B&B Transcript Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: What did I just walk in on? Tell me, hope.

Eric: Now, brooke, I agree with ridge. I think it’s high time that you should take a more active role in leading the company forward.

Brooke: Well, thank you, eric. I was very touched by the suggestion.

Eric: Good.

Katie: Well, ridge wouldn’t have said anything if he wasn’t serious.

Brooke: Oh, he was.

Eric: The logans and the forresters make a formidable team.

Brooke: Yes. And I wanna contribute. I do. I just don’t wanna create any more tension with steffy.

Eric: Oh, yeah.

Donna: Well, what do you think, katie? You know, from a pr standpoint, what should brooke do first?

Katie: Oh, I’m sorry, what?

[ Donna chuckling ]

Donna: Are you okay? You seem a little distracted.

Katie: I just… found out something that is… shocking.

Eric: What? Is it will? Is he okay?

Katie: Oh, yeah, no, he’s fine. Although I don’t know how he’s gonna take the news. Apparently he has a new half-sister.

Donna: Half-sister?

Eric: What, bill has a daughter?

[ Liam chuckling ]

Liam: So, my dad…

[ Bill chuckling ] Is…

Luna: My dad.

Liam: I have a sister. You gave me a– I have a sister. I have a sister.

Bill: Liam and I discussed the possibility before.

Liam: It’s not a possibility anymore. It’s– it’S… a reality.

Bill: Yes, it is. We have the test results to prove it.

[ Liam chuckling ]

Liam: Wow.

Luna: That’s a good wow, I hope?

Poppy: Okay, we understand it is a lot to process and you might need some time.

Bill: But we’re hoping you’re going to be as happy about this as we are.

Liam: There’s only one thing to say. Hey, luna. Welcome to the family.

[ All chuckling ]

Bill: That’s my boy.

Brooke: Bill. Your bill has a daughter?

Donna: Since when?

Katie: For more than 20 years. Only he just found out today.

Eric: Well, that’s not exactly uncharted territory for bill spencer, is it?

Brooke: Well, that’s true. He met liam and wyatt when they were adults.

Donna: Okay, so bill met her today?

Katie: Well, no, not exactly. He’s known her for quite a while. Her mother, too.

Brooke: Who?

Katie: Luna. Luna is bill’s daughter.

Liam: Can I say, you know, I had a feeling when he texted me. Just– I just knew. I knew.

[ Bill chuckling ]

Poppy: Well, I know it’s a lot to process, but the test was conclusive and luna is, in fact, bill’s daughter and your little sister.

Liam: Can I tell you something funny about this? I have been telling this guy for god knows how long now how great it is to be a girl dad. And now he gets to find out for himself, if he can recover. Uh, and lucky me, I get a little sister to spoil.

Luna: No, no, I’m the lucky one. I mean, bill’s told me all about his family and how much you all mean to him. And it’s crazy that I’m gonna be a part of it.

Bill: You already are.

Finn: Hope and i were just talking.

Steffy: I know what you’re doing. You’re becoming a bad influence on finn.

Hope: A bad influence? I mean, what exactly do you mean by that?

Steffy: You need to back off. You stay away from my husband.

Bother the bugs,

not your family.

Brooke: Bill is luna’s father?

Katie: I mean, I haven’t talked to bill. I’m just getting my information from rj.

Eric: And he was texting with luna and that’s how you found out?

Katie: Yes, during the paternity test and then after they got the results.

Brooke: Well, this is going to be quite an adjustment for bill. And for you too.

Katie: I guess it doesn’t really involve me.

Donna: What did you say earlier when you spoke about bill, that… he doesn’t answer to you?

Eric: But you and bill are gonna have to explain this to will.

Donna: How do you feel about that? I mean, how do you feel about all of this?

Brooke: You did deny wanting to have another chance with bill. But now that you know this, does it change things? Poppy isn’t just somebody that bill is dating. They have a daughter together. And I could imagine that would change a lot.

Liam: So, luna, this has got to be insane for you, right?

Luna: Yeah, I mean, it’s a bit overwhelming, but it’s wonderful. This is more than I could have ever wished for, you know? Finally finding my father and gaining a whole new family out of it.

Poppy: And it has to be a little wild for you too, liam.

