Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 10. 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie talked to Justin about her surprise that Theresa was willing to sign the prenup. She thought that Theresa could still be marrying Alex for his money. They also realized that she could be doing it for the right reasons. Bonnie left to meet with Sarah. Theresa brought up the prenup with Alex. He thought it was a great way to quiet the naysayers. She thought it was a little insulting. Alex wondered if she had second thoughts about signing the prenup. Maggie walked in the room with the prenup. Theresa told him that she was sure about signing it. Chad called Kayla and let her know that Paulina was allowing him to exhume Abby’s body. He thought there might be a snag since he didn’t hear anything else about it. Jack stormed in the room. Chad let Kayla know that he found the snag in the plan and hung up the phone. Jack heard what he was doing from a friend in the city. He demanded answers from Chad. Chad blurted out that Abby could be alive. Jack refused to believe that Abby was alive. Chad showed him the video Clyde gave him of an obscured blonde woman. Theresa noticed that the prenup stated that she would get nothing if she committed adultery. She wondered if Alex was concerned about him cheating on him. He wasn’t worried about it. She wondered what would happen if he cheated. Alex assured her that she wouldn’t have to worry about that. He thought neither of them would have to worry about that. They kissed and then she signed the papers.

Justin thought about holding Alex as a baby when Xander walked in the pub. They talked about Xander turning down Victor’s money. Xander knew Victor didn’t want him to have it or he would have given it to him. He knew that Justin was hurt the most by Victor’s will. Justin thought about the DNA test results from the past that proved he was Alex’s father, he couldn’t believe that Victor kept that secret from him all those years. Xander wondered if he thought Alex was his son. Justin thought Victor wouldn’t have left Alex half his estate if he wasn’t sure he was his son. He was disappointed that Victor lied to him for years. Justin had a lot of questions about what happened. Since Victor and Anjelica are dead, he wouldn’t be able to get his answers. Jack tried to hold back tears as he watched the video. Paulina called Chad to tell him that the crew was ready to go. It was too late for Jack to get an injunction, but Chad wouldn’t do it if he didn’t approve. He told Jack that he needed to have Abby’s body exhumed. Later, Chad and Jack went to the cemetery. Jack thought what they were doing was ghastly. One of the crew members told them that they were ready to begin.

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