Days Update Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Rex joins Sarah in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion and asks how she’s feeling. Sarah says she’s fine and no more Braxton-Hicks so it looks like the baby will stay in the oven a little longer before making their grand entrance in to the world. Rex is happy to hear that because he’s been thinking they should be married before the baby is born.

Xander comes across Theresa outside the Brady Pub and says he never thought he’d see her sorry ass in Salem again and questions what the hell she’s doing here.

Harris questions Ava telling him that Susan Banks is alive. Ava assures that she is, which means she is not responsible for the death of EJ DiMera’s mother.

EJ walks through the park and calls someone to meet him in the park right now. EJ declares that Ava Vitali killed his mother and before this day is done, he wants Ava dead too.

At the hospital, Eric informs Sloan that she is being discharged and asks if she’s ready go home. Sloan responds that there is something she needs to tell him. Eric asks what it is. Sloan says it’s about the baby. Sloan cries that she’s so sorry that she lost their child. Eric questions why she’s sorry when it wasn’t her fault. Sloan knows how much he wanted to be a father. Sloan says when she came in, they had so much to look forward to in starting a family together and being parents together. Eric assures that they still have each other and a lot of good things to look forward to. Eric is sure she’s pretty desperate for non-hospital food, so he offers to make her dinner at the Pub. Sloan says she’ll just meet him there after taking a walk to clear her head because she needs a little time for herself. Eric tells her to call him so he can make sure she’s okay as he then exits the room. Sloan cries to herself that it’s all her fault that Eric is not going to be a father to either one of his kids. Sloan thinks back to changing Nicole’s test results.

Theresa informs Xander that she came to pay respects to Victor. Xander questions if that’s why she is out here crying crocodile tears. Theresa calls him cynical and says she actually cared deeply about Victor. Xander mocks her. Theresa then admits the tears weren’t over Victor, but about Brady. Xander guesses Brady wasn’t thrilled to see her and told her to go to Hell. Theresa remarks that it’s the same as Sarah did to Xander.

Sarah tells Rex that she’s so grateful that he wants to be a father to her baby as after what Xander did to Susan, she doesn’t want him anywhere near their child but she questions if Rex is still sure he wants to do this. Rex says that Sarah made it clear that keeping Xander away is her primary motive for marrying him and he’s committed to her. Rex adds that he’s still committed to getting Sarah to fall back in love with him. Sarah really hopes he can do that. Rex asks if she’s sure about that because she hesitated when he brought up marriage. Sarah says it just doesn’t feel right to do it now, before Victor’s funeral. Rex agrees that makes sense. Sarah says she just wants to be present for Maggie as she’s burying her husband and none of Victor’s kids can be there since Bo is in a coma, Isabella is gone, and Philip can’t come home unless he’s going to face the consequences of what he did to Brady. Philip then walks in and announces that’s not true anymore, shocking Rex and Sarah.

Chloe goes to the DiMera Mansion and informs Nicole that Philip is alive and well and that he’s the one who framed Brady for his murder. Nicole is shocked and asks if Brady is going after him. Chloe reveals that Belle convinced Brady not to press charges, so Philip is in the clear. Nicole can’t believe it. Chloe explains that Philip has spent his time away at a psychiatric hospital but they released him. Nicole asks if he’s better now. Chloe says apparently so as he said he did a lot of work on himself and recognizes where everything went terribly wrong. Nicole calls that good news and the best part is, now Chloe doesn’t have to marry Xander.

EJ meets a woman in the park and asks if she’s sure she can get in to Bayview despite the heavy security which she assures that she can. EJ asks how she plans to do it but then decides he doesn’t want to know as long as Ava suffers the same fate as his dearly departed mother…

Harris asks Ava how she knows that Susan is alive. Ava explains that when Marlena hypnotized her, it was like she was back in that night. Harris asks what exactly she saw. Ava tells him that she was lying on the ground after the wreck and everything was on fire but as she was running, she looked back and saw Susan outside the car before it exploded. Harris questions why she didn’t just tell Marlena instead of lying. Ava says that when Marlena brought her out of hypnosis, she panicked and couldn’t bring herself to say it. Ava figured Marlena wouldn’t believe her since after all this time, she suddenly remembers that Susan is alive. Ava thinks Marlena would feel she’s making it up to get out of this place. Harris then asks if she is making it up. Ava assures that she’s not and that he knows her hallucinations are real. Ava states that when Marlena put her under, she saw it so clearly that Susan was alive before the car exploded. Harris asks if she’s absolutely sure that Susan was alive. Ava confirms that she is 100%. Harris then asks where Susan is now and where she’s been all this time.

The woman asks EJ if he’s sure about hiring her for this job. EJ assures that he’s always been happy with her work before. She appreciates the work but didn’t think EJ did this kind of thing anymore. EJ states that as a rule, he doesn’t but this is different and personal. She says she understands and he doesn’t need to worry as she will take care of Ava and it will never get back to him. EJ thanks her and adds that once she’s done, he wants her to see to it that Xander follows Ava to the grave because he’s just as responsible for Susan’s death as Ava.

