B&B Transcript Friday, June 7, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Steffy: Okay.

Liam: Oh man, thank you. Thank you for gathering all that up. By the way, I really didn’t mean to steal you away from work.

Steffy: Oh, it’s fine. I needed a break from the office anyway. Um, okay. So there are snacks in the fridge and it’s gluten-free. Kelly needs to take them to her soccer practice and some of the kids are gluten-free, so…

Liam: Uh, got it. I’m on it. Are you okay?

Steffy: It’s just, no last time I accidentally brought granola and like the parents were really mad at me. So I just really don’t want to mess this up.

Liam: I’m not– I just– hey, I’m not talking about the granola. I just mean, you’re kind of in a mood.

[ Steffy sighs ]

Steffy: Yeah. Yeah, I am. It’s– it’s because finn and hope.

Hope: This is helping. Thank you.

Finn: It is?

Hope: Mm-hmm. Very much so.

Finn: Well, good. You know, um, I’m a little concerned on these migraines you’re getting.

Hope: I know. And I know I need to be doing the stress management better.

Finn: Yeah, I believe I told you to take care of yourself. You being a bad patient, not taking doctor’s orders?

Hope: Maybe, but I will try harder. I promise.

Ridge: Brooke logan and steffy forrester running this company. It’s the best. It’s a dream team.

Brooke: If we could get along.

Ridge: You can get along. There’s gonna be some problems along the way, of course. But you’re gonna figure it out. You’re gonna do what’s best for the company. Plus, I’m gonna be right there. I won’t be right there. I’ll be next door. But if there’s a problem, I’ll be there and I’ll stop my designing and I’ll come help you guys.

Brooke: Hmm. Well, I’m flattered that you would think of me to step in and lend a hand.

Ridge: Don’t be flattered by it. You’re the best person for the job.

Brooke: It means a lot to me that you would recognize my contribution to this company.

Ridge: So what do you say? Is it a yes? Will you help lead forrester again?

Ridge: Will you do it? Will you bring your vision, your talent to work, please. There’s no one better.

Brooke: Like I told you, I am very flattered. Forrester creations means a lot to me. It’s very important to me and you know that. Brings a huge smile to my face. And yes, it would be such an honor. Part of me wants to say yes.

Ridge: Part of you wants to say yes? I don’t know what that– what do you–

Brooke: Well, I’m sure years ago I would’ve jumped at the opportunity. And who knows, maybe again in the future I will. But right now, it just– it doesn’t feel like the right time.

Liam: Well, uh, I don’t wanna choose sides here. ‘Cause I obviously have nothing but respect for you as a businesswoman. I’m sure you’ve got legitimate reasons for thinking of cutting hope for the future. I’m just a little concerned about hope only because I know how much that line means to her, and…

Steffy: Well, we can’t let personal feelings get in the way of business decisions.

Liam: No, I– yes, I recognize that. I just– um, I think I’m missing something because why is finn even involved in this?

Steffy: That’s a good question. He shouldn’t be. And you know I love my husband and he cares about people. The problem is he cares too much. Look, he doubted my decision and he defended hope. And frankly, I think my husband needs to stay in his own lane.

Hope: Uh, thank you. I really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me with this.

Finn: No, it’s all good. Look, my hands aren’t tired. I can– I can keep going.

Hope: Uh, that’s really sweet of you, but I– I am– I’m feeling much better now. Thank you.

Finn: Yeah? Glad I helped?

Hope: Yes, you certainly did. Ready to switch?

Ridge: You’re turning me down.

Brooke: Oh, I don’t want you looking at it that way.

Ridge: How am I supposed to look at it? It’s a great opportunity. I thought you’d jump at it.

Brooke: Of course, it’s an incredible opportunity. And I’m probably crazy for turning it down, but–

Ridge: But what? What is this about, really? Is it steffy?

Steffy: I love my husband. I really do. But just some of the choices that he’s making lately, it’s– ah, crazy.

Liam: Yeah, I mean, it’s gotta be tough having to tolerate your husband being genuinely torn between you and a woman who shot you. Both. It’s just– I’m not– it’s just– it’s a bug. It’s a bug in the relationship. That’s all.

Steffy: Yeah. It is a bug. But finn and I, we will survive this.

Liam: You will, if you have a plan. She’s gonna try to manipulate him again. What are you gonna do? I mean, she’s not gonna stop at him being there at her wedding, right? She’s gonna keep pushing and pushing for more involvement.

Steffy: Involvement she’ll never have. No, finn knows where I stand. And look, I– I agree with you. I really do. Look, I know that finn is struggling with this– with this tie to his biological mother. But the one thing I do know is that his tie to me is a lot stronger.

Liam: Good. Just, you know, keep your guard up. The sheila problem’s not going away on its own.

Steffy: I’m well aware. Sheila’s causing problems without her even knowing it. Her latest being bringing finn and hope closer together.

[ Hope exhales ]

Hope: Well, uh, if you ever decide to switch careers, might I suggest massage therapy?

Finn: You really think so? Felt that good, huh?

Hope: Uh, you certainly have a way with your hands, yes.

Finn: Well, I mean, it’s just basic pressure point therapy. I mean, I can show you how to do it if you like, on your own. So then if you feel a headache coming on, you don’t have to you know, waste your time tracking me down.

Hope: I mean, I– I will try my best, but I have a feeling I won’t be as effective. It– it’s probably like making a sandwich. Well, like, a sandwich always tastes better when someone else makes it for you.

Finn: Yeah. Yeah, I guess it does, huh? That’s true. So, okay. Well, in that case, feel free to seek me out. Symptoms still subsiding?

Hope: Yeah. I mean, it’s, uh, practically gone.

Finn: Good. Good, I’m glad to hear that. You’ve gotta find a way to relieve some of the stress in your life. I wasn’t joking about doctor’s orders earlier. It’s important. Find some time for yourself, okay? You hear me?

Hope: I, um, I will try.

Finn: You need to more than try. I’m serious, hope. I’m concerned about you. If advanced lung cancer

Ridge: So you don’t wanna do this because you don’t wanna work with steffy?

Brooke: That is part of the reason, yes. I’m not saying I would have an issue with it. Because I wouldn’T. I think it would be the other way around. Steffy has been on a rampage lately. She’s been drumming up forrester versus logan. And she’s been targeting hope and her line. And I– I just feel like the office would turn into a battlefield.

Ridge: A battlefield? Wow. No, it’s gonna be a mild skirmish at best.

Brooke: It’s not like I don’t wanna be involved. Because I do. And maybe we can have a conversation about what that would look like. I don’t wanna work side by side with steffy. I don’t wanna threaten her in any way.

Steffy: Hope’s influence has been very unhealthy to say the least.

Liam: Her influence on what? Finn?

Steffy: Yes. Every time hope and finn hang out, he comes back with these thoughts like maybe sheila has changed.

Liam: And you’re saying you think that’s because of hope?

Steffy: Absolutely. I think hope is getting in my husband’s head.

Liam: I mean, uh, if I had to bet, uh, maybe hope’s thinking that because she got this second chance with her deadbeat parent, that finn deserves the same opportunity, or…

Steffy: No, that’s– that’s exactly what she’s thinking. Hope thinks, I mean she’s delusional, but she’s really thinking that sheila is exactly like her father, that loser. But no. No. You know what she is? She’s a dangerous psychopath.

Liam: Yeah, but hope knows that. I mean, she used to know that.

Steffy: She not only knows that, she truly believes that sheila’s changed. Liam, that is really disturbing and it’s the last thing my husband needs to hear.

Liam: Yeah, you got me. I mean, for the life of me, I can’t imagine a single reason hope would ever give sheila the benefit of the doubt. I– I–

Steffy: You know, I have a theory. I think hope spending all this time with my husband and hope thinking that sheila’s changed, I really believe that she is trying to cause problems between finn and me.

Hope: Uh, as much as i appreciate your concerns, finn, and trust me, I do appreciate it, I don’t want you to be worrying about me. I don’t wanna be the source of any unnecessary tension in your life, because I have a sneaking suspicion that steffy probably won’t like the idea of you offering me medical advice, let alone hanging out with me, let alone even speaking to me about anything, ever.

Finn: I– I know that you and steffy butt heads now and then. I– I get that. But she knows and supports my desire to help people. I mean, even a dreaded logan. And hey, look, when I advise you to take some time for yourself, or to do whatever is necessary to decrease the stress in your life, I’m not just saying that as a doctor, I’m saying it as a friend. Hope, I care about you, and– and I know that you have– you had some struggling times lately with lots of change.

Hope: Tell me about it, it, uh, it feels like whiplash.

Finn: Well, look, even though you’ve been through a struggle lately, I’m confident you can handle it. You are a strong, capable woman. You have lots of family to lean on, not to mention friends like me. So, look, when life starts to feel overwhelming or you feel another headache coming on, just know that I will always be here for you. No, I– I genuinely no, I– I genuinely appreciate the meaning behind hope for the future. I mean, infusing a social message with your line and making a difference in the betterment of people’s lives, I just– how could I not admire you? Respect you. You fully embody the name of your line. Hope for the future. Headache?

Hope: Yeah.

Finn: Yeah. Yeah.

Steffy: Here’s a look at what’s ahead.

Katie: Well, look at you. A whole new family.

Steffy: You don’t find it a little strange that hope is spending so much time with finn?

Hope: I can’t stop thinking about you.

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