B&B Transcript Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

[ relaxed music ]

Hope: So, you and Paris are… what?

Thomas: I was trying to tell you, Hope.

Douglas: Did I say something wrong, Dad?

Thomas: No, bud, you didn’t say anything wrong.

Hope: So, you came back because you’re engaged. To Paris Buckingham.

Thomas: I proposed and she accepted. We’re getting married.

Steffy: Hope’s optimism is commendable, but it isn’t realistic.

Ridge: Hope For the Future’s in transition. I’m sure they’re gonna bounce back.

Steffy: I’m not going to fight you on it this time.

Ridge: I’m so glad to hear it. Thank you.

Steffy: I admit, at its peak, Hope for the Future, it was a very innovative and creative line.

Ridge: Mm-hmm. Can be again.

Steffy: You say give it more time. Fine. And I’m sure our newest executive member feels the same way, so we will.

Ridge: Hope and her line deserve that.

Steffy: Okay, we’re giving her another quarter to prove herself, but let’s be honest. RJ and Zende, they are great designers. They are. They’re doing their best. But Hope for the Future? It hasn’t been the same since Thomas left.

Ridge: You’re right.

Steffy: I’m right?

Ridge: Yes. Hope for the Future’s not the same now that Thomas is gone.

Steffy: Thank you.

Ridge: But that doesn’t mean it can’t be great again because Zende, RJ, they’re very talented. And Zende’s experience, that’s the key here.

Steffy: Okay, but he’s not in charge. Hope is. And her judgment lately has been a little bit iffy.

Ridge: Okay, you’re right about that too. Inviting Sheila back into her life, it– it’s just disappointing.

Steffy: Completely irrational? Let’s face it, Hope for the Future isn’t the only thing that hasn’t been the same lately. Hope is losing it. She’s been completely off the rails and I keep thinking she’s going to try to pull herself together, but she hasn’t. Ever since Thomas made the wise decision to take Douglas and leave for Paris.

Thomas: You’re shocked.

Paris: Well, we did keep things kind of private.

Thomas: Yeah, to give it time.

Hope: When? How?

Paris: Well, as you know, I’ve been working at International. I was already there when Thomas moved.

Thomas: Yeah. We started hanging out, grabbed a few meals together. Douglas, too.

Douglas: Paris took me to see some really cool art.

Paris: And you took me to your favorite pastry shop.

Hope: And where were you?

Thomas: Well, somebody had to carry the prints and all the bakery boxes, so.

Douglas: It’s okay, Mom. You don’t have to worry. I know Dad. He really loves Paris. This is for real.

Paris: Hey, Douglas. How about we give your dad and Hope some time alone?

Douglas: Yeah. I haven’t seen Grandpa and Aunt Steffy yet. I’ll see you later. I’ve missed you a lot.

Hope: Me too. Wow.

Thomas: I was going to tell you on my own.

Hope: Just no warning. You just come back to announce your engagement?

Thomas: Didn’t seem like news to reveal over the phone. [ Hope scoffing ]

Hope: Oh. Oh, wow. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have misread that? You– you came into the office, Douglas ran into my arms. I was so happy for a minute. I thought, “They’re home. It’s– Everything is going to be okay. I don’t have to worry anymore.” I really thought you came back to… To restart our life together, Thomas.

Steffy: Hope never understood how badly she could hurt Thomas.

Ridge: I’m sure that wasn’t her intention.

Steffy: Her intention was to never marry Thomas. And– and she knew that from the start.

Ridge: I think the two of them saw that differently.

Steffy: Well, who was right? And now, Hope resents me for it.

Ridge: You– you guys are at each other for all kinds of stuff lately.

Steffy: I think I’ve moved on.

Ridge: I think we all want to.

Steffy: I know Thomas has.

Ridge: Yeah, it does seem that way.

Steffy: But Hope hasn’t. She thinks I’m the reason Douglas and Thomas left for Paris, but that is not true. It’s her fault. And Thomas understands that. Like, I talk to him and he says that I’m right.

Ridge: You talk to him?

Steffy: Yeah, I do. I talk to him a lot. We chat on video calls and Douglas chats with his cousins. It’s really cute.

Ridge: I miss those guys so much.

Steffy: I know. I really miss them.

Ridge: But, you gotta remember that they’re where they need to be. Paris has been really good to them.

Steffy: Yeah, you can say that again.

Douglas: Grandpa! [ Steffy gasping ]

Ridge: What? Wait, what are you–

Steffy: Honey! Oh, my God.

