GH Short Recap Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny asks Trina to tell Ava that he has talked to his lawyer and they both agree that the Metro Court isn’t the proper place to raise Avery even part-time. Ava and Trina figure out that Sonny is going to fight her for custody of Avery. Ava is angry and tells Trina that Sonny isn’t the only one who has reasons to sue for custody. Ava tells Trina she won’t let Sonny take Avery away from her.

Trina later tells Gio and Josslynn that she is worried Ava could cause physical harm to Sonny.

Mac apologizes to Cody for thinking he was a conman when he first arrived in town. Mac also thanks Cody for helping his family so much while he was gone. Sasha, once again, tells Cody he should tell Mac the truth but Cody doesn’t think it’s the right time to tell Mac the truth.

Kristina draws up a petition stating that, if Molly and TJ break-up, the baby remains with the Davis family. Kristina wants Alexis to look at the document to make sure it is okay. Alexis reminds Kristina that she won’t take sides about the baby. Alexis thinks that Kristina should talk to Molly and TJ about her concerns.

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