting with Tate at the Horton Cabin last summer and suggesting they have sex. Tate admits that was awkward. Sophia says she was obviously out of line but he totally rejected her anyway which was pretty humiliating. Sophia adds that after that, she decided to have self respect and backed off. Sophia apologizes for making this all about her but says after what Holly did to him, she wants everything out in the open between them with no deception.

Holly questions Eric wanting her to fly to Paris in the middle of her senior year. Eric says they could go for a long weekend so she wouldn’t miss much classes, insisting this is important. Holly argues that applying for college is important too and Nicole isn’t here to help her with that. Eric suggests Nicole could help her over video chat but Holly says it’s not the same as in person. Eric reminds her that Nicole asked her to move with them. Holly complains that Nicole could’ve made her a priority and stayed with her but she didn’t and instead did what Eric wanted. Eric argues that Nicole is concerned and wants to see her. Holly calls it pointless since she has nothing to say to her. Eric questions her just shutting Nicole out. Eric states that he’s the one responsible for her father’s death, not Nicole. Holly remarks that Nicole just lied to her about it for her entire life. Eric asks Holly to give Nicole a chance to explain why she came to that decision, feeling she owes her that much.

Marlena tells Brady that going to prison is not a foregone conclusion since Justin is a very good attorney and may be able to pull off a miracle. Brady reiterates that he’s not looking for a miracle. Marlena knows he thinks he deserves to be punished but asks him to let Justin do his job. Brady says he is because of John, otherwise he’d just want this whole thing over with. Brady declares that he’s responsible for Sarah being in a wheelchair and suffering, so he needs to take responsibility for it.

Xander tells Maggie that he hears her and he hasn’t only been sitting around looking to punish Brady as he’s also been looking for a specialist to help Sarah walk again but they all agree with the current doctors that things don’t look promising. Maggie guesses it’s time for them to face the reality that Sarah’s paralysis is most likely permanent.

Dr. Rolf informs Kristen that the serum wasn’t specifically created for spinal cord injuries but supposes it’s not out of the realm of possibility with some engineering and asks why she asks. Kristen explains that Brady is currently facing prison time for a hit and run while Sarah is paralyzed and may never walk again. Dr. Rolf says he’d have to look at her charts to see if the serum is appropriate for her case. Kristen asks if it’s possible that the serum may get Sarah back on her feet again. Dr. Rolf confirms that he believes it’s possible. Kristen tells him to get working on this right away then. Kristen says she will get him a lab to revive the serum and gets excited about Sarah walking again. Dr. Rolf knows she spent a lot of time with Sarah on the island but didn’t realize she cared so much for her. Kristen says she doesn’t, so Dr. Rolf asks about her ulterior motive. Kristen tells him that she has her reasons and if he wants his funding, his lab, and the glory of the scientific breakthrough, then he will leave it at that.

Xander tells Maggie that he’s not ready to give up hope. Maggie says she isn’t either but if it turns out that Sarah’s condition is permanent, they must not forget that she can still have a full and productive life which she will because Xander and Victoria are in her corner. Xander thanks Maggie for helping him get his priorities straight and agrees to focus all of his attention on Sarah and stop obsessing about Brady.

Marlena tells Brady that Eric felt the same way he does after what happened to Daniel and he was tormented by it, but he found there are other ways to atone for mistakes besides going to jail. Brady says he gets that and he’s glad Eric found a way to make peace with the fact that he took a life. Brady guesses he’s lucky in that Sarah is still alive, but he’s not ready to make peace with what he did. Marlena hopes in time that he will and assures she’s always here for him along with his father. Brady repeats that he feels really bad about the pain he’s causing John and thinks he’d be better off accepting his son’s fate. Marlena argues that they can’t do that, pointing out that there was no way Brady couldn’t be there for Tate when he was in trouble last year. Brady points out that Tate was innocent, but admits he would’ve stood by his side either way like Tate is doing for him now which is costing him a lot. Marlena asks how so. Brady explains that Tate and Holly had a big fight because of him. Marlena says she’s sorry to hear that. Brady says he had reservations about Tate and Holly being together, but now that they are, he’d hate to be the reason they break up.

Tate thanks Sophia for being honest with him, acknowledging that it wasn’t easy for her. Sophia comments that it was easier telling him than Holly. Tate is sorry that Holly hit her and calls it totally wrong of her, but notes that at least it didn’t leave a mark. Sophia is glad since her parents would’ve lost it. Tate brings up his mom going to prison and his dad possibly joining her and says it makes him miss his parents being all up in his business. Sophia jokes that her parents will gladly give him the third degree and tell him what to do. Sophia asks if they are still cool after she told him she has feelings for him. Tate assures they are and says he’s glad that she told him because it’s good that it’s out in the open instead of her having to hold anything back with him. Sophia then responds by kissing Tate.

Eric wishes Holly wouldn’t make him speak on Nicole’s behalf but insists that Nicole needs to see Holly and misses her terribly. Holly has a hard time believing that, crying that she could’ve stayed here. Eric argues that Nicole had her reasons and they were big decisions. Eric adds that Holly won’t have to stay very long and offers to buy her plane ticket. Eric says all she has to do is go pack her things. Holly then gives in and agrees to go to Paris, pointing out that nothing is keeping her in Salem anymore.

Tate pulls away from Sophia and thinks she misunderstood as he’s not ready to move on yet. Sophia feels bad for totally misreading the situation. Tate says she’s been understanding and supportive but he’s such a mess right now, so he’s going to head home. Sophia asks if he’s sure she didn’t screw things up. Tate says he’s positive and that he will text her later. Sophia encourages him to go home and take it easy. Tate then exits the park, leaving Sophia with a smile.

Dr. Rolf declares that science is calling him. He looks to the portrait of Stefano and says he appreciated his brilliance while Kristen is a different story. Dr. Rolf wonders what Kristen is up to this time.

Kristen goes to the Titan office to see Xander, who complains about security being a problem and asks what she wants. Kristen suggests he change his tone as she’s here to help him.

Marlena tells Brady to take care and they will talk soon. Brady thanks her for coming. Marlena can’t help but wonder what Kristen has in mind when she talks about helping him. Brady asks her not to worry about it. Marlena points out that when Kristen sets her mind to something, there’s no telling what she might do to follow through.

Xander questions Kristen saying that Dr. Rolf’s new serum can make Sarah walk again. Kristen says Dr. Rolf still needs to fine tune the formula but when it’s all done, it will be all his. Kristen asks Xander for one favor in return, to make sure that Brady goes free.

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