Ridge: What are you doing here?

Steffy: Get over here! What– Wait, what are you doing here?

Douglas: Visiting you.

Steffy: Are– We– This is crazy. We were just talking about– We were talking about you and how much we miss you.

Douglas: I miss you too.

Ridge: I talked to your dad the other day. He didn’t tell me anything about you coming over here.

Douglas: We wanted to surprise you.

Ridge: Well, this is a–

Steffy and Ridge: Surprise!

Ridge: Biggest surprise ever.

Steffy: Wait, so wait, it’s– it’s– it’s you and your father? You’re here?

Douglas: Not just us. His fiancée’s here, too.

Ridge: His what? His– his fiancée?

Steffy: What? They’re engaged?

Ridge: Wait, so he’s been seeing somebody? Who?

Paris: Me.

Steffy: Paris! Oh, my God.

Paris: Hi, Steffy! It’s been a while.

Steffy: Yeah, I guess I don’t have to ask you how things are going with Thomas.

Paris: Pretty well, I’d say.

Ridge: You knew about this?

Steffy: Well, I knew Paris and Thomas were dating, but I didn’t realize that they’re engaged. Oh, my God!

Thomas: This is why I wanted to tell you in person. So I could explain.

Hope: Well, I — I didn’t even know that you were dating and now you’re engaged to Paris?

Thomas: Look, Douglas didn’t mean to spring that on you. He just got excited.

Hope: He called Paris “mom.”

Thomas: Well, we’re gonna be married, so…

Hope: Why are you doing this?

Thomas: I’m doing this because Paris is an incredible woman. She’s ambitious and creative and loving.

Hope: And does she care at all that you were engaged to her sister once upon a time? And that, oh yeah, you proposed to me not too long ago.

Thomas: She knows all that. And she also knows why I had to leave L.A.

Hope: Yeah, because of your feelings for me.

Thomas: And my need to move past them.

Hope: So, this is how you do it? Marrying someone else so quickly? Thomas, that is not how it works.

Thomas: You know what doesn’t work? Being in love with someone and asking them to marry you over and over again, and them saying no. That doesn’t work. I had to take that dream and give it away.

Hope: There are other ways to be committed, Thomas.

Thomas: Yes, there are, but Paris wants to be my wife.

Hope: Gosh, of course, she does. Look at all you have to offer, Thomas. Any woman would be lucky enough to… And I… just wasn’t ready.

Thomas: I know. And a part of me is always gonna love you, Hope. But I had to move on. You gave me no choice.

Douglas: I gave it away again.

Paris: No, Douglas, it’s okay. You’re excited. We are too.

Douglas: But Dad wanted to tell everyone together.

Ridge: Well, I’m just glad somebody’s telling me something. So, you’re engaged?

Paris: You’re surprised.

Ridge: Yeah, I’m surprised. I didn’t know you were dating.

Douglas: Dad’s happy. For real. And I am too. Paris is great. Dad loves her a lot.

Paris: And I love you both more than I can say. Hey, remember you said you were gonna say hello to Charlie after you said hello to your family?

Steffy: Oh, he’s probably in his office.

Paris: Yeah, that’ll give me a chance to talk to your aunt and grandpa.

Douglas: I’m so glad to be home.

Ridge: Me too. Keep an eye on Charlie, okay?

Douglas: Okay.

Ridge: Bye. Wow.

Paris: Well, I’m sure you guys have a lot of questions.

Steffy: Yes.

Ridge: That’s an understatement.

Steffy: Dad, it wasn’t my place to say anything.

Ridge: So, you knew about this engagement?

Steffy: No, no. I knew that Thomas and Paris were a couple. I didn’t know about the engagement.

Paris: Like Douglas said, Thomas wanted to tell you all in person.

Ridge: How long have you guys been dating?

Paris: We reconnected shortly after Douglas and Thomas moved to Paris and we’ve been together ever since.

Ridge: I– I saw him over there. He didn’t mention anything about any of this.

Paris: Yeah, well, he wanted to enjoy his time with you. He wasn’t sure how you’d react after, you know, knowing how fast things have been going. Especially after leaving Hope. But Thomas and I, we bonded over our commitment to improving ourselves, and the world as much as we can. I dedicated my life to non-profit work, expanding the Forrester Foundation globally, and Thomas, he’s focusing on being the best designer and father to Douglas. Thomas’ first few weeks in Paris were a little sad and lonely. He didn’t have that spark I remembered. Except for when he was with Douglas. At first, I was just trying to cheer them up.

Ridge: Well, I appreciate that.

Paris: Yeah, I couldn’t let your son go through another dark chapter in his life. He’s gone through a lot worse than a little rejection. And I saw how strong he was. And how– how beautiful he is and I knew he could depend on me. And over time, we just formed this bond. This profound connection. I love Thomas. And I know he really loves me.

Hope: I know I hurt you and I know I let you down. And I am sorry, Thomas. But that didn’t mean that I stopped loving you. That didn’t mean that I wanted you to leave.

Thomas: I had to leave.

Hope: No, you didn’t. You didn’t. You ran. You could have stayed. You could have worked it out.

Thomas: You said no. You didn’t want to marry me.

Hope: You know that I needed time. And now, you– You’re already engaged?

Thomas: And it’s not just some random person. This is someone I’ve known for a long time.

Hope: So what, have you… Have you just forgotten everything that we shared?

Thomas: No, Hope. I haven’t forgotten anything. You’ve been there for me, you inspired me, you encouraged me and I’m so grateful for that. I am never going to forget what we had.

Hope: Then, how can you move on so quickly with someone else like we were nothing?

Thomas: Paris and I have something special, too.

Hope: Oh, gosh, I– I want– I want to be happy for you. Really, I do, but this is just, this is–

Thomas: Yeah, well, Hope, I’m not asking for that. I just needed you to know. Hope, it’s gonna be okay.

Hope: You were my constant. You were like my– my north star. When my life was upside down and unstable, I knew that I could look to you for reassurance. I mean, you were– you were steadfast. Your commitment, your love, your devotion. I mean… a one-woman man. And you still are, aren’t you? Only that woman isn’t me anymore, is it? Paris? Are you sure you love her?

Paris: Oh, you’re not sure what to say.

Ridge: It’s a lot to digest.

Steffy: Totally caught off guard, but Thomas raves about you. He’s never once mentioned marriage, like–

Paris: He wanted to tell you himself. Announce it together.

Steffy: Where is he now?

Paris: With Hope.

Steffy: Hope. Hope. Okay.

Paris: Yeah, Douglas was super excited to see her, so he rushed into the office and we were right there behind him.

Steffy: You were with Thomas?

Paris: Yeah.

Ridge: Oh. So, she saw you. She knows?

Paris: Well, it’s kind of hard to ignore this generous engagement ring.

Steffy: I mean, this is absolutely beautiful.

Paris: Thank you.

Ridge: It’s quite a statement.

Steffy: So, how did, uh, Hope take it? It must have been a shock for her.

Paris: Yeah, that’s why I brought Douglas in here. Just to give Thomas and Hope a chance to talk.

Steffy: Oh, oh– okay. Do you think that’s wise, given their history? No, look, I– I know Thomas moved on, but Hope? I don’t know. I don’t know if she’s ready to let go of him.

Paris: Well, in the past, I might have been concerned about that. Maybe even a little insecure. But not anymore. I believe in Thomas’ love for me. That’s why I agreed to marry him. Because I’m certain he’s finally over Hope.

Hope: Tell me, Thomas. Say the words. Do you really love Paris?

Thomas: I asked her to marry me.

Hope: Still didn’t answer my question–

Thomas: Yes, I did, Hope. I hate seeing you this upset. [ Hope scoffing ]

Hope: What did you expect?

Thomas: I asked you to marry me twice and you turned me down.

Hope: And then you went and proposed to someone else.

Thomas: Yeah, well sometimes you gotta ask the question a few times before you get the answer you want.

Hope: From Paris. Thomas, I know you said that you share something special. You know it will never even be close to what we share. What we had was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before and I know that you feel the same. Those first moments together in Rome. The– the high of the fashion show. Our kiss in front of the Coliseum. The– the sparks. The connection. It wasn’t just a temporary thing, Thomas. It wasn’t just passion or desire. It was real. We created something beautiful. Something deep. Something true. A man has never moved me the way that you do. And I know you feel that way too. There’s still– there’s still so much potential for us, Thomas. This– this doesn’t have to be the way at all. It all happens to be. I– You remember, everyone was trying to break us apart. Steffy, your mother, they couldn’t break our connection. They can’t break what we share. There’s still so much future ahead for us if we just want it. You can choose a different path. We can still have it all. You don’t have to marry Paris, Thomas. Please, don’t go through with this.

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