Days Short Recap Friday, September 20, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Abby told Chad that she had a memory. Chad left to make sure that Julie kept the kids upstairs. Abby practiced what she was going to tell Chad. When Chad returned, she told him that hearing him recite his vows to her made her feel something. She said that she thought about her vows to him. Chad hugged her and said it was the moment he was waiting for. Kayla talked to Steve on the phone about his visit with Clyde. She knew it wouldn’t go well. Kayla reminded him that she wouldn’t get another DNA test without Abby’s permission. After she hung up, Jada told her that Rafe planned to check out against medical advice because he was worried about Gabi. She planned to give him a sedative. Jada was going to look for Connie. EJ noticed the bloody fireplace poker. He looked around and noticed the secret door open. EJ went through the doorway. Gabi and Melinda struggled in the wine cellar. The bomb counted down while they tried to escape. EJ went through the door just as the bomb went off. He flew back against the wall, and he was knocked out. EJ woke up and stumbled to get to his feet. A fire started, and Gabi was unconscious under the rubble. Ava ignored Stefan’s calls. Stefan was about to call Ava again, but he decided to see her instead. Connie went into Ava’s room at the pub to confront her for selling her out about her fake resume. She knew Melinda wouldn’t bad mouth her ever again. Ava wouldn’t do it either. Connie pulled out a knife. Ava tried to talk Connie down as Stefan knocked on the door. She felt lucky because Stefan was next on her list. Ava warned him to go away, but Connie put the knife to her throat. Connie ordered her to invite Stefan into the room. Stefan looked around and reacted. Abby nervously recited the vows to Chad. He was touched and thought there was no way she could recite the words unless she was there. Chad knew they wouldn’t be back to where they were, but it was the most hope he had since he found out she was alive. Chad took his phone and walked out the room. She fell onto the couch feeling distraught.

Mark left a message for Abby about his visit with Clyde. Kayla walked up to him and asked him about Abby’s DNA test. He told her that he didn’t let it out of his sight. No one tampered with it, so the woman is her niece. Jada went to the DiMera mansion and noticed the smoke. She noticed the bloody fireplace poker and the opened door to the wine cellar. Jada pulled out her gun and went through the door. EJ tried to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher. He spotted Melinda in the rubble. She was awake but still tied to a chair. Melinda choked as she told him to help Gabi. He rushed to Gabi, but she wasn’t responsive. Jada arrived and spotted Melinda. She untied the ropes. EJ was worried about Gabi having a head injury and rushed to get her to the hospital. Connie kept her knife at Ava’s throat as she told Stefan about her vengeance and devotion to Li. She had to silence Ava for good and he was next. He tried to help by taking the blame for everything that happened. When that didn’t work, he badmouthed Li. Connie went after him with the knife. Abby told Mark that she told Chad that she remembered her vows. She found them in a box of Abby’s memories. Abby thought what she did was cruel. Mark didn’t like it either, but they had to save their mother. She hung up the phone when Chad told her the DiMera mansion exploded. Kayla checked on Gabi. She told EJ that she wanted to get tests done on her head to rule out bleeding on her brain. Kayla advised EJ to go home, but he refused to leave her. Gabi woke up and wondered what happened. Jada brought Melinda water. She apologized for not finding her sooner. Melinda wondered if they could track Connie’s phone. Jada said she ditched it for burner phone. Melinda remembered that Connie took Gabi’s phone before she left. Gabi called herself a fool for trusting Connie. EJ reassured her that it wasn’t her fault. She thanked him for saving her life. Connie stabbed Stefan’s arm and ran out of Ava’s room. Ava tended to Stefan and told him that he saved her life. Connie left the pub and ran into Jada. She aimed her gun and warned her to drop her knife.

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