Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
John wondered what could have happened the night of the accident to prove that Brady was innocent. Brady felt that nothing would change the fact that he hit Sarah while he was drunk. He thought he was going to pay for what he did. EJ told someone on the phone that Brady would pay for what he did. Eric overheard him and called him out for what he did. EJ wasn’t surprised to see Eric was there for his brother who committed the same crime he did. He said that Brady paralyzed Sarah, but he killed Daniel. Holly asked Tate what Eric had to do with her father’s death. Tate thought she knew what happened. He told her that Eric was the one who killed her father. She didn’t want to believe it. He said he overheard his mother talking to Kimberly about it when he was a kid. Holly started crying. She got angry because she thought Nicole wasn’t trying to protect her. Nicole wanted to protect Eric. Maggie and Justin didn’t think Brady would hit Sarah and not check on her. He told her that Brady confessed without remembering what happened. She thought Brady might be innocent. Justin didn’t think he could be that gracious if he were in her position. She reminded him about what happened when she thought she killed Adrienne, but Orpheus framed her for murder. Justin wished Brady were being framed but there was no evidence to prove it. Maggie felt like the Brady she knew wouldn’t do that. Sarah had a blurry memory of the hit-and-run. She told Xander that she remembered seeing the driver, but it wasn’t Brady. Fiona got nervous. Sarah said there was a glare, so the image was blurry. She couldn’t make out who the person was. Xander pushed her to remember who did it, but she wanted him to let it go. She said they knew it was Brady who did it.
EJ taunted Eric about his crime. Eric told him that Nicole was speeding up the divorce. He said EJ should be receiving the decree soon. EJ walked off as John left the interrogation room. John hugged Eric and told him that Brady planned to plead guilty. He thought Eric might be the best person to talk sense into Brady. Eric visited with Brady. Brady appreciated him being there, but he didn’t want him to talk him out of pleading guilty. Eric assured him that he wouldn’t talk him out of pleading guilty. He said he understood how he was feeling. Eric wondered if he knew for a fact that he was the one who hit Sarah. Brady didn’t remember hitting her, but he remembered being drunk. He believed he did it. Eric admired him for taking responsibility. He had to take responsibility for what he did. Eric wanted to tell Holly what he did. Tate tried to plead Eric’s case to Holly, but she didn’t want to hear it. She felt like things are unforgivable like killing her father and leaving Sarah paralyzed. Holly wanted Tate to go away so she could be alone. He assured her that he’s there for her and walked away. John and Justin talked about Brady pleading guilty. Spotting EJ, Justin said it wasn’t Brady’s mind they needed to change. EJ approached Justin. Justin wanted him to drop the charges against Brady because of lack of evidence and witnesses. He thought it would save him time and embarrassment. Xander told Sarah that whatever she remembered could help with the case against Brady. Sarah couldn’t make out the driver’s face. Fiona sent Xander to get soup for Sarah. She was going to help Sarah get some rest. Xander told Maggie that Sarah was starting to remember the accident. Maggie agreed with Fiona that they shouldn’t rush Sarah. He realized that, but he wanted to make Brady pay. He was grateful to have Maggie and Fiona in their lives. Justin and EJ went to the interrogation room. EJ wondered why Brady was still there when he was free to go. Justin convinced him that there wasn’t enough evidence against him. EJ was confident that he will get the evidence and bring Brady back to the station. Sarah slept in her bedroom. Fiona stroked her hair. She leaned toward her with a pillow. Fiona wanted God to forgive her for what she was about to do. Holly read an article about what happened to her father. She couldn’t believe she was lied to. Eric walked up to her.
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