GH Short Recap Friday, July 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

James sneaks out of his house and goes to the Quartermaine stables to talk to Cody. James tells Cody that his Grandpa Mac told him he can’t take riding lessons with him anymore. Cody calls Maxie and Spinelli to come get James. Maxie explains to James that she is the person who decides where he takes riding lessons not Grandpa Mac. Maxie and Spinelli tell James that Grandpa Mac is going through something private and they need to give him time to work things out. Maxie tells James he may have to go someplace else for riding lessons for a little while, but she will work it out for him. Cody tells Sasha he is heartbroken that James is hurting because of his situation with Mac.

Jason tells Carly that John is determined to put Sonny in prison and he has to find a way to get through to Sonny so they can work together to keep him out of prison.

Josslyn gives Trina the turtledove figurine Spencer gave her. Trina grieves Spencer once again.

Gio and Tracy talk in the Quartermaine’s kitchen. Gio tells Tracy his favorite places in New York.

Dante and Laura go to visit Lulu and they have a long talk and Laura advises to let Rocco decide when he wants to visit his mother.

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