Days Short Recap Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady ran into Tate and Holly at the hospital. They were there because Tate got in an accident at the beach on Smith Island. Brady was shocked to see Tate on crutches and with Holly. Tate confessed about staying at the cabin instead of going to lacrosse camp. Maggie told Sarah it was okay to be angry about the accident. Sarah said Xander was angry for the both of them and asked her how she dealt with not being able to walk. Maggie told her she learned to live a new normal and suggested that Sarah not give up. Jada told Xander that they had a suspect, but she couldn’t tell him the name. Xander demanded to know who it was. Jada said she understood that he was upset, but she was going to find the person who hit Sarah. Xander apologized for his reaction. Jada said she had to talk to the DA, but he would know something soon. At the DiMera mansion, Kristen told Stefano’s painting that Brady’s car was flat as a pancake. She said she did what she had to to protect her family. EJ walked in and wondered what she did. She said she protected the family legacy by firing Ava because of Gabi. EJ didn’t believe her and suggested that she not talk about her plans to Stefano’s painting. Marlena told John that Brady’s car was stolen, but Jada was trying to piece together a timeline. John thought Jada was connecting it to Sarah’s accident. Marlena said Brady would never hit Sarah and run away unless he was drinking. Brady asked Holly to leave him and Tate alone so they could talk. Tate asked if Brady ever lied because he was scared of how someone would react. Brady flashed back to Kristen telling him she got rid of his car. When Xander showed up, Tate apologized for what happened to Sarah. Xander said the police might have a suspect.

Sarah opened up to Maggie about not being able to keep up with Victoria when Holly came in. Holly said she and Tate was staying at the Horton Cabin. She said she used Maggie’s key to let him in the cabin. Maggie said that was why she couldn’t find the key that night. Holly wondered what night she was talking about. Maggie said Sarah was coming home to help find the key so she and Xander could go on their honeymoon, but she got hit by a car. Holly realized it was the accident was her fault. Sarah let her know that it wasn’t her fault. Holly ran out of the room. EJ assumed Kristen was plotting for Brady. Jada showed up at the mansion so she could talk to EJ about Sarah’s accident. Kristen left the room but eavesdropped on their conversation. Jada told EJ that she connected a car with the accident, but the owner said the car was stolen. Unfortunately without the car, they didn’t have proof. She asked if he wanted to indict anyway. EJ wanted to know who the suspect was. Jada told her it was Brady. EJ told her to arrest him. He let Jada know that his beef with Brady wasn’t a factor and believed he could get a conviction. When Jada went to the door, Kristen asked if she had any leads. Jada said she knew she was eavesdropping and asked if she knew anything. Kristen said she didn’t know anything and walked away. While Tate was pleading his case to Brady, Kristen sent him a text to run because the police were about to arrest him. Brady told Tate he had something to do and left. Holly ran into Tate who told her how weird his father was acting. She told him that they were responsible for Sarah’s accident. When Kristen went back to see EJ, he told her Brady was being arrested for Sarah’s accident. He said he had a feeling she knew that already. At the police station, she called for a search warrant for Brady. Brady showed up and said she didn’t need it.

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