Xander argues that Theresa doesn’t know anything about him and Sarah. Theresa goes over Sarah dumping Xander and leaving Salem because Xander put on a clown mask to kidnap and kill EJ’s mom. Xander argues that he did not kill Susan Banks. Theresa remarks that Sarah doesn’t see it that way. Xander says at least he’s not outside the Pub, crying his eyes out, because he moved on. Theresa questions what he’s moved on to and mocks him. Xander then informs her that he’s engaged to Chloe Lane. Theresa laughs but then realizes he’s serious. Xander decides this conversation is over but Theresa stops him and asks how on earth he got Chloe to give him the time of day after he left her with Mateo in Mexico, who she calls the only man on the planet who is a bigger piece of garbage than him.

Chloe asks Nicole what Philip being alive has anything to do with her marrying Xander. Nicole points out that Chloe was seeing Philip before he disappeared and now he’s back. Nicole says she is her friend and she wants what’s best for her and she knows that Chloe and Philip had a good thing going. Chloe argues that Philip didn’t just disappear, he framed his own death and framed Brady for murder, all because he couldn’t let her go. Nicole points out that Philip was sick but now he’s better so she asks if there’s a chance they could pick up where they left off.

Rex questions what Philip is doing here and if it’s safe. Philip confirms that Brady has graciously agreed to drop the charges against him which means he’s free to be in Salem and attend Victor’s funeral. Sarah asks if he’s clear of everything. Philip confirms that Belle worked hard to convince Brady that he deserved forgiveness. Rex congratulates him. Sarah tells Philip that she’s so sorry about his father. Rex assures that he’s there for him and whatever he needs. Philip thanks him and admits it’s kind of overwhelming to be back as he’s sure lots has changed since he left. Philip points out Sarah having a baby to start and asks who the father is. Rex claims that he’s the father and that they are so excited about the pregnancy and getting married soon. Philip says he did miss a lot as he had no idea they were even back together. Sarah goes along with it and says they’re so excited the baby will get a chance to know Philip. Sarah decides she’s going to lay down upstairs. Philip congratulates them on the baby and the engagement. Sarah welcomes Philip home as she then exits. Philip tells Rex that he’s happy for him as he knows that he never really stopped loving Sarah. Rex calls Sarah the love of his life. Philip guesses it all worked out, especially now that Xander is with Chloe. Philip then laughs at the idea of Chloe marrying Xander and questions what the hell she’s thinking. Rex then asks Philip to please tell him that he’s not still obsessed with Chloe.

Chloe tells Nicole that she will try to ignore that she’s not even acknowledging that she moved in with Xander by telling her that she’s not going to just pick up where she left off with Philip, questioning why she thinks that’s a brilliant idea. Nicole repeats that things were great between Chloe and Philip before things went off the rail and asks what if Philip is back to the guy that she fell in love with. Chloe says it doesn’t matter because she’s with someone else now. Nicole asks if they ever really move on from their first love and if part of her heart still belongs to the guy she fell madly in love with. Chloe questions if they are still talking about her, Xander, and Philip or if it’s about Nicole, Eric, and EJ.

EJ declares that he won’t rest until he avenges his mother and those that took her life will pay with their lives. Sloan then approaches EJ.

Ava tells Harris that she has no idea where Susan is as she thought she was in Heaven until a few hours ago. Harris argues that if Susan is alive, someone should be out there looking for her. Harris suggests talking to Marlena or contacting EJ. Ava says no. Harris points out that EJ is convinced that Ava killed his mother so he should know that’s not the case.

Sloan asks EJ if she’s interrupting as she thought she heard him talking to someone. EJ explains that he was just talking to an image of his mother, who died fairly recently. EJ adds that the people who took her life are walking around freely which has left him somewhat bitter. Sloan relates to the feeling all too well. EJ asks if it was her mother. Sloan says it was both her parents and that she and her brother Colin vowed to avenge them too but making promises like that leads down a very dark path…

Xander warns Theresa to watch herself. Theresa says she’s just stating the facts. Xander calls what happened in Mexico ancient history. Theresa brings up Susan Banks again. Xander argues that he’s changed and Chloe knows that or else she wouldn’t be with him. Theresa questions if he has, pointing out the wild look in his eyes and calls him still the same sadistic psycho that she’s always known. Xander argues that she doesn’t know him. Theresa says she knows plenty and that he hasn’t changed at all. Xander informs Theresa that someone just offered him a huge amount of money to do something terrible but he turned them down flat and said no. Theresa guesses he just wasn’t desperate enough, but the second he is, he will revert to form and she hopes it’s not too late for Chloe when he does. Xander insists that Chloe loves and trusts him. Theresa warns that when things get bad, she hopes Chloe sticks a knife in him like she did to El Fideo and remarks that no one would come back for his funeral. Xander grabs Theresa and warns her to shut her mouth before