GH Short Recap Friday, August 2, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Lois refuses to leave Sonny’s office until Sonny assures her that the money he is going to use to fund the private record label isn’t mob money.

TJ asks Alexis to persuade Kristina to give him and Molly the baby just like she agreed to do.

Josslyn and Gio get a backboard under Kristina and carefully take her out of the pool. Josslyn gives Kristina CPR while they wait for the paramedics. Gio calls Sonny and tells him what happened to Kristina and that she is on the way to the hospital.

Trina tells Dante and Chase that Kristina fell out of Ava’s room and Ava was looking through the open curtains of her room to see where Kristina landed. Dante interrogates Ava inside Ava’s room. Ava lies and tells Dante that Kristina was so angry that she would have to testify against Sonny at Avery’s custody hearing that she lunged at her and when she stepped out of the way she tripped over Ava’s shoes that were on the floor and fell. Dante knows Ava’s lying because Kristina would never lunge at Ava because she isn’t a violent person and she would never put the baby at risk. Dante arrests Ava and takes her to the police station. Kristina arrives at the hospital. After Kristina is examined, the doctor tells Sonny, Alexis, and TJ that Kristina has suffered internal injuries and is in shock. The baby is in distress and the placenta is separating from the uterus, so they have to take Kristina into surgery to do an emergency
c- section.

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