B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy has come home and wonders why Taylor has been crying. Taylor sidesteps the question. They have a nice chat. Taylor assures Steffy that she’s home to stay. Steffy pours out her heart about how much she needs her mom with her. They hug, and Taylor cries more.

Li thinks about how Taylor is dying. Finn comes in to ask her a question, so she answers. He can tell that she’s bothered about something. She tells him that it’s about one of her patients, but she can’t give him any details. They chat about it, without him knowing it’s Taylor (his mother-in-law).

Ridge and Brooke flirt and kiss. They both agree that it’s good that Taylor is back in town.


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