GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Wiley has his birthday party at the Metro Court pool and Willow takes the opportunity to thank Nina for helping get Michael a meeting with Congressman McConkey.

Alexis advises Molly to back off Kristina and show Kristina that she and TJ trust her.

Anna is surprised to see Jack Brennan is free and at WSB headquarters. Anna figures out the WSB needed to distance itself from Pikeman, so they let the FBI shut down Pikeman. Valentin and Charlotte are in a country without extradition.

Brennan tells Anna to be patient, John Cates may just go away.

Diane asks the court to dismiss Carl’s case and is shocked when the U.S attorney agrees to dismiss the case. The U.S attorney explains to the judge that the recording that was the evidence against Carly is gone. The judge dismisses the case against Carly and everyone wonders how the recording went missing.

John tells Sonny he will put him in prison and he will make sure Carly and Jason are in prison with him. Sonny is hurt that Carly and Jason didn’t trust him enough to tell him about the problem sooner but that is okay because he can take care of John himself

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