B&B Short Recap Monday, August 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Luna finishes building the cage around Steffy. Steffy keeps trying to wake up but is very groggy. Finally, she awakens to see Luna staring down at her. Steffy is still out of it and not sure where she is or what happened. She realizes that she’s in a cage and wonders why. Luna informs her that the whole apartment is about to be demolished. Steffy has a headache, but Luna tells her that the effects will wear off. She’s holding the glass that Steffy drank from, to remind her about the drug. Steffy remembers what happened and demands to be let out of the cage. She yells for help and pounds on the cage. They argue. Steffy realizes that Luna wants Bill for herself, so that’s why she frames her mother for the murders. Luna admits she did it all, and she’s gotten away with it. She won’t let Steffy tell anyone. Steffy goes back to screaming, and pounding on the cage.

Ridge and Brooke argue briefly about Hope kissing Finn. Finn walks in and tells them in an annoyed way that Steffy left town because of the kiss. Brooke keeps telling them that Hope is very sorry for the kiss. Finn informs them that Steffy is mad at him, too, and he is worried that Steffy asked him for space and not to contact her. Finn blames himself for not avoiding Hope and telling Steffy what happened. He’s worried about whether Steffy is OK or not. Finn tells them about all the troubles he and Steffy have had recently. He beats himself up for what’s been happening. Ridge and Brooke assure him that he’s not at fault. Finn goes on and on about Steffy.

Bill phones Justin to find out how Poppy’s doing in jail. Katie comes in and tells him that she heard Luna’s not his daughter. Bill is upset that he lost Luna as his daughter. They discuss the situation and whether Poppy is guilty or not. She asks if Poppy is out of his life now, but he hasn’t decided anything yet. His biggest concern is for Luna, whom he thinks is the innocent one in all of this. When Katie mentions that Luna told RJ she has to be there for Bill, since she really loves him, he flashes back uncomfortably to the kiss she gave him. Katie and Bill hold hands. He thanks her for being there for him. She tells him how important he is to his sons, and to her, and they hug.


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