Days Short Recap Thursday, October 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

With tears in her eyes, Holly let Tate know that he and Sophia could have each other. She stormed away from the confused duo. Pretending to be sympathetic, Sophia let Tate know that he was better off without her. It was hard for him to believe they were over after what they went through. Sophia didn’t hesitate to remind him about the bad things they went through together. She slyly put her arm through his as they walked together. While Xander sat at his desk at Titan, he held a gun in his hands. He was tempted to take matters into his own hands. Maggie walked in the office and wondered why he had a gun. Xander lied and said it was for safety now that he’s Victor’s son. Maggie seemed satisfied with that answer and moved on from it. The reason she was there was to get him to drop his vendetta against Brady. She heard about what he did with the baseball bat and thought it was time for him to let go of his anger. His place was by his wife’s side. In the interrogation room, Marlena explained to Brady that she and John were worried about him. Brady didn’t like that he’s making his father worry about him. She assured him that they love him and would be there for him. He didn’t go into detail, but he let her know that Kristen was prepared to do anything to help him. Brady told Kristen not to do anything right now. Marlena hoped she listened because she tended to make things worse. Rolf questioned what happened to the tunnels. He’s a fugitive so Kristen wondered why he was there. The scientist reminded her that she wanted him to do something that would cement her place at DiMera. He had a breakthrough that would make her and the company very wealthy. She wanted to put a pin in that and focus on Brady until he’s free. Eric found Holly crying on a bench. She wasn’t ready to deal with him right now. He let her know that he loved her and wanted to be there for her. Holly didn’t think he and Nicole cared about her feelings because her mother wasn’t there to see her. Shocked by her comment, Eric reminded her that Jude was sick so her mother had to take care of him. He suggested that Holly visit her mother. She became enraged by the suggestion. Eric urged her to see her to give her mother another chance to explain what happened to Daniel. Tate couldn’t believe Holly hit Sophia. Sophia thought about her conversation with Holly and how it ended in a slap. She confessed that Holly slapped her because she told her that she had feelings for Tate. He looked away as she reminded him about flirting with him. She didn’t want to go after him because she chose self-respect. It was better to be honest and not lie the way Holly did.

Xander informed Maggie that he’s been there for Sarah. Maggie wanted him to be there for him emotionally. His focus has been on Brady. Xander admitted that he didn’t know how to be there for Sarah. He hears her cry when she thinks he’s not around. Xander told her about how helpless he feels towards Sarah. He couldn’t help her walk again, but he could get justice for her. With Brady in jail, Xander could put his support behind Sarah. He let her know that he’s been trying to find specialist, but he’s running out of hope. Marlena questioned Kristen’s feelings for Brady and wondered if he had feelings for her. His feelings are like an addiction. Walking away wasn’t possible because of Rachel. It didn’t matter how he felt since he’s going to prison. Marlena didn’t think it was a guarantee that he’s going to prison, but Brady felt he needed to take responsibility for his actions. She wanted him to make peace with what he did. Brady wanted John to accept his fate, but he couldn’t do it. Rolf explained to Kristen that he created a serum that could regenerate a failed organ or regrow dying tissue. The serum would reverse any damage done to the body. Kristen wanted to know if it could work for spinal injuries. Rolf thought it was possible for it to work for spinal injuries. Knowing Kristen, he thought she had an ulterior moment. She warned him to leave it alone if he wanted his lab, funding and glory. Eric explained to Holly that Nicole needed and missed her. He let her know that she didn’t have to stay long. As she wiped her tears, she agreed to go to Paris to visit her mother. She didn’t have a reason to stay in town. Kristen went to Xander’s office. She informed him that she had a way to cure Sarah and explained Rolf’s formula that could help Sarah walk again. Once the formula is ready, it’s up to Xander. She said that he had to let Brady go free.

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