Days Short Recap Thursday, August 29, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Chad left a message for Abby telling her that he tucked the kids in. Thomas came up to him and asked him about his phone call. Abby called Mark and told him that Chad bought her story that she was just asking him for directions. Mark said she’d be in trouble if Chad didn’t believe it. Felicity showed up giving Mark a strange look. Kristen read about what happened to Brady online. She didn’t think it had to be that way because she had his back. Ava arrived and reminded her that she didn’t have her back. Kristen couldn’t believe Ava was still mad at her because she fired her after Gabi’s ultimatum. She apologized and meant it. Ava didn’t care. She didn’t have a job anymore, and Gabi was coming after her. Kristen said that she should have thought about it before she slept with Stefan. Connie read Melinda’s text messages from Kristen. Melinda woke up and realized she was tied to a bed. She struggled to get free and noticed the cardboard cutout of Li. Connie brought food to Melinda, and she ended up screaming. She warned Melinda that the walls were soundproof. Connie tried to free her, but Melinda refused. She reminded Melinda that she was only alive because Li asked her not to kill her. Melinda told her that Li was dead and called her a psycho. Connie blamed Melinda, Gabi and Stefan for the way Li treated her. EJ noticed Gabi redecorated the mansion. Stefan blamed him for saying that Gabi could stay there. She’s determined to take everything he has. EJ reminded him that the place belonged to him too, so she wouldn’t be able to take half of it. They ended up arguing, and EJ told him that he shouldn’t have slept with Ava. Stefan demanded that EJ stay out of it. EJ reminded him that he and Ava tried to kill his mother. Felicity wanted to know who was in trouble. Mark told her about Aaron lying about lacrosse camp. He talked to her about what happened when Aaron lied to him. Felicity wanted to know what happens when Mark lies. He implied that he never lies. Felicity wished their parents didn’t die in the car accident. Mark wished that were too.

Ava and Kristen continued to argue at the pub. Kristen received a text message from “Melinda” informing her that she needed a break. She responded back to her. Connie texted that she wouldn’t take orders from a woman who murdered her daughter. She made it seem like Melinda wanted to quit. Kristen was confused by her reaction since they squared their issues before she hired Melinda. Ava was shocked too because Melinda talked to her about that too, and she wanted to put the company first. She flashed back to Melinda telling her about Connie being a fraud. Kristen wondered what she was talking about. Ava said it was the DiMeras’ problem since shew as fired. Melinda tried to appeal to Connie, but she left her alone with the cutout Li. Gabi introduced herself to Abby. Abby was sorry about her marital problems. Gabi explained their relationship to her. Abby wondered if it was because she slept with her husband. Gabi told her that wasn’t why since that happened before she got together with Stefan. She told her about Abby having D.I.D., so she wasn’t responsible for sleeping with Stefan. It was technically rape. Gabi wondered if she could use that in her divorce case. Chad told Thomas that he was talking to someone at work. Thomas sensed something was wrong with Chad. He wanted him to tell the truth. Chad lied to him about what happened. He told him an old friend had an accident, and she was staying at the DiMera mansion. Chad said he was staying there too. Connie arrived at the DiMera mansion with a file for Gabi’s meeting. Gabi almost forgot because of everything going on with Stefan and Ava. Connie thought she should cheat since Stefan did that to her. After Connie left, Gabi overheard EJ asking Stefan about having feelings for Ava. Stefan denied having feelings for her. Any enemy of Ava’s was a friend of EJ’s. He said Gabi is his new best friend. Ava and Connie ran into each other, and she assumed she was fired. Connie was confused by what she meant. Ava told her that Melinda was on her way to her place to fire her. Connie glowered at her while she was talking.

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