Days Update Friday, June 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Abe joins Paulina at the hospital. Paulina hugs him and thanks him for coming. Abe says he got her text and asks what happened. Paulina explains that Chanel started having very bad cramps so she and Johnny had to rush her here. Abe asks if the baby is okay. Paulina responds that the baby is not okay at all.

Johnny sits with Chanel in her hospital room. Chanel tells him that she didn’t realize until now how much she loved having a little life growing inside of her that they made and how much it meant to her. Chanel declares now they will never know if it was a boy or a girl. Johnny tells her that he’s so sorry.

Eric goes to the Spectator office and asks Nicole if she has a moment. Nicole thought he wasn’t coming in today. Eric says he wasn’t going to but there’s something he needs to tell her. Nicole asks what it is. Eric then announces he might be leaving Salem.

At the DiMera Mansion, EJ calls Rafe and says he spoke with the judge about Gabi and if he wants Gabi released from prison, he needs to find Melinda Trask immediately, drag her down to the station and make sure she brings the evidence that she’s holding onto illegally. Rafe says that might be easier said than done. EJ argues that this is about Gabi and Rafe has an entire department that he can put to work, otherwise Gabi will be spending the rest of her days in prison.

Stefan goes to prison to visit Gabi (now played by Cherie Jimenez). Gabi says she’s so happy to see him as they hug. Stefan tells her how much he’s missed her. The guard comes in and tells them no touching. Stefan apologizes as he warns that if they do that again, he’s out of there. Stefan asks Gabi how she is. Gabi responds that she’s relieved to be out of solitary but she’d think Clyde was still around with the way she’s been beaten up. Gabi says it’s okay as it was broken up quick but Stefan is still upset by it. Gabi tells Stefan to forget it because she just wants to make the most of their visit. Stefan responds that they are going to have a lot more than that as he declares today is the day that she goes free.

Rafe tells EJ that he’s aware that Melinda is laying low but he’s confident that his guys can track her down. EJ questions why they are still on the phone then. Rafe says it’s because of the other thing he wants. EJ tells Rafe that the judge will not let Gabi go without seeing the evidence that Melinda is holding onto. Rafe says that Melinda is not going to give up the black book until she gets an immunity deal. EJ argues that it took a lot of persuasion and the judge has all but agreed to overturn Gabi’s sentence but only if he has the black book in hand. EJ tells Rafe that if he wants Gabi out of prison, he must find Melinda and get her to turn over the black book while he will take care of the rest. EJ hangs up and complains to the portrait of Stefano that times like this make him wish he was an only child. EJ remarks that Stefan has forced him in to this position and Melinda is a loose cannon so anything he does is a risk, but he has to do if it he wants to keep Nicole.

Nicole questions why Eric is leaving town. Eric responds that he’s leaving for his own personal reasons. Nicole asks where he will go. Eric says he’s applied for a few job opportunities in other cities, so he’s just hoping they pan out and then he will move. Nicole asks if he’s leaving because of her.

Gabi tells Stefan that she appreciates him trying to cheer her up. Stefan insists that she will go free today. Gabi wants to believe him but she’s afraid to hope. Stefan gets it but assures it’s not a pipe dream as the judge believes in the new evidence. Stefan says with EJ back as district attorney, he has the power to grant Melinda immunity in exchange for the black book. Gabi worries that he doesn’t see how this could all fall apart. Stefan promises that it won’t but Gabi reminds him that EJ hates them and questions why EJ would want to help her.

Nicole tells Eric that what she meant to ask was if he’s leaving because it’s too painful to be around Jude. Eric says no and that it actually warms his heart to see Jude. Eric admits that what’s painful is leaving. Nicole knows Eric spent all those months with Jude and they seemed inseparable. Eric says that’s why they need some time apart, so he can accept that Jude is not his son and he’s not his father. Jude then wakes up crying.

Johnny asks Chanel if she has any more pain. Chanel says she’s fine and just trying to get comfortable since Dr. Greene said she’ll be there for awhile. Johnny says he wants to keep her overnight as a precaution. Johnny adds that if it were up to him, he’d carry her out right now. Johnny offers to go home and get some of her stuff. Chanel thanks him and tells him not to let Paulina in because she doesn’t want to talk to her. Johnny agrees to take care of it and says he’ll stop by the Pub on his way back because she must be starving. Chanel responds that she’s actually not and she has no more cravings. Johnny then exits the room.

Paulina explains to Abe that when the doctor let her back in, Chanel said the miscarriage was all her fault for exposing her to radiation. Abe hugs her and says he’s so sorry. Johnny approaches so Abe tells him that he’s so sorry as Paulina just told him what happened. Johnny says it’s tough and he’s just heading home to get her some stuff since the doctor wants to keep her overnight. Paulina offers to go sit with Chanel while he’s gone but Johnny says that won’t be necessary. Paulina feels Chanel shouldn’t be alone in the room but Johnny informs her that Chanel doesn’t want to see her and asks her to please respect her wishes.

