Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Brook Lynn loves her wedding dress which was made with a piece of Lila’s wedding dress. Chase surprises Brook Lynn with a dream honeymoon trip to Florence, Italy.
Alexis gets word that the New York Supreme Court will hear the appeal of her disbarment.
Drew and Michael ask Curtis to help them start a health and Wellness Division of Aurora.
Anna interviews Valentin asking him if Jack Brennan could be the head of Pikeman. Valentin tells Anna he hasn’t seen Jack Brennan in a long time and he doesn’t think he is the head of Pikeman.
Nina delivers breakfast to John’s hotel room and, when Carly opens the door, Nina assumes Carly slept with John. Nina interrupts Drew’s meeting with Curtis and Michael to tell Drew Carly is sleeping with John Cates.
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