Days Short Recap Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Brady talked to Marlena about what happened between Tate and Holly during the prom. He agreed with Theresa about what happened. Marlena wondered if he agreed with her because she was right or because of his feelings for her. Brady assured her that they were co-parents. He did admit that they had a moment together. Brady said that Theresa wants to be with Alex. She wondered what he wanted. He wasn’t concerned about his feelings. Marlena assured him that she would be there for him and left for the hospital. Alex talked to Bonnie about getting engaged to Theresa. She wondered if he talked to Justin about it. He let her know that he didn’t because of the way he reacted towards her. Bonnie told him that Theresa was manipulating him. Theresa overheard Bonnie and glared at her. Johnny and Paulina brought Chanel to the hospital. Chanel was cramping in the elevator. Mark took them to an examination room. He wanted Paulina to wait outside. She reluctantly left. Chanel let Johnny know that she was scared. Johnny tried to comfort her. Marlena ran into Leo at the hospital. She agreed to see him. He told her about his horrible meeting with his mother. Marlena told him that he’s not a dependent child so he shouldn’t give his mother power over him. He could do anything he liked. Leo was happy with their session and wondered if the doctor (Mark) was worth checking out. Theresa wondered why it was okay for Bonnie to talk about her behind her back. Bonnie said she talked about things she would say to her face. Alex assured Theresa that he trusted her, and he was committed to making a life with her. Theresa wondered why Bonnie made a 180. Bonnie said Justin’s concerns were why she was concerned. She changed the subject to talk about Xander and Sarah’s wedding. Bonnie let it slip that Xander’s mother might be at the wedding. Theresa’s panicked at the idea of her being at the wedding. She didn’t think it was a good idea since she’s an alcoholic. Bonnie thought she might have changed liked her. Alex wondered why Theresa was so worried about it.

Mark performed an ultrasound on Chanel. He gave her Felicity’s stuffed animal to hold. After the ultrasound, Mark told Chanel and Johnny that she had a miscarriage. Johnny and Chanel were heartbroken and confused since he told them the baby was fine. Mark said a spontaneous loss could happen for any reason and it’s not unusual. He said one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. Mark apologized for their loss. Johnny started crying as he comforted Chanel. Leo told Marlena about his conversation with Mark. She reminded him that they just met. Marlena didn’t want him to read too much into since they just met. She didn’t want him to get hurt. Theresa told everyone they needed to be wary of long-lost family members showing up after what happened with Konstantin. Bonnie said they couldn’t find Xander’s mother so there was nothing to worry about. Paulina went to Chanel’s room while she was crying in Johnny’s arms. Johnny told her that they lost the baby. Chanel blamed Paulina for their loss. Johnny glared at her.

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