Y&R Short Recap Thursday, September 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Heather demands to know what Sharon is doing in her and Daniel’s apartment and Sharon lies and tells Heather that Daniel told him to wait for him there until he returned from picking up Lucy.

Sharon tells Heather she was going to tell Daniel that he should leave town because it causes her too much pain to see him every day.

Heather doesn’t believe Sharon’s story because she called Daniel before she drove home and he didn’t tell her that Sharon was there waiting to talk to him.

Heather notices the broken glass on the floor and Sharon tells Heather that the glass was on the floor when she came into the apartment. Heather doesn’t believe that either and Sharon admits she picked the lock to get into the apartment. Heather wants to call the police to get Sharon help but Sharon knocks the phone out of Heather’s hand and heads toward the door to go home.

Heather goes to the door to keep Sharon from leaving the apartment. Sharon tries to open the door but can’t do it because Heather is behind her holding the door. Sharon hits Heather with her purse and Heather falls to her floor and tells Sharon she is out of her mind.

Sharon blacks out and when she wakes up she sees Heather on the floor surrounded by broken glass and blood.

Sharon checks to see if Heather has a pulse and Heather doesn’t have a pulse. The hallucination of Cameron Kirstin tells Sharon to clean up the mess and dispose of the body. Sharon cleans up the blood and wraps the body in a sheet. Sharon puts the broken glass and the empty whiskey bottle as well as Heather’s phone in an overnight bag and takes it with her.

Sharon drags the body down the stairs and puts the body and the overnight bag in the trunk of her car. Sharon drives to the river and dumps the body and the overnight bag in the river. Sharon drives home and starts to cry and tries to find a way to deal with what she has done.

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