B&B Transcript Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Upbeat music ]

Liam: What the hell are you doing?

Deacon: What the hell’s it look like I’m doing? I’m– I’m working.

Liam: You know what I mean, deacon. I’m talking about sheila.

Deacon: Say you’ll marry me. Say you’ll be my wife.

Sheila: So, I said yes. I said yes. Of course, I’m gonna marry you.

[ Knock on door ]

Sheila: Uh, just a minute. Steffy.

Steffy: It’s really you. I was hoping I’d never have to see you again. But here you are. Alive and well.

Rj: You confronted zende.

Brooke: I had to.

Rj: No, you didn’T. Mom, why did you do that?

Brooke: Your cousin slept with your girlfriend. There’s no way I wasn’t gonna say anything.

Rj: Mom, mom, I’m the one handling this. I am. Okay, I understand that you’re upset, but I don’t need you fighting my battles for me. That’s not helping me right now.

Brooke: I had to see what he was going to say for himself. We’re a family. You all work together here.

Rj: I know. That’s why I want to keep this on the down low. This is luna’s private business, and I don’t want people finding out about it. Especially dad.

Ridge: What? What’s going on?

Luna: What if I’m pregnant?

Deacon: You see sheila your way, I’ll see her my way.

Liam: What does that even… this is not like us talking about the same thing from two different angles. You– you have invented this– this imaginary version of sheila. I’m talking about the attempted murderer, the blackmailer, the kidnapper.

Deacon: All right, all right. That’s not all she is.

Liam: It doesn’t have to be all she is if you admit that she’s all of that. And here you are, just like basking in the fact that she’s still around.

Deacon: Why would I rejoice in anyone’s death? Liam, I get that you’re shocked.

Liam: Shocked? Shocked? Shocked. Shocked is an understatement. We were firmly convinced that she was gone. All of us. Especially– especially steffy.

Deacon: Okay, well, look at the bright side. Now steffy doesn’t have to be haunted by the idea that she– she killed her husband’s birth mother.

Liam: Uh…

Sheila: Steffy, I– I wasn’t expecting you, but I’m– I’m glad we’re gonna have a moment to talk.

Steffy: I really thought this nightmare was over.

Sheila: I realize that this isn’t where you want to be right now, standing here looking at my face. And I can only imagine how you felt when you found out that it was sugar you killed and not me. But I hope that you could understand finn’s feelings. He’s relieved I’m not dead. I’m really hoping that you’ll feel that way one day too.

Ridge: What did I walk in on?

Rj: Nothing. We’re good.

Brooke: Rj and I were just having a discussion.

Rj: Hey, how’d grandad’s go? It’s insane sheila’s still alive.

Ridge: Yeah, that is insane. But it almost seems like you’re trying to change the subject. So, what is it? What’s going on? Something I need to know?

Poppy: Hi, sweetie. I got you a matcha latte. And I thought it was your favorite.

Luna: Oh, I can’t right now.

Poppy: Are you okay? Sweetie, what’s wrong? You bought a pregnancy test? Your heart is the beat of life.

Ridge: Listen, I’ve been traveling a lot. I’ve been out of town, lot of meetings, so I’m not on top of things the way I should be. What am I missing?

Rj: No, there’s nothing for you to be worried about.

Ridge: Is that so?

Rj: Well, don’t you think if mom had, like she knew about a life or death situation, like it was a real issue, don’t you think she’d tell you about it?

Ridge: We’re soulmates. She tells me everything.

Rj: So, you know, let’s say that there was a potential situation that didn’t involve either of you and was not a life or death situation. She just doesn’t need to tell you about it, right?

Ridge: Now, I’m even more concerned.

Rj: Great, ’cause that– that was my intention. So, that’s perfect.

Ridge: You know what I’m getting right now? I’m getting teenage rj is in trouble and is running to his mommy. That’s what I’m getting. What?

Brooke: No, no, no. He’s not in trouble. Rj didn’t do anything wrong.

Ridge: Okay. Regardless, I’m getting the feeling that there’s some high tension in here. So, what’s going on? Is it you and luna?

Poppy: A pregnancy test? You think you might be pregnant?

Luna: I don’t know. I’ve been feeling a little tired and sick to my stomach recently.

Poppy: Why haven’t you said anything?

Luna: Because I thought maybe it would pass. Like I caught a bug or something.

Poppy: Well, maybe that’s all it is.

Luna: I mean, that’s what I’m hoping, but I won’t know for sure until I take the test.

Poppy: How long have you been feeling sick?

Luna: A few days.

Poppy: Okay.