Stefan tells Gabi to trust that the plan to free her is well on it’s way to coming together. Gabi reminds him that they screwed EJ out of DiMera and he came after her with both barrels when she first got arrested and made sure she was put behind bars for a crime she didn’t commit. Stefan insists that this is EJ’s chance to make it right and that he’s on their side now. Gabi questions why. Stefan thinks back to blackmailing EJ. Gabi demands an answer as to why Stefan is so confident that EJ will come through for her. Gabi talks about Stefan and EJ stabbing each other in the back so much and questions what has changed.

Rafe brings Melinda in to the interrogation room. Melinda complains about how humiliating it was to be dragged off the street by the cops. Rafe says she made it too easy as they caught her while she was picking up an order of tacos. Melinda question what she is doing here. Rafe tells her that they need the black book now. Melinda questions that being why he dragged her down here. Rafe argues that she was already pushing it as district attorney, but now she’s just an ordinary citizen who is in possession of stolen evidence. Melinda repeats that she won’t turn anything over until she has immunity over the mess with EJ and Nicole’s kid. Rafe tells her that she’s got it. Melinda doesn’t believe him and says she knows all his tricks. Rafe insists that there are no tricks and that EJ has already signed off on the deal which shocks Melinda, who questions why he would do that.

EJ texts Stefan that Rafe is handling getting the book from Melinda, so he should have news soon. Johnny then comes in to the living room. EJ questions him not being at the airport, asking if he and Chanel are leaving for LA today. Johnny responds that they were but then they stopped by Paulina’s to say goodbye and then something happened. EJ asks if it’s about the job. Johnny says it’s not about that. EJ says he’s starting to worry him. Johnny then reveals that Chanel lost the baby.

Paulina tells Abe that she hates Chanel being in the hospital room all alone and complains that she just wanted to keep her company. Abe states that Johnny made Chanel’s wishes quite clear. Paulina knows Chanel doesn’t want to see her because she thinks she’s the reason that she lost the baby. Abe questions if Dr. Greene said the miscarriage was from radiation exposure. Paulina says that Mark said it wasn’t likely, so Abe points out that she’s not to blame then. Paulina adds that Mark also said he couldn’t completely rule it out but he tried to comfort her. Abe encourages that she can’t blame herself and that Chanel is young and has plenty of time to get pregnant again. Paulina is sure that Chanel is thinking all would be well if it wasn’t for her and that she’s the reason that she lost the baby.

Nicole tries to get Jude to stop crying, so Eric offers to help and sings to him which gets him to stop crying. Nicole is sure Jude misses Eric so much. Eric says Jude has her now and calls him lucky.

Chanel looks over her sonogram with tears in her eyes until Abe comes in to the room. Abe tells her that he heard about the baby and his heart breaks for her and Johnny. Chanel then breaks down crying as Abe hugs her. Abe asks if she needs anything. Chanel says she’s fine and thanks him. Abe tells Chanel that Paulina feels terrible about what happened. Chanel responds that she should. Abe tries to talk about how it’s possible but Chanel cuts him off and shouts that she never wants to hear about radiation again and she definitely doesn’t want to talk about her mother. Abe agrees to just sit there then.

EJ gives Johnny a drink and says he has all his sympathy. EJ asks how Chanel is doing. Johnny says she’s doing as well as could be expected and will be staying at the hospital overnight. EJ offers anything he can do. Johnny questions why he’s being so nice and if his sympathy is even real of he’s privately relieved. Johnny complains that EJ didn’t think they should have gone through with the pregnancy at all. EJ states that Johnny is his son and he loves him, so his sympathy is real because in the end, he wants what he wants. EJ says that when Johnny is in pain, he’s in pain as he hugs him.

Nicole thanks Eric for calming Jude down. Eric says she would’ve figured it out on her own. Nicole jokes that she hasn’t exactly been mother of the year this year. Nicole tells Eric that she doesn’t want him to leave town, but she understands if he does. Nicole adds that she’ll still miss him. Eric says he’ll have to see if he gets anything from the job opportunities since he hasn’t yet. Eric tells Nicole that he’ll see her later and he will let her know what happens as he then exits the office.

Stefan tells Gabi that he managed to persuade EJ to see the light. Gabi questions how and what if EJ double crosses him. Stefan assures that he won’t and says that he reminded EJ that DiMeras value family over everything else and that an external attack on one of them is an attack on all of them. Stefan calls Gabi one of them. Gabi knows that there is more. Stefan gets EJ’s text, saying that Rafe is on the case. Stefan assures Gabi that Rafe won’t allow any double crossing. Stefan tells Gabi that it’s only a matter of time before she is out of prison.