Liam: Yeah, but with him, I mean, I’ve just learned to expect the unexpected.

Bill: Yeah, I do tend to be full of surprises, but this is one of the best surprises I’ve ever gotten.

Liam: Can I tell you what’s surprising to me?

Bill: What?

Liam: You this happy. Look at that big dumb smile on your face. Look at it.

Bill: Well, I’ve got a lot to be happy about.

Liam: You see, one thing you may not know about this gentleman right here is that usually he’s pretty tight-lipped about his love life, which means the task of dragging it out of him falls on me. “Dad, how’s it going?” “Dad, how are you feeling?” Not so lately. The guy will not shut up about you, which I think means that he’s crazy for you.

Poppy: Well, the feeling is very mutual, and I love your father even more now that we share a child together.

Finn: There’s no reason to be concerned about our friendship.

Steffy: I’m concerned about the ideas that she’s putting in your head, encouraging you to have a relationship with sheila.

Hope: Okay, finn is his own person. He can make up his own mind about his birth mother. He doesn’t need us telling him how to feel.

Steffy: I can’t believe you’re buying into the whole sheila’s changed bit. Are you kidding me?

Hope: Okay, well, I just happen to see the good in people and believe that they can change if they want to, and I think finn feels the same.

Steffy: My point exactly. Look, you can handle sheila any way you want. You just stay away from my husband. Leave him out of it.

Hope: Oh, my gosh. I mean, steffy, there’s nothing to worry about. But, look, uh… I don’t wanna get finn in any more trouble, so I am going to go and let you two work this out. But, uh, before I do, a little word of advice. Maybe focus on finn. You’re lucky to have such a compassionate husband.

Finn: Hey, hey. What was that all about? New mr. Clean ultra foamy magic eraser?

Katie: I don’t really know poppy, but luna is a lovely young woman.

Eric: Yeah, she is. We all agree on that.

Katie: So, you haven’t talked to rj at all, have you?

Brooke: No. I didn’t know any of this was happening.

Donna: I’m sure he’s gonna wanna talk to you all about it.

Brooke: Well, he has come to me about luna’s family situation before.

Katie: I wish bill had been as open with me. I have a few questions I need to ask.

> Brooke: You’re gonna go see him?

Katie: Yeah. I need to talk to him about the newest addition to his life, and to will’S.

Poppy: So, should I tell him, or do you want to?

Bill: Tell him what– oh. Uh… I asked poppy and luna to move in with me.

Liam: Are you serious?

Bill: Yeah.

Poppy: Yes, he is the most wonderful and generous man.

Liam: You know why? Because he’s happy. He’s generous when he’s happy.

Bill: How could I not be? With these two incredible women in my life.

Finn: Well, I think that we should get to the bottom of what’s really bothering you.

Hope: Oh, I don’t think– we don’t have to do that.

Finn: You know, I’m here to help you, hope. So, if you can… just tell me exactly how you’re feeling.

Brooke: Oh, good. I was hoping you’d be here.

Hope: What’s up?

Brooke: I have news. About luna.

Hope: Okay.

Brooke: I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but… poppy never told luna who her father was until today.

Hope: And?

[ Brooke sighs ]

Brooke: It’s bill.

Hope: Spencer.

Brooke: Yeah. They took a paternity test, and it turns out luna is his daughter. Now, I don’t think they’re going public with it right away, so just keep it quiet. But I wanted to tell you, because you’re close and you work with her. Honey? Are you even listening? What’s going on? Oh, no. I’m– I’M… good. I’m, uh, happy for luna.

Brooke: Okay. Well, you seem a bit distracted. What is it?

[ Hope sighs ] I just– I can’T… help it, I’m– I’M… I’m thinking about finn.

Brooke: Finn?

Hope: Yeah. I don’t know. I worry about him. I just… feel like he doesn’t have much of a voice in his marriage.

Finn: Tell me. What’s going on?

Steffy: We agreed not to let anything come between us, finn. No more arguing about sheila.

Finn: Okay, but… what’s that got to do with hope?

Steffy: Hope keeps bringing it up. She won’t let it go.

Finn: Okay, I mean, I can see why it might look that way. Look, maybe we all could have discussed it if you’d been a little more chill.

