B&B Transcript Friday, June 28, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: How much do you really believe in Thomas’s new relationship?

Steffy: What do you mean? I don’t think it’s fake.

Hope: So do you really support Paris and him, or do you just support him being with anyone but me?

Steffy: Paris wants to marry Thomas. You don’t.

Hope: Okay. So you don’t actually care about their relationship at all. You just care about pushing your brother toward any woman who isn’t me.

Ridge: Thomas, if this is a rebound, if you still have feelings for hope…

Thomas: Yes. I still have feelings for Hope. I’m always gonna love her. But…[sighs] will she commit to me for the rest of her life? No. Right? I mean, two failed proposal attempts speak to that.

Ridge: So, you’re moving on with a woman who will commit.

Thomas: Not just will commit. Who was thrilled to say “yes” when I pulled out that ring.

Luna: Look, I understand you not wanting to tell me if my dad was like some criminal or, I don’t know, somebody you’d wanna protect me from. But Bill–I mean, Bill’s a successful businessman. You know, he’s somebody that you’d want me to emulate. He could’ve been my role model, but…you decided to keep quiet instead. And, look, I know that you said that you were trying to protect me in your heart, but… I can’t help but wonder if something else is going on. Is there more to this? Is there something else going on that made you not wanna tell me that Bill could be my father? [guitar plucking]

Sheila: Hey. So, you excited for tonight?

Tom: Oh, very. Pretty cool Deacon hatched this idea.

Sheila: Well, that’s my husband for you, though. He’s the ultimate promoter. I’m hoping we get a good crowd here tonight. And I’m thinking maybe some of your old fans show up. What do you think?

Tom: How cool would that be. I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing a face or two popping in from the past.

Deacon: I just realized that maybe I should hire extra security. I mean, if the rumors are right about you being such a ladies man during your rock star years, I don’t know. We could have women rushing the stage.

Tom: Oh, no, no. It was a long time ago that I could cause any sort of stampede. You know, I was sort of a Casanova. Oh, yeah. Back in the day.

Deacon: Well, look, you got yourself a venue, so don’t go hanging up your Romeo hat yet, all right? You just do your thing, strum that guitar. You’re gonna have women begging for your attention. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky tonight.

Sheila: Might.

Deacon: Maybe I’ll get lucky. [Sheila chuckles]

Poppy: I thought I was doing the right thing raising you on my own, but… I was depriving you.

Luna: Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that, because… You know, it’s true. It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s in the past. And all that matters is that I know Bill’s my dad, and Aunt Li’s test proved that.

Bill: Mm. And I’m thankful that it did.

Poppy: It really does mean the world to me to see my gorgeous daughter so happy and reunited with her father.

Thomas: Look, Hope’s rejection, it–it hurt. And I didn’t know how or when I would be able to move past it. It turns out going to International was exactly what I needed. It gave me some space and some time to reflect, but it also gave me the stability to cross paths with Paris who was a unexpected and very welcome surprise.

Ridge: Speaking of surprises, how’s Hope? Was she surprised?

Thomas: She was pretty thrown. Upset. Which, I guess, is to be expected, considering that I am engaged to another woman.

Steffy: Give me a break. You’re not looking out for Thomas. You’re doing what you always do best–playing the Logan card.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. Steffy–

Steffy: And playing it well, I might add. But, of course, it’s just like your mother. But it’s not gonna work this time. I won’t let it. I won’t let you get into my brother’s head.

Thomas: Yeah, maybe I should have told Hope earlier. But I didn’t want this to be something that I told her over the phone. I wanted to say it in person.

Ridge: No, you’re right. That makes sense.

Thomas: Yeah. Except, um… When Douglas and I got here and saw Hope and Douglas ran into her arms, um, Hope thought that I was back to give our relationship another try.

Ridge: But you’re not here for that. Right? You’re not gonna give it one more try with Hope, are you?

Hope: I don’t know why you think I’m messing with Thomas.

Steffy: Seriously?

