Days Short Recap Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ let Stefan know that he couldn’t get Gabi out of prison. Stefan went off and reminded him about their deal. EJ told him that he only had photos of Clyde’s book. The judge needed physical evidence or Gabi wouldn’t get out of prison. Alex told Brady that he and Theresa were engaged. Brady wished them luck but thought they were moving too fast. Alex was going to propose to him sooner, but he wanted to make sure he was ready to commit to a recovering addict. He also had to work through his trust issues. Alex felt like he could trust Theresa, but Brady wondered if he could. He wondered if she was after him for his money. Theresa panicked when she heard Sarah tell Bonnie that Xander’s aunt gave him the address for his mother’s place. Theresa didn’t think it was her current address. Sarah was going to send an invitation to her and see what happens. Theresa told her that she couldn’t do that. She came up with reasons why Sarah shouldn’t invite his mother to the wedding. Sarah and Bonnie shot down every reason Theresa had. Theresa offered to help Sarah and Bonnie with the invitation. EJ reminded Stefan that Melinda was holding Clyde’s book, and he couldn’t find her. Stefan wanted him to give Melinda immunity for taking Nicole’s baby in exchange for the book. EJ let him know that Nicole wouldn’t understand that. Stefan didn’t care. He wanted Gabi out of prison or else he would tell Nicole the truth.

Nicole and Xander were at the paper. They talked about baby switching which led them to talk about their own situations. Nicole continued to talk about the things he did wrong. They agreed to disagree, and he told her that Sarah got him to invite his mother to the wedding. Brady told Alex that Theresa made it a habit to go after rich men’s money. Alex reminded him that Theresa was interested in him before his inheritance. Brady remembered Theresa getting Victor’s briefcase before they did. He thought she might have broken into it and saw the documents. Alex was sure their meeting wasn’t premeditated. Sarah let Bonnie know that they could talk about a double wedding another time. Bonnie talked to Theresa about the prom. Theresa ranted about Holly and Sarah defended her niece. Theresa eased up on Holly and talked about being hooked on drugs when she was a kid. While they were talking, Theresa managed to swipe Fiona’s invitation. Alex didn’t want Brady to mention his theory again especially in front of Theresa. Theresa walked in while they were talking. Bonnie knocked over a trash can and noticed Fiona’s invitation. She thought Theresa got into Sarah’s head and decided to mail the invitation herself. EJ called Rafe and told him that he had to find Melinda if he wanted Gabi back home. Stefan was at the prison and waited until Gabi arrived.

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