Steffy: Chill?

Finn: Yeah. I mean, there’s no reason to be hard on hope.

Steffy: I didn’t know I was being hard on her. Look, hope always acts like she’s, like, this sweet, innocent girl. That she’s some kind of, like, victim and everything that’s gone wrong in her life is because of me. And that’s not true. So you need to stop and think, okay? Before ever defending hope again.

[ Steffy sighs ] A mystery!

Poppy: Sorry that bill and liam had to leave.

Luna: You know, I should probably head back to work, too.

Poppy: No! I mean, you can stay, can’t you? I mean, this is such an extraordinary day, and I wanna be able to share it with you. I’m so happy for you, sweetheart.

Luna: I’m so happy for you too, mom. For both of us.

Poppy: Well, call me biased, but I think that bill has the most to celebrate because he just found out that he has the most incredible daughter in the world.

Luna: Thank you, mom. For everything.

Poppy: I hope this new life is all that you want it to be.

Luna: Well, I honestly just wanted to know who my dad was, and this, all of this, is just… icing on the cake.

Poppy: No, honey. This is what you deserve. I mean, this is what you’ve waited your whole life for. It’s a dream come true. I mean, look at us. Bill spencer is your father. We’re living in the spencer estate. Life couldn’t be better.

[ Door slams ]

Katie: So I guess the news went over well.

Luna: Katie, you heard?

Katie: Yeah, yeah. You’re bill’s daughter.

Poppy: Did he call you?

Katie: No, no. I was with rj when luna texted. I was hoping he would be here.

Luna: He and liam just had a business meeting, so.

Katie: Well… I guess congratulations are in order. Rj told me how much this means to you.

Luna: Yeah. It’s honestly a little bit overwhelming. I’ve had this, like, question mark hanging over my head my entire life, and… now all of my questions have been answered, so.

Katie: Yeah, you’re… bill’s daughter and my son’s half-sister.

Luna: Yes, yes. I cannot wait to meet will and get to know him.

Katie: Did I hear correctly? You two are living here now?

Poppy: Oh, yes. Well, bill insisted. I mean, we’ve lost so much time already, and here we can be a family right away.

Katie: Family is very important to bill.

Poppy: It’s beautiful. Look, liam was just here.

Luna: Yeah, liam was so welcoming.

Poppy: Yeah, he’s such a great guy. He gave us his blessing. And, katie… I’m really hoping that you’ll be able to give us your blessing, too.

Steffy: Babe, you know I love you. And you’re kind. And you care about people. But I…

Finn: Aww. Yes, I do. But I care about you and the kids more than anyone.

Steffy: I know that. It’s just sometimes I feel as though you’re a little… too caring. This instinct to help everyone do whatever is asked of you.

Finn: Okay. But you have an issue with that?

Steffy: No, I don’t have an issue with you. But I do have an issue with hope and sheila trying to manipulate you.

Finn: You’re making it sound like there’s a connection between the two.

Steffy: I kind of think there is. I mean… you went to sheila’s memorial with hope. You went to sheila’s wedding with hope. I just think hope is trying to get in your head and you already have complicated feelings towards sheila.

Finn: Okay, so what do you need? What’s your point here?

Steffy: I think the less you see of hope… the better.

Hope: Finn is such an amazing man. I mean, he’s an accomplished doctor. He saves lives. He’s kind. He’s caring. He’s generous.

Brooke: He is extraordinary. And I don’t think he should have to feel bad about having a big, open heart. Yes, his feelings about sheila are rather complicated, but no one is questioning his devotion to steffy. He’s totally committed, and I don’t get why she doesn’t get that. I’m tired of seeing such a strong, capable man having to justify himself constantly.

Brooke: Okay, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hope. Where are you going with all of this?

Hope: I just think that maybe steffy doesn’t appreciate what she has in finn.

Brooke: Okay. I know that you and steffy have not been getting along. There’s a lot of conflict there. But steffy and finn are married. Finn is steffy’s husband. And steffy is ridge’s daughter. You need to respect that.

Hope: I am well aware of that, mom.

Brooke: Are you aware of that, honey? Look at me. Be honest with me. More importantly, be honest with yourself. Are you having feelings for steffy’s husband?

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