Hope: Anyone who cares about Thomas should be concerned right now. We all know how deeply your brother felt about me, how he proposed to me. And now all of a sudden, he shows up engaged to someone else? I am sorry, Steffy, but this relationship with Paris, it is– it is happening way too fast.

Tom: Deacon.

Deacon: Yeah.

Tom: I think I gotta start getting ready for the show.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: You know, get quiet, get in the zone.

Deacon: Yeah. Okay. We’ll leave you be.

Tom: Hey, Deacon. Thanks. I hope I don’t disappoint.

Deacon: Impossible.

Tom: Seriously, though, you have no idea what this means to me.

Poppy: It’s hard to believe now how afraid I was of your rejection, that you would shun me, turn your back on our daughter. Most men would have. But not you. You welcomed us into your life, your home. You’ve literally changed our lives.

Bill: Well, you know what? Uh, I would like to change them even more. Talk’s cheap. I’m a man of action. I wanna do more than welcome you into my home. I wanna welcome you into my family. Now, I know the two of you have this, uh, intense bond. You talk about your “Nozawa power,” and I respect that. I don’t wanna interfere in it. But I think you could maintain your connection even if you took on another name. Even if you became a Spencer. Now, I know that I’m not on Luna’s birth certificate. But I’d like to fix that. I would like to adopt Luna and make it official.

Luna: What? You–You wanna adopt me?

Poppy: You would really do that?

Bill: Mm-hmm.

Poppy: You would make Luna your daughter, not just biologically but legally, too?

Bill: Well, yes. She already is my daughter. But in the eyes of the law. If you’re both okay with that.

Poppy: Yes. Are you kidding? I couldn’t have imagined a better life or future for my daughter. Or for me. I know it’s been over 20 years since we first connected, but it feels like it happened just 20 minutes ago. And I have never felt more connected or in a love with a man. [Poppy, Bill laughing] Oh, Luna Spencer. I like the sound a lot.

Luna: Yeah, I do, too.

Bill: Who would have thought that a chance encounter at Il Giardino would be so incredibly impactful.

Poppy: You know what? I think that you two should have some time alone. You know, all this talk of adoption and Luna becoming a Spencer, that just feels like a father/daughter bonding moment that I should let you two share. My beautiful girl. This is the life and the happiness that you deserve. And now that you have it, nothing and no one can ever take it from you. [Bill chuckles]

Bill: Let’s go look at your, uh…

Luna: These are my brothers.

Bill: …brothers-to-be here. So great. You…

Luna: I can’t believe you’re talking about making this legal. Making me an actual Spencer?

Bill: And not to pressure you, but the Spencers do fairly well in the world of mass media. So if you ever get tired of making dresses, there’s a place for you here. You are always welcome.

Hollis: Hey, Tom. Can I get you something before the big show? Anything at all?

Tom: Oh, no. No, I’m fine.

Hollis: Yeah?

Tom: Hey, Hollis. I really appreciate you, man. I mean, thank you for taking me under your wing.

Hollis: Oh, come on. Look, it’s just– Tom, I really wanna see you succeed.

Deacon: Hey, we all do. Listen. If you wanna decompress before the show, you’re welcome to go up to my apartment.

Tom: Really?

Deacon: Yeah. You know, it’s got privacy. You can tune your guitar up. Sure.

Tom: Then that’ll be great. Thanks.

Deacon: Absolutely. You know, I’m just– I’m just really proud of you, the way you’ve turned your life around.

Tom: You know, it’s been a journey. I mean, listen. I’ve had my demons. I was living on the streets. But you know what? I’m clean now. I got a job. And I’m proud to be working here at El Giardino.

Deacon: Well, you know what? We’re proud to have you.

Hollis: We sure are.

Tom: And listen. I just want you to know how much I value what’s going on here and the direction my life’s going. And I wanna give it my all up on that stage. I have a new beginning. There’s no more gloom and doom. I’ve got a future. Speaking of the immediate future, I’ll take you up on that apartment offer.

Deacon: Okay.

Tom: I promise I won’t trash it.

Deacon: I believe you.

Hollis: Yeah.

