GH Short Recap Thursday, March 28, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Stella talks to Sam about moving Dante to Turning Woods so Dante’s body can have a better chance to heal and wake up. Sam decides to talk to Sonny and Olivia about Turning Woods. A short time later, Sam sees Dante knock her water bottle which is on the table by his bed to the floor. Sam asks Dante to open his eyes, but Dante’s eyes remain closed.

Diane and Molly make their case at Jason’s arraignment. Diane wins and the judge grants bail of five million dollars for Jason which Michael posts for him. Jason tells Michael he can’t go home with him yet because he needs to go some place before he goes home.

Carly is upset with Sonny because he wasn’t at Jason’s arraignment. Sonny tells Carly that he doesn’t owe Jason his loyalty if Jason shot Dante. Carly can’t believe that Sonny would think that Sonny shot Dante.

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