Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny found his father drinking at the DiMera mansion. EJ told him that Nicole wanted to divorce him. Johnny wasn’t surprised after what he did. EJ thought Johnny was mad at him too. Johnny felt bad for Nicole and Eric. He was excited about having a new brother but that wasn’t going to happen now. Nicole went to Eric’s room at the pub and let him know that she and EJ were done. Brady went to the Kiriakis mansion to look for Maggie but ran into Alex. He let Brady know that she was running last-minute errands. Brady thought he meant for Xander and Sarah’s wedding, but Alex told him that he and Theresa were getting married too. He was surprised by Alex’s news. Alex told him that Maggie thought it would bring the family together. He would understand if Brady didn’t want to go to the ceremony. Brady thought it was a good idea since he assumed Theresa was only after his money. He knew that wasn’t the truth, so Brady wondered if there was another reason why Alex didn’t want him at the ceremony. Brady flashed back to his night with Theresa and said he would go to the wedding. Alex was okay with it, but Brady seemed troubled.

Sophia ran into Theresa at the town square to talk about Tate and Holly. Theresa apologized to her after the way Tate talked to her. Sophia blamed Holly because she was her best friend. Theresa assured her that Tate and Holly would be far away from each other since he would be at lacrosse camp in New York. Sophia thought about overhearing Tate and Holly’s conversation about deceiving their parents. She told Theresa there was something she needed to know. Chanel interrupted them to talk about the wedding cake. After hearing about the wedding, Sophia decided not to tell her about Tate and Holly. Johnny let EJ know there was no justification for what he did to Nicole and Eric. He was disappointed, but he still had his back. EJ apologized for not being as supportive as he and Chanel needed him to be. He knew they wanted to move out, but he hoped they would stay at the mansion. Johnny agreed to stay longer. He assured EJ that he would never lose him. Johnny wanted to take Chanel to lunch, and EJ thought he was a good husband. He knew Johnny didn’t get that from him. Johnny thought he didn’t meet the right woman yet. He didn’t think EJ and Nicole were meant to be. Johnny thought he should sign the divorce papers and move on with his life. Nicole said she and Eric could figure out a custody arrangement unless he planned to move to Paris. Eric wanted to leave because it was too painful to be around Jude but there was no reason he couldn’t stay and make a fresh start with Jude. He looked at Nicole and said he could make a fresh start with her too. Nicole said EJ knew she wasn’t over Eric which is why he did what he did to them. Eric wanted to know if she knew, and she admitted that she did. Theresa arrived at the Kiriakis mansion. She was surprised when she found out that Brady considered not going to her wedding. Theresa let him know she wanted him there. Alex hoped they could all be a family after the wedding. Theresa did too. When Alex walked away to take a phone call, Brady wanted to know why Theresa didn’t say she was getting married so soon. She admitted that she should have told him about it. Brady assured her that he’s happy for them. Theresa apologized for things not working out with them. He would always be special to her because he’s Tate’s father. She realized that she couldn’t get married without her son. Theresa wanted Tate at the wedding. Nicole admitted to Eric that she would have left EJ if she knew Jude was theirs and that he still loved her. Eric would have done the same thing with Sloan. They were about to kiss when there was a knock at the door. Eric opened the door, and EJ was there. He knew he would find Nicole there. She snatched the divorce papers and saw that he didn’t sign them. EJ said he didn’t plan to sign them. He assured her that he refused to let them take Jude and run off into the sunset together.

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