B&B Update Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Update written by Brenda

On the airplane, Ridge frets about Steffi making them late for their appointment with the prince in Monaco. Meanwhile at the check-in desk, Steffi rummages through her bags looking for her passport.

In the executive office at Forrester Creations, Hope looks at the passport on the desk and smiles to herself as she recalls being rebuffed by Steffi when she tried to give it to her.

In Li’s office, Katie aggressively asserts that Poppy does drugs. Li asks if Katie is suggesting that Poppy had something to do with the overdoses at Il Giordino.

At Bill’s house, Poppy admits that she had a relationship with Tom Starr. Bill wants to know if Poppy didn’t tell him sooner because Tom could have been Luna’s father.

Katie recaps that Poppy takes drugs and was at a music festival where Tom Starr performed decades ago. She asks Li if she thinks it’s possible that Poppy and her drugs were responsible for Tom and Hollis’s deaths.
Poppy tearfully apologizes to Bill for not telling him sooner. He asks her if Tom really could have been Luna’s father. Poppy says yes, but her heart was always with Bill. Bill says it’s a lot to wrap his head around.

Carter goes to the executive office and sees Hope behind Ridge’s desk. Carter tells Hope that he knows she didn’t want Steffi to go on the trip to Monte Carlo. Hope says that if Steffi wants to be a third wheel, so be it. He says it’s an important business meeting and as co-CEO, Steffi should be there. Hope reluctantly agrees that it would be a shame if Steffi weren’t there.

Ridge calls Steffi. She tells him that she is at the airport, but she can’t find her passport. She tells her father to go to Monaco without her.

Li tells Katie that she wouldn’t give her sister enough credit to be responsible for Tom and Hollis’s deaths. She furthermore assures Katie that Bill is Luna’s father.

Poppy asks Bill to say he understands. Bill says he is still processing it, but that he can’t imagine what she must have gone through raising her daughter on her own while being stalked by a washed-up rocker who thought he was her daughter’s father. He says he understands her not wanting her to have Tom in Luna’s life. Poppy hugs Bill. She promises never to keep anything from Bill again and assures him that she always believed Bill was Luna’s father. Bill hugs Poppy.

Li tells Katie that she understands her frustration and disappointment. Katie wonders why Li can’t see the truth. Li reminds Katie that she insisted on administering the DNA test herself to be sure. She tells Katie that the truth is that Poppy and Luna are now a part of the Spencer family.

Poppy tells Bill that she wouldn’t blame him if he questioned his paternity. He says he doesn’t doubt the accuracy of the DNA test knowing how much Li had wanted it to be negative. Poppy admits that she held a grudge because Bill never called her or tried to find her, and that her walls were up when she reconnected with him, but he has broken down her walls by being a kind, generous man to both her and Luna. He says he isn’t sure he deserves all of that praise, but that Poppy and Luna mean a lot to him, and he realizes that it must have been difficult for her to tell him about that guy from her past. he says he imagines she must have wondered if fielding Katies questions was worth it. She says she never did. Bill tells Poppy that Katie is just being protective because they share a son. He tells her to know that he believes her and that he is still there for her.

On the plane, Ridge tells Brooke that he feels terrible that Steffi didn’t make the flight.

In Ridge and Steffi’s office, Carter tells Hope that he hoped Steffi and Brooke can play nice. Hope says she thinks everything will be alright. Carter thinks being on the French Riviera can bring people to get along, and that certainly, they will be on their good behavior in front of the prince. Carter apologizes for upsetting Hope earlier, and clarifies that Ridge, Brooke, and Steffi representing Forrester together feels right. Hope says she agrees with that. He leaves to attend a meeting.

Steffi returns to her office to find Hope there. Hope asks Steffi if she shouldn’t be on a jet to Monaco.
On the plane, Ridge tells Brooke that he knows how much Steffi wanted to go to Monaco. Brooke says they are on the way, and it will be a magical trip for just the two of them.

Steffi finds her passport in the office. She confirms to Hope that yes, she did miss the flight. She says Hope got what she wanted; Ridge and Brook are headed to Monaco without her.

Li tells Katie that she is not her sister’s biggest fan, but she knows she is not a murderer. She says that if any foul play was involved, it must have been perpetrated by Sheila Carter. Katie says Katie has already been questioned by the police and released. Li concludes that if there is a killer, they are still at large.

Someone is lurking in Bill’s house.

In the bedroom, Poppy concludes to Bill that she should have confided in him sooner. Bill says it’s ok with him if they never speak of Tom again. Poppy gushes over how grateful she is that Bill turned out to be such an amazing person and amazing father. She says he was the missing piece in her life, and she is happy that they are a family. He says he is happy about that too and says once again that nothing is going to tear them apart. They start making out.

Someone opens the bedroom door.

Poppy screams.





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