B&B Short Recap Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope that she’d better leave Finn alone, or she’ll lose Hope For The Future. Hope protests, in vain. Brooke comes in and defends Hope.

Brooke, Ridge, Taylor discuss what just happened at the meeting. Taylor and Brooke argue again about their daughters.

Steffy tells Ridge and Taylor what she said to Hope.

Brooke and Hope discuss what’s happened above.

Finn thinks about Steffy and what happened when he rescued her from Luna’s cage. RJ drops by, at Finn’s request. Finn wants to know how RJ is doing. RJ isn’t really sure how to deal with what he’s feeling. They talk about Luna a little. Finn notes that RJ is in a tough spot, being half-brother to both Hope and Steffy. They both hope that one day, Hope and Steffy can put their differences aside and realize they have a lot in common.

Finn goes to Il Giardino to pick up lunch for the nurses at his hospital. He runs into Hope, who’s there looking for Deacon. Hope is trying hard not to be too friendly. Finn is glad that Hope didn’t lose her line, but he’s wondering why she doesn’t seem overjoyed. She says that it’s best they don’t spend time together, and he knows it’s because of the kiss. He asks her why she did it. She says that she cares about him too much, and he replies that he cares about her, too (obviously, not in the same way). He hopes that someday she and Steffy can see how amazing they both are. He gets his food and leaves. She remembers the nice moments they had together in the past.


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