B&B Short Recap Monday, September 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

In Bill’s living room, Finn talks to Steffy in absentia, worried about her. Bill returns, so they talk about how Luna’s doing. Finn got a “vibe” from her, and Bill mentioned that she needs extra care, so Bill tells him about Luna kissing him and how he feels bad for her. He thinks the kisses were due to all of the terrible things going on in her life. He tells Finn that he offered to pay for a therapist, but she’s not ready yet. Finn is alarmed. He then gets an alert on his phone that it’s pairing with Steffy’s nearby phone, so they find it in on the table near the door. It’s on Do Not Disturb. Now he’s very worried, knowing she would never leave town without her phone. Bill offers help to find Steffy, but Finn tells him to watch over Luna.

Finn meets with Li at the hospital. He has jumped to the conclusion that Luna might be behind the murders and Steffy’s disappearance. They discuss it and realize Luna has just as much motive as Poppy.

At Luna and Poppy’s apartment, Steffy lies in her cage, exhausted, weak from hunger and thirst. Luna is nearby. Steffy tries again to get Luna to see reason and to let her out. Luna ignores her please and says that no one is going to stop her. Steffy asks her to think about her mom, or RJ. Luna says that RJ is just a boy. She tells Steffy about having sex with Zende and how it was the best sex of her life. She completely fooled everyone by pretending to be drugged and sleeping with him. Steffy realizes that she then used the drugs on Hollis and her dad. She calls Luna a psycho and yells at her furiously to let her out, shaking the bars of her cage.

Back at Forrester, RJ and Ridge are trying to work, but they’re worried about Steffy and why she hasn’t phoned or texted back. They talk about her working at Forrester and how much they miss her.


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