B&B Transcript Friday, June 14, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Steffy: I’m concerned, brooke. Legitimately concerned.

Brooke: About hope? What’s there to be concerned about?

Steffy: You don’t find it a little strange? That hope is spending so much time with finn.

Hope: You really have no idea just how grateful I am that you were able to swing by and check in on beth.

Finn: No, it’s– it can be scary when your child spikes a fever like that.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. She had chills. She was achy. I was lethargic. I couldn’t believe that we couldn’t get in to see a doctor until tomorrow, so… it’s a huge relief that you were able to stop by and help out, and now my daughter is sleeping peacefully in the next room, thanks to you.

Finn: Well, maybe. I mean, it’S…

Hope: You know you can take a compliment.

Finn: Yeah, okay, fine. Yes, you’re very welcome. And look, you– never hesitate to call me about that kind of thing, you know.

Hope: Well, I appreciate it. And I appreciate you.

Poppy: I can’t believe how everything changed for me recently. Like, am I really living here?

Bill: The last time I checked.

Poppy: But how crazy, right? Everything changed for me overnight. You are luna’s father. I have a co-parent now, who insisted we move into his house. His unbelievably ginormous house.

Bill: Well, don’t get used to it. I wanna whisk you away, remember? My yacht?

Poppy: Oh, yes, that’s right. What was her name again? It was the, uh, the stella…

Bill: The stella maris. Can’t wait for you to see her.

Poppy: Me neither. It’s like I walked into a dream. I mean, to think how differently life would’ve been if you and I had met up again years earlier. We could’ve raised luna together. Here, just– the thought of it. Well, you know what? Never mind what could’ve been. The thought of what’s to come. Hm?

Katie: Oh! Sorry. Um… alfred at the guard shack let me in. I guess I should’ve called first.

Bill: Katie, hi.

Katie: So, um, I hear congratulations are in order.

Bill: Yes, katie, congratulations are definitely in order. I’m luna’s father.

Poppy: Bill and I have a daughter.

Brooke: Oh, what’s wrong with hope and finn spending time together? I mean, they’re friends. That’s what friends do.

Steffy: It’s more than that and you know it.

Brooke: I don’t know what you’re implying, steffy.

Steffy: The connection that they have? Her father is married to his birth mother, and now they’re going to weddings together, funerals together.

Brooke: Oh. Yeah, you’re right. They have a connection that way.

Steffy: Hope has zero common sense. If she did, then she wouldn’t be letting deacon sway her opinion about sheila. I– I don’t need this type of energy.

Hope: I just think that maybe steffy doesn’t appreciate what she has in finn.

Brooke: Be honest with me. More importantly, be honest with yourself. Are you having feelings for steffy’s husband?

Steffy: Hello? Are you even hearing me right now? I need your daughter to keep her feelings to herself.

Finn: I’d say her fever’s definitely broken.

Hope: That is such a relief. Thank you again, finn, for coming over like this on such short notice. I know you didn’t have to.

Finn: No, I didn’t have to. I wanted to. I could hear how concerned you were.

Hope: For the record, I am not usually such a panicky parent, but with how bad her fever was and then her being all lethargic, I just…

Finn: I would’ve panicked, too, okay? And I’m a doctor. It’s all good.

Hope: And a very good one at that, by the way. I mean, look at you, curing headaches, taking down fevers. I mean, what can’t you fix?

Finn: Well, it’s one of the benefits of working the er. I mean, eventually you will see everything. And I mean, everything.

Hope: Oh, I bet you have some stories.

Finn: Yeah, but I’m always glad when they have happy endings, like today, with beth on the mend.

Hope: No, that’s all thanks to you, dr. Finnegan.


Katie: I’m just trying to figure out why you’re just learning that luna is your daughter now. I mean, I guess I can kind of understand why you wouldn’t wanna track him down, but you’ve been reacquainted for a while.

Poppy: Yes, but I didn’t know.

Katie: Oh, right, right. But you suspected?

Bill: I asked poppy about it. Poppy started to put the timing together, but she denied it.

Katie: Yeah, I don’t get that. Why would you do that?

Bill: She was afraid.

Katie: Afraid of what?

Bill: Her love for me.

Katie: Oh.

Steffy: Did you hear me, brooke? I’m not comfortable with your daughter spending so much time with my husband.

Brooke: I think you’re taking it too far. Banning us from being friendly with finn.

Steffy: Okay, if anyone thinks sheila should be out of prison, should be banned. Period. The end. Logan or not.

Brooke: I don’t think hope was saying that. She was just saying it’s possible that sheila’s changed. Keeping an open mind isn’t like being her advocate.

Steffy: Okay. Would you keep an open mind?

Brooke: No.

Steffy: Of course not, because you know sheila is a psychopath. Look, if you wanna be friends with finn, fine. I don’t care, but not hope. Not when she’s being manipulated by deacon and sheila. I don’t want her anywhere near finn. I don’t want her influence on him. The last thing I need is hope to get into my husband’s head.

Finn: Remember to keep her hydrated. Something with electrolytes. If– if you don’t have that, just plenty of water is fine. And don’t let her overdo it the rest of the day, even if she claims that she’s now feeling back to normal.

Hope: Okay, and if the fever returns?

Finn: It shouldn’T. I mean, as long as you keep alternating those two meds like you have been. But look, if she starts getting some chills or some aches and pains again, just don’t hesitate. Give me a call. It’s fine.

Hope: No, I– I couldn’T. You’ve already done more than enough.

Finn: No, seriously. I don’t mind in the least. I’m a dad, okay? I understand how stressful it can be when your kids aren’t feeling well.