Melinda argues that EJ hates her for what she allegedly did. Rafe says that Stefan was able to persuade EJ to help Gabi. Melinda adds that EJ hates Gabi even more than her. Melinda says no one inherited Stefano’s taste for revenge more than EJ and questions EJ being willing to let go of what she allegedly did. Rafe tells her to stop doubting the immunity deal that she’s extremely lucky to be getting. Melinda then agrees to hand over the black book on the condition that until EJ’s deal is signed, sealed, and delivered, he’s not getting a single page which Rafe accepts.

Eric goes to the Brady Pub and sees Paulina alone at a table. Eric asks if everything is okay. Paulina says not really, so Eric asks if there’s anything he can do. Paulina informs him that Chanel lost her baby. Eric says he’s so sorry. Paulina thanks him and then realizes Eric’s situation. Eric say it’s fine and that Johnny and Chanel must be heartbroken. Paulina confirms that they are and that Chanel blames her, so she can’t even comfort her because Chanel doesn’t want her anywhere near her.

Johnny returns to Chanel’s hospital room. Chanel tells him that Abe was just keeping her company. Abe says now he will leave the two of them alone. Abe tells Johnny if he ever needs to talk. Johnny mentions just talking to EJ and that it helped. Chanel thanks Abe for stopping by. Abe says his heart goes out to both of them and then exits. Johnny sits with Chanel and asks if Abe tried to convince her to forgive her mother. Chanel says he started to but he backed off when she asked. Chanel understands that Abe would try to defend Paulina as his wife so he’ll always be on her side. Johnny assures that he will always be on her side.

Stefan tells Gabi that she will see when Rafe is done and she will walk out with her head held high. Gabi wants to believe it. Stefan encourages her to make plans to make it real and give herself something to believe in. Stefan talks about wanting to get roses, candles, champagne, and a bubble bath for her. Gabi jokes that when she walks out, it will be straight to a shower with maximum pressure to wash prison off of her and then maybe they can think about romance. Stefan says there won’t be any thinking, just feeling, as they will make love in their bed for the next hundred years. Gaib says that sounds perfect but she’s not signing off on anything for a hundred years until she sees her daughter. Stefan assures that they’ll take the DiMera jet to Phoenix. Stefan calls her the love of his life and declares that she’s finally coming home to him. Gabi says it all sounds like a dream which is why it’s hard to believe and worries about it not coming true. Stefan assures that she will see that it will.

EJ gets a call from Rafe and asks if he has the book. Rafe responds that Melinda won’t turn it over without a signed agreement. EJ says he’ll send it over to him now and instructs him to get the book to the judge and hangs up. Nicole then comes home with Jude. EJ greets Nicole and tells Jude that he missed him and he’s so lucky to be his father. Nicole asks if everything is okay. EJ reveals that Chanel had a miscarriage and that Johnny stopped by earlier but they are staying at the hospital. Nicole is shocked and talks about how much they were looking forward to the baby. Nicole is sorry that they won’t have the same happy ending as they did. EJ declares that they are very lucky to have Jude and now all is right in the world for their little family. Nicole says she’ll take Jude upstairs and check back with him after.

Stefan tells Gabi that he managed to convince the warden to let him stay past visiting hours while they await word from the judge. Stefan feels there’s no reason the judge won’t make an immediate ruling. Rafe then arrives and tells Gabi that she’s getting out as they hug. The guard reminds Rafe of the no touching rule. Stefan says he’ll show him touching and kisses Gabi.

Johnny asks if Chanel is hungry yet and offers to still make the Pub run but Chanel says she doesn’t have an appetite. Chanel points out that Johnny could still make his flight to LA if he hurries. Johnny asks if she’s crazy and declares there is no way he’s leaving her. Chanel brings up that the director Peyton Russo is waiting for him on set. Johnny doesn’t care but Chanel argues that it’s his dream. Johnny tells Chanel that she is his dream and his life, so the only place he wants to be is here with her as they hug.

Abe joins Paulina at the Pub. Paulina asks how Chanel is. Abe says she’s going to be fine. Paulina is glad she’s not all alone. Paulina says it’s been a long day and she needs to go fix her face to she steps away. Eric comes over and tells Abe that he heard about the baby and that he’s sorry for them all. Abe thanks him and asks how Eric is doing since he heard he’s suffering through a loss as well. Eric says he’s fine and just trying to figure things out. Eric admits it’s hard. Abe remembers when he and Lexie had to give up Isaac and how difficult that was. Abe states that in time, he had to accept that he wasn’t his child.

EJ pours a drink in the living room. Melinda walks in and thanks him for the immunity deal. EJ argues that she didn’t deserve it. Melinda says she’s so grateful that she had to come over and tell him how much it means to her. Melinda declares that now there’s nothing EJ can do to her when she tells Nicole that Eric is Jude’s father. EJ questions why she would do that. Melinda says out of spite, arguing that EJ forced Paulina to kick her out of her job and blew up her life without a second thought, so now she’s going to blow up his. Nicole then returns to the living room and asks what is going on here.

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