B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 5, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

At Luna’s apartment, Finn tries to figure out how to get Steffy out of the cage, since he doesn’t have the keys. He tells her that he already phoned Chief Baker, so Luna won’t get far. He wants to get her to the hospital. Steffy is overjoyed that he saved. They touch their fingers through the cage crying, water can’t get lock off find crowbar, Finn leaves, returns with pipe, breaks lock, she bursts out and they hug. He takes her home, carrying her inside. They talk about their feelings. She knew he would rescue her. They kiss.

Li and Luna, argue, Poppy, Bill refuses to move, yells at Li for not being there for her, tries to make excuses, Li disgusted, Li says she always thought Poppy made poor choices but she’s not a murderer or kidnapper. Luna tries to leave, but Li body-slams her to the floor, wrestler style, saying, “Nozawa power.” Baker comes in; his cops arrest Luna.

Bill and Katie catch up at his place. She mentions that he had a long chat with Will about what’s been going on with Poppy and Luna. They talk about them, too. Bill still doesn’t think that Poppy could be a murderer. Chatting with Katie about Luna, he says that she sees him differently now (hinting about the kiss). Justin phones to let them know that Poppy’s innocent. Bill insists on being the one to tell her she’s free, so he rushes off to the jail.

Poppy wonders why she’s in the visitor’s area again. Bill arrives to tell Poppy that she’s being released. She cries in shock, disbelief and happiness. He tells her that he knew she was not capable of that. She asked him who did it. Baker walks in, so she asks him who who did it. He doesn’t reply, but they bring Luna in, who’s looking unhappy and not saying a word, her arms behind her back. Poppy tells her excitedly that they caught the real killer. Luna says nothing and just looks glum.


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