GH Short Recap Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Nina tries one more time to persuade Ric to take Ava’s case, but he refuses because she was involved in the accident that caused the death of Molly ‘s baby. Ava thanks Nina for trying to help and says she will find another lawyer. Ava is grateful to have the friendship of both Nina and Trina.

Diane advises Alexis to persuade Kristina to make a statement about the gun or she could go to jail for murder. Molly also advises Alexis to stop protecting Kristina or she will be the number one suspect in John Cates murder. Alexis insists that she must protect Kristina because Kristina isn’t in her right mind right now and she must protect her.

Molly tells the police that Kristina hated John Cates and doesn’t have an alibi for the night that he was killed.

Jack Brennan finds James Sidwell’s compound but the compound is empty. Sidwell and Lucky are already gone.

Jack Brennan promised Carly he will find Lucky but it will be hard to get him out of Somalia and bring him home.

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