GH Short Recap Thursday, February 15, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Blaze tells Kristina that her mom is coming to visit next week and she has decided to tell her that she is gay.

Drew offers to buy Nina’s half of the Metro Court, but she tells him that Sonny will be sorry that he took Crimson Magazine away from her.

Valentin tells Nina that he has a plan to help her get even with Carly and Drew.

Michael and Sonny have a talk. Michael explains that he didn’t go through with his plan to take him down because he didn’t want Avery and Donna to grow up without their father. Sonny is angrier that Michael never told him the truth about Dex despite all the different times that he could have told him the truth. Michael tells Sonny to let Dex protect him because he is in trouble and he needs help.

Dex tells Josslyn that Carly saved his life last night but, Sonny could still kill him because he knows too much about his organization. Dex also knows that rival crime families could also kill him since they know he would never give them information about Sonny’s, organization.

Josslyn wants to run away with Dex but he refuses to do it.

Ava tells Sonny that Dex knows too much about his organization and he can’t risk Dex going to his enemies or the police with all the information he has.

Dante tells Anna that Olivia Jerome was killed while they were transferring her to another prison.

Sonny shows up at Dex’s apartment to talk to him.

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