Ridge: Son, I don’t wanna make it sound like I’m against this engagement because I’m not. I like Paris. And if she’s the one for you, then I’m very happy. But you keep saying that you have feelings for Hope, that part of you will always love her. And as a parent, that’s a little concerning.

Thomas: Yeah, I understand that that’s concerning, but… there’s also just truth to it. I’m always going to love Hope, but that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, which is that she is a woman who does not want to commit to me. And I want a commitment. I wanna have a family, you know? I wanna give Douglas a brother or a sister.

Ridge: Wait. Hang on. You’re already talking about that?

Thomas: Yeah, we’re talking about that. And we’re on the same page about that. I’m glad I finally found someone who wants the same things as me. [sighs] I wanna create a life and a family for me and Douglas. And– Speaking of Douglas, I actually need to go find him. So let’s catch up later.

Ridge: Okay.

Steffy: Is the engagement quick? Yeah. Maybe. But it doesn’t mean it isn’t genuine. Just let Thomas be happy. He finally found what he was looking for– a commitment, an engagement. You couldn’t give that to him, so don’t begrudge him finding it with someone else.

Hope: Will you please stop pretending like you care? I–I–I really don’t believe that you genuinely care about Thomas’s happiness, about if he finds love or not or if he gets married or not. As long as it doesn’t involve me, that is what matters to you. That is your priority– making sure that I have no part in your brother’s life. Let’s be real.

Thomas: Is everything okay?

Steffy: Yeah. Everything’s fine. But I think you should come in. You need to hear this.

Thomas: Need to hear what?

Luna: When I used to dream about who my father might be, sometimes I’d picture like a baseball player or a famous actor or a chef. Never did I imagine this. Someone as loving and accepting as you. [laughs]


Tom: Ah, come on in, boss. Huh. What are you doing?

Poppy: I’m putting you on notice, Tom.

Tom: Huh?

Poppy: I wasn’t amused by your little “pizza delivery” earlier. You’re never to come to the Spencer estate again. Do you understand me?

Tom: Why? Suddenly you don’t like free pizza?

Poppy: I have told you before. I want nothing to do with you. Stay away from me. Stay away from my daughter.

Tom: Our daughter. We both know the truth. Luna’s mine. I’m Luna’s father.

Thomas: All right, Steffy, what’s going on?

Steffy: I just want you to know that I am not gonna be putting up with Brooke 2.0.

Hope: Excuse me?

Steffy: You are more and more like your mother every single day, and it’s really painful to see because you were the one Logan I thought who knew the difference between right and wrong.

Hope: I still think I do.

Steffy: That makes your behavior even worse, because even Brooke didn’t know that she was supposedly wreaking havoc.

Thomas: Steffy, come on.

Steffy: No, you need to hear this. Brooke ran through our family and tore it apart, and now Hope is picking up right where she left off. You will not do to Thomas what Brooke did to our father all those years. So, yeah, am I being a little overprotective? Maybe I am, considering his obsession with you in the past. Thomas, you know how much we’ve talked since you moved.

Thomas: Yes, we have.

Steffy: Okay. And in the course of those conversations, the beginning was tough for you. I mean, you were sad. But look at you now. You’re happy. You’re engaged. And, Hope, if you truly cared about Thomas, you would leave him alone. Like I said, he is happy. Do not interfere. Do not ruin things for him, please.

Hope: All I have done is question whether or not this engagement is the right move for you. I don’t understand Steffy’s strong reaction.

Steffy: Okay, just stop. Don’t listen to Hope. You’re engaged to a fantastic woman, a woman who is devoted to you and accepted your proposal. You deserve this. You deserve a stable future with Paris and with Douglas. Like, look at you. You are in such a better place ever since you left for Europe, ever since you’ve been away from Hope. So marry Paris. Just do it. And don’t even think about Hope again.

Here’s a look at what’s ahead…

Poppy: Leave Luna and me alone.

Tom: I’m Luna’s dad.

Hope: Oh, God, I still love you, and deep down I believe you still love me, too.

Eric: I guess we’re about to have another wedding.

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