Hope: Tell me about it. I mean, when it comes to me, I barely acknowledge it, but if it’s beth or douglas, I mean, stop everything. I– I– I will happily get a migraine every day if it means that beth does not have to have that kind of fever again.

Finn: Okay, well, if either of those happen, I’m here to help.

Hope: Luckily for us. You really are a miracle worker, finn.

Finn: I– I wouldn’t say that.

Hope: I would. People call it the biggest smalltown festival in minnesota.

Katie: Wow, we’re already using the l-word, I see.

Poppy: Maybe you think it’s too soon, but–

Katie: No, no, no, I didn’t say that. I mean, I’m not judging. It’s just, um, interesting.

Poppy: Well, how could I not love bill? He’s a remarkable man. And the father of my child.

Katie: And your new roomie. I hear that you asked luna and poppy to move in.

Bill: I did.

Katie: You’re ready for that.

Bill: Wouldn’t have asked otherwise.

Katie: Well, look at you. A whole new family.

Steffy: Finn already has complicated feelings towards his birth mother. And now hope wants to get in his ear and say, you ought to give your birth mother a chance. Like, that is absolutely ridiculous.

Brooke: If she were doing that, I would agree with you. But I haven’t heard her say anything of the kind.

Steffy: She’s implying it. All this talk of how sheila’s changed.

Brooke: Maybe she’s changed. That is what she said.

Steffy: Oh, it’s a slippery slope, brooke.

Brooke: Sheila is on her best behavior right now. That is why finn and hope are reacting to her this way. But the second sheila slips up and does something stupid, of course, they’re not gonna trust her.

Steffy: So, what are we supposed to do? Just sit around and wait for something terrible to happen? So someone could get hurt? Someone could die. I mean, god forbid something happens to hope. Or beth. That is why you need to talk to your daughter. I mean, you’re her mother. She will listen to you. You just gotta get through to her. Convince hope that she is not thinking clearly.

Hope: Well, hopefully, this doesn’t get you into any kind of trouble.

Finn: Trouble?

Hope: Well, with steffy. I’m sure she probably wouldn’t be thrilled about you even being here.

Finn: Don’t worry. I mean, we all care about beth. We want beth to be okay.

Hope: And she is now. Thanks to you.

Finn: Okay. Uh, well, if you don’t have any other questions, I should, uh, probably get going.

Hope: Well, I do have one question, which is how on earth do I repay you?

Finn: No, hope, don’t be silly, come on.

Hope: No, really, finn. I mean, you’ve been so amazing and I am so grateful. And I just– I wanna know how I can make it up to you. So, seriously, anything, if you ever need anything, just please let me know, okay? You’ve shown such care and support and it just– it has meant a lot. Especially as of late with everything going on. So, thank you. And, uh, I don’t know, just continue to prove that you’re such an incredible man. So, thanks.

Finn: Okay. (Male vo) kate made progress with her mental health,

Bill: Look, katie, I was planning on telling you about poppy moving in. It wasn’t my intention to keep it a secret.

Katie: Well, you don’t owe me an explanation. I mean, it’s not really any of my business. I just– I was a bit taken aback when I walked in here the other day and found poppy and luna making themselves right at home.

Bill: Well, it– it is definitely your business. It affects will. And I realize we have to have a conversation with him explaining all of this.

Poppy: Luna’s really looking forward to meeting her brother.

Katie: Well, I’m sure he’ll be looking forward to meeting luna after he gets over the shock.

Bill: I’m– I’m still getting over the shock myself. I mean, I have a daughter. And it’s all thanks to poppy.

Brooke: I don’t know what you think I can say to hope.

Steffy: Tell her that this is insane! That she is being manipulated by sheila and deacon. And this situation could be really dangerous. She needs to think about her family. I mean, that’s what I’m doing. That’s why I don’t want hope anywhere near finn. Can you just try to talk some sense into hope? That’s all I’m asking.

Brooke: Oh, my god. Listen, this is steffy’s husband you’re talking about.

Hope: I know, and I’m not going after him, mom. I’m not. He just happens to be one of the best men I’ve ever met.

Brooke: You can’t knowingly go after steffy’s husband. And it just feels like this could get out of hand without you even intending to. Just be careful. Don’t let your heart rule your head, okay?

Hope: Okay.

Brooke: I am trying, steffy. Believe me. It’s just a little more complicated than you think.

Hope: Thank you. And, uh, I don’t know, just continue to prove that you’re such an incredible man. So, thanks.

Finn: Okay.

[ Knock on door ]

Finn: Hey.

Hope: Finn, hi.

Finn: I, um, I forgot my phone. You– you mind?

Hope: No, of course. Come in. I, um, I’m actually glad you stopped by. It gives me a chance to, well, to tell you something that I have… um… been feeling for a while now.

Finn: Okay.

Hope: I just– I need you to– to really understand just how big of an impact you have had on my life, and I don’t just mean coming here today and helping out with beth or my migraines or any of that. It’s, um… it’s much more than that. Much more.

Finn: How so?

Hope: Well, I just– I think I understand you. And I feel like you understand me too. But I also have to thank you for just showing me how a man should be.

Finn: Hm.

Hope: You know, loyal, forthright, committed, caring, compassionate, loving. And I just… I know I shouldn’T. But I can’t– I can’t help it. I… I can’t stop thinking about you. Dreaming about you and… wanting you. Please tell me you feel that way too.

Hope: What am I doing? This is wrong again. He’s steffy’s husband.

Steffy: Here’s a look at what’s ahead…

Poppy: I was just hoping that we can finally move past conflict.

Hope: I have a crush.

Brooke: Well, you– you can’T.

Hope: I will put a stop to these feelings.

Ridge: I want brooke to be on the executive team.

Steffy: I’m not running our family company with brooke logan.

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