GH Short Recap Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sam tells Dante that Jason is dangerous and she doesn’t want him spending time with Danny.

Kristina asks Dante to check on Sonny because she is wondering why Ava is living with him.

Dante is happy he is being released from the hospital today.

Cody and Sasha spend time at the stables talking and trying to figure out what his next job will be.

Chase asks Dante to be a groomsman for his wedding. Chase and Brook Lynn ask Finn and Elizabeth help them with their original wedding plans.

Maxie tells Nina she is glad Sonny is divorcing her because she wasn’t herself when she was Mrs. Corinthos.

Gregory tells Finn and Elizabeth that they shouldn’t talk to his doctor about his medical condition.

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