Days Short Recap Monday, July 8, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bobby told Jada that Gil didn’t kill Li. He said he didn’t see the murder but saw who did it. Bobby said he took over when he and Everett moved to Salem. He said Everett didn’t remember but he did. The person’s name escaped him. He pretended to be tired when Jada kept questioning him. Bobby suggested they talked tomorrow. When Connie went in her apartment, she thought about killing Li. She said it was Gabi’s fault that she killed Li. When she wiped her tears, she heard a voice that said Gabi wasn’t the one who stabbed him. Connie was excited that Li was still alive. He said he was dead thanks to her. She thought about killing him but realized no one else knew she did it. Connie said what happened would stay between them. While she was talking, she brought up their date. She asked why he didn’t call her. He said he thought she was crazy. She told him she wasn’t crazy. Connie said she wanted to be close to him which was why she moved in his apartment. He thought it was sentimental. She vowed to get revenge on anyone who was responsible for his loss. When he death was avenged, they could live happily ever after. During the press conference, Gabi said Eric was Jude’s son. Rafe pulled Gabi aside and told her this wasn’t the place to say anything. Gabi said it was the place and was able to prove what she said. Stefan asked her not to say anything. When EJ tried to end the press conference, it didn’t do any good. Nicole wanted to know where Gabi got her information. Gabi said Stefan told her. EJ was upset.

Nicole wanted Stefan to give her answers but he couldn’t. Gabi asked if he was going to call her a liar in front of everyone. Stefan said Gabi told the truth. Gabi said Stefan saw the DNA test. Stefan apologized to EJ, but he didn’t want to hear it. Nicole apologized to EJ. Gabi said he already knew. Nicole asked EJ if it was true. The reporters continued to record Gabi’s statement. Gabi said Melinda used the truth to get an immunity deal. She said Stefan blackmailed EJ to get her released from prison. EJ called Gabi out for being ungrateful. When EJ was about to get her, Rafe stopped him. Nicole yelled at EJ before she walked away. When EJ was going after her, Rafe stopped him and told him he perpetrated a fraud and was an accessory after the fact. EJ told him to take it up with the D.A. At the mansion, EJ told Nicole he didn’t know about Jude at first. He said when Leo told him, he had another test done. After he got the results he was devastated at the idea of raising Eric’s child. He said he made a terrible choice, but he didn’t want to lose her. Nicole said he did lose her. When Nicole was packing Jude’s things, EJ tried to stop her from leaving. He said they have weathered worse storms. She said it was a nightmare of his own doing. He said he loved her. She said she never wanted to hear those words again. When he wanted to know where she was going, she told him it was none of his business. Rafe wanted Gabi and Stefan to give him answers. Stefan said they could talk later, but he needed to talk to Gabi. Gabi told Rafe they would go to the police station tomorrow. When Rafe left, Stefan asked Gabi how she could do this. While Eric was at the airport, he thought about giving Jude back to Nicole. Nicole called him but he ignored the call. She showed up at the airport and told him Jude was his son.

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