GH Short Recap Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny has Diane serve divorce papers to Nina who is determined to save her marriage. Valentin advises Nina not to give Sonny the divorce in order to get his attention. Valentin isn’t happy that the DA’s office had decided that Charlotte should see a court appointed psychiatrist as well as do 1,000 hours of community service.

Curtis turns down the opportunity to be a consultant for the police department on the mob boss killings case. Curtis tells Portia he needs to warn Selina Wu that she needs to protect herself. Curtis thinks it is the right thing to do since they used to be in business together. Portia worries that Curtis will be the next target of the shooter since he also got help from Sonny so Selina wouldn’t buy the Savvoy.

Sonny tells the details about how Dex and Michael betrayed him. Dante encourages Sonny to forgive Michael because he needs people around him that he can trust that care about him right now. Sonny tells Dante that he can’t tolerate traitors in his life. Sonny tells Dante that he is going to find the person who came after his family and handle them.

Laura persuades Cyrus to reach out to the gun dealer who is in Bentonville to see if he will tell him the name of his boss.

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