Days Short Recap Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Kate let Lucas know that Harris left town. Lucas said he wanted to thank Harris for getting him out of prison. Kate said it took Harris long enough to get him out. She said she was glad to have her son back. Lucas told her not for long. Chad told Julie that Clyde was shipped to maximum security. When Jack came in, he asked why Chad went to see Clyde. He said he hoped Chad wasn’t trying to get revenge. Chad said he did, but he couldn’t pull the trigger. Jack was happy to hear that. When Jack was about to leave, Julie stopped him. Abe showed Paulina an article about the failed attempt to recall her as mayor. Paulina was upset that she had to reinstate EJ in order for him to drop it. She said she felt bad for Melinda. Since Melinda turned down the job as head of sanitation, she had to find someone. Abe offered to do it. Paulina said she would love working with him, but she didn’t want to be his boss. He understood and said he would look for something else. Dr. Greene met with Chanel and Johnny in an exam room at the hospital. He said the baby appeared to be developing normally, but saw soft markers that could indicate a congenital abnormality. Dr. Greene suggested they see a genetic counselor in Los Angeles for more tests.

While Leo was waiting to see his mother in prison, he looked over his notes. When Diana came in the room, she tried to take his notes from him. She made fun of him for getting therapy and wondered why he needed it. Leo said it was because of her. He told her she was a bad mother. Diana wasn’t interested in his childhood trauma. When she called out for the guard, Leo read from his notes. He said she shouldn’t have been a mother. Diana took his notes and ripped them. Lucas told Kate he was going to Phoenix to be with Will and Allie. He said he had to make amends for what he did to Sami. Kate blamed herself for what happened with him and Philip. She wondered if they inherited her madness. He said he would be back. Julie gave Jack the box to see if Jennifer could open it. When Jack left, Julie told Chad she wasn’t going to tell Jack anything. Chad said he hoped he’d have good news for Jack before he left. He wondered if they will ever find out. Since Chad wasn’t able to talk to Clyde, he and Julie had to figure out who the mystery woman was without him. Diana told Leo she wasn’t to blame for his lifestyle. She said it wasn’t her fault he was the way he was. Leo asked what she meant by that. He asked if she was talking about him being gay. Diana said he didn’t have any friends and was unlovable. She said his therapy session were a waste of time. He said he came there to make himself feel better. Leo told her about his father hitting him. He said when he begged her to do something, she told him to suck it up and be a man. Leo said when he killed his father to protect her, she blamed him. He said she had one job to do and she didn’t do it. When Leo asked if she was going to say anything, she said she was at a loss for words. She told him not to visit again. Leo said he wouldn’t visit her again. Lucas went to the Horton House to say goodbye to Chad and Julie. He asked Chad about the video he saw. Chad said it could be proof Abby was still alive. After Lucas watched the video, he said Clyde was playing mind games. When Johnny and Chanel went to see Paulina, they told her about the doctor’s appointment. While they were talking, Chanel doubled over in pain.

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