Luna: But, um, before you got here, i got super nauseous and I just– I threw up. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m scared I might be pregnant.

Deacon: All right, listen, you have got to admit, though, that this is the craziest twist of fate ever. If I had just listened to the coroners and the cops, what they said, I never would’ve checked her texts, I never would have checked her credit card receipts and finn and I would’ve never pulled her out of that warehouse. And you know what? Sheila really would be dead.

Liam: Oh, all right, columbo. Credit where it’s due. I get it.

Deacon: I’m not gonna be sorry for the fact that she’s still around. I mean, I don’t condone all the things she’s done in her past. She knows that. But I’m not squashing my feelings for her. I mean, I’m– I’m over the moon that she’s still with us. And you know what? Finn is too.

Liam: Okay. See, that– that is gonna be a problem. Because steffy has asked finn for precisely one thing and one thing only. Protect her and the kids. And he can’t do that with sheila around.

Steffy: Finn is confused. His emotions are all over the place.

Sheila: Yeah, but he– he just needs some support right now.

Steffy: Oh, I know exactly what my husband needs. And that is for you to stay away from him.

Sheila: Okay, look, steffy, I know this turn of events–

Steffy: Okay, can you stop this? I know exactly what you’re doing right now. I’m not gonna fall for your manipulations. You need to stay out of my life. We are gonna move on with our life like you never existed.

Sheila: I gave birth to him.

Steffy: I don’t care if you gave birth to finn. He finally made peace with your death. He was finally ready to move on. So, this tie that you have to him, this connection, it’s done. It is over, sheila.

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just isn’t enough.

Ridge: I’m right. You were talking about luna. How is she?

Rj: Great. Yeah, she’s just focused on work and stuff.

Ridge: Okay, so you’re gonna avoid like an office romance then?

Rj: Yeah.

Ridge: Yeah, I get it. You know what, ’cause I did that once. I fell for this hot little chemist.

Rj: Okay, all right. That’s my cue to leave. It was great seeing you.

Ridge: We’re not gonna make out now, we’ll wait ’til we get home.

Rj: Oh.

Ridge: You moved out, there’s plenty of room.

Rj: That’s lovely, dad.

Ridge: Okay, well that’s– that’s enough about us. Let’s get back to you and luna. Did your mom give you advice?

Rj: Yeah. Yeah, you could say that.

Ridge: Good. She knows what she’s talking about. Listen to her. And if you need a second opinion, I’m right here.

Poppy: You think you might be pregnant. Have you missed a period?

Luna: I mean, I haven’t been regular lately, but I’ve been so stressed out with the whole zende thing, so…

Poppy: But zende used protection.

Luna: Yeah, he did. He– he assured me.

Poppy: Well, good. And you and rj? I mean, I’m on the pill. Well, sweetie, I doubt that there’s anything for you to be concerned about.

Luna: Yeah, but nothing’s 100%. I mean, you’ve always told me that. Mom, I– I can’t be pregnant right now. There’s a million things I wanna do with my life.

Poppy: What exactly are your symptoms?

Luna: Um, like I’m hungry, but queasy. And the thought of certain foods makes me wanna… oh, my god, mom. This can’t be happening. I can’t do this right now. And you wanna know the worst part? It could be either rj’s or zende’S.

Poppy: Okay, one step at a time, okay? Don’t jump that far ahead.

Luna: I can’t put it off any longer. I need to know if I’m pregnant.

Deacon: Look, man, what do you want me to say? That I’m sorry that sheila’s not six feet under?

Liam: I don’t know, man. Maybe for now, you and finn could keep the happy dance to yourselves, ’cause the rest of us, we’re gonna need a minute.

Deacon: I get it. Look, I know this is a shock, all right? But maybe there’ll be some good that comes out of this.

Liam: For who? Not for steffy. She was tormented by the fact that she killed somebody. But at least she could breathe easy knowing that sheila was out of the picture. The burden sheila was putting on her life was no longer. Or so she thought.

Deacon: Okay, but don’t forget the fact that sheila risked her life to keep sugar from attacking steffy and the kids.

Liam: Okay, a, you heard that from sheila, and you’re just taking her word for it, which… and b, sheila brought sugar into our lives. Sheila is the only reason sugar was there that night. Thank god steffy survived.

Deacon: Apparently, sugar was no match for steffy “the blade” forrester.

Liam: It’s not a joke, man. Steffy killed someone. She has to– she has to live with that for the rest of her life.

Deacon: I’m sorry, you’re right. Look, it was a mess, no doubt about it. I’m just hoping that steffy can keep an open mind. You know, start to change her perspective and see sheila the same way that finn does.

Sheila: Steffy, I’m finn’s mother. You’re a mother yourself.

Steffy: We are nothing alike, sheila. We have zero in common.

Sheila: Look, I’m not saying that we have anything in common, and I am not comparing the way that you parent.

Steffy: I would never shoot my own child.

Sheila: Finn has forgiven me, steffy. He– he’s looking past the mistakes that I’ve made.

Steffy: Finn is a kind, compassionate human being, something you will never be. All you bring is heartache and misery into people’s lives. Absolute misery.

Sheila: And I want to change that. I want to start with that right now, ’cause this new beginning that’s been handed to me.

Steffy: Oh, my god, you are so– so delusional. There’s nothing you could ever do to make up for what you’ve done, so stop with this. Stop with the biological mom card. It’s ridiculous. This sick, twisted tie that you have to finn, it ends. Today. (Vo) dan made progress with his mental health…

Ridge: I’m so proud of you. The work you’re doing here, it’s– it’s amazing. Am I right?

Brooke: Yes. He’s– he’s certainly amazing.

Ridge: Every time I walk down the hall, there’s some person saying, “oh, my god, your son, he’s the greatest.” And they’re right, because look, the work you’re doing with zende on hope for the future, it’s– it’s outstanding. And the team you put together is great. You just– you guys gotta remember, hope for the future is all about community. Got to keep collaborating.

Rj: Yeah, well, I mean, hope’s vision for this line, it’s– it’s amazing. I mean, I feel like anybody that works on this, I mean, it’s going to be a success.

Ridge: Uh-uh. I’ve done this for a long time. It’s hard, really hard to put a good team together. It’s like putting a really good, perfect relationship together.

Brooke: There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship.

Ridge: Are you nuts? Look at us.

Brooke: Oh, yeah?

Ridge: Yeah.

Brooke: If we’re so perfect, why don’t you put a ring on it?

Ridge: See, your mother is perfect for me and maybe luna’s perfect for you. She’s a smart, very determined, beautiful young woman. Maybe there’s a future for the two of you. That’s all I’m saying?

Luna: Oh, my god, I’m freaking out. Please let it be negative, please. Oh my god, please, please, please let it be negative.

Poppy: Sweetheart, I know you’re scared, but precautions were taken, okay? There is a good chance that you are not pregnant.

Luna: No, I am not ready to be a mother right now.

Poppy: No matter what happens, I am here for you. You are not alone. We will handle this together.

Luna: No, right now I am just praying that it’s negative, okay? I want a baby someday, but not for a really long time. Oh, my god, and because of that horrible night with zende, I mean, it might not even be rj’S. Can you imagine what that would do to our relationship? I mean, he literally just forgave me.

Poppy: Well, luna, that’s fantastic. I mean, I knew he would, and he loves you.

Luna: Yes, and I love him too, but if it’s zende’s, there’s– there’s no way that rj’s gonna accept that. I mean, that’d be the end of us. I’d lose him forever.

Poppy: Honey, I understand that you are upset, but you have to breathe. Please, just try and relax.

Luna: Relax? In a few seconds, I’m about to find out if my life’s gonna be turned upside down.

[ Alarm chimes ]

Poppy: It’s ready.

[ Alarm chimes ]

Luna: You have to do it, mom. I can’t do it. Please, just read it.

Luna: What does it say? Is it negative? Is it positive? Am I– am I pregnant?

Sheila: Finn cares for me. He helped save my life.

Steffy: It’s his job, sheila. He’s a doctor.

Sheila: No. No, he thought that he lost me. He thought that he lost his birth mother and that changed him.

Steffy: Oh, my god, you spewed the exact same garbage when you supposedly died before. This is insane. Do you realize that? I gave finn an ultimatum. I said it was either you or me. Guess who he chose? Me. His wife. His son. We will always be his priority, not you.

Sheila: And you should be his priority, but why can’t he have us both? Why– why can’t there be room for me? He wants me in his life, steffy.

Steffy: It’s not gonna happen, sheila. You’re gonna remain dead to us. To me, to finn, and my children. So, don’t you dare try to worm your way into his head and to his heart. You think you really care about him.

Sheila: No, you know, that’s because I do. I’m his mother. He’s my child.

Steffy: No, you don’t, sheila! If you cared about finn, you would leave him alone! You would stop messing with his emotions! My god, I don’t even care about you. You know what? You could live your life and you can live it here with deacon. You just need to stay away from us or you’re gonna answer to me.

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