Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Katie continues to be upset about Claire being her sister. Katie starts sulking when she sees Claire in the park with Harrison and she decides not to go get ice cream with Victoria and Johnny. Harrison later gives Katie flowers to cheer her up because he wants to cheer her up and Katie changes her mind about getting ice cream with her family.
Adam and Chelsea continue to behave nervously around Billy and Sally because they feel guilty about having comfort sex in Baltimore. Adam and Chelsea don’t want to hurt Billy and Sally, so they agree never to tell them the truth about what happened in Baltimore.
Chelsea gets a call from Connor’s doctor who tells her Connor has had a breakthrough and he is out of in-patient treatment and back in outpatient treatment. Connor texts Adam and Chelsea and tells them he wants to video chat with them. Connor tells Adam and Chelsea that, while he was in in-patient treatment, he realized it was up to him to fight his OCD and he could do it because he has people who love him and he deserves to be happy.
Lily finally makes up her mind about what to do and tells Billy she will work with him at Abbott-Chancellor.
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