GH Short Recap Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

John Cates asks Ava to testify against Sonny in the case he is building against Sonny. Ava tells John she will think about it and contact him when she has made a decision.

Willow once again asks Sonny to forgive Michael and repair their father-son relationship. Sonny tells Willow he will think about it because he admires her for being tenacious and kind.

Sonny asks Nina to testify on his behalf if Ava should subpoena her for Avery’s custody hearing. Nina doesn’t think Ava would call her as a witness because they are no longer friends but, if Ava did call her as a witness, she would tell the court that Avery was a wonderful father and that Avery adores him. Sonny wonders if Nina would be willing to bury the hatchet with him just like she has buried the hatchet with Drew.

Gio turns down an opportunity to play violin for a Broadway soundtrack in New York because he likes PCU and doesn’t want to go back on his commitment to play violin for the college ‘s summer concert series.

Drew promises Nina that the kiss between him and Willow will never happen again.

Anna makes Jason promise not to give the FBI Valentin’s satellite phone with the proof that he is head of Pikeman until she has time to warn him because she doesn’t want Charlotte to lose her father. Jason gives Anna the two hours she asked him for to warn Valentin.

John gets a call from his boss who tells him they have gotten word that Pikeman is sending a big shipment and they must know the head of Pikeman tonight.

Anna tells Valentin that he must leave town with Charlotte tonight because she told the FBI he is the head of Pikeman. Valentin asks Anna to go on the run with him.

John pounds on the door of Jason’s room and tells him he must tell him everything he knows about the head of Pikeman right now or he loses his deal and Carly will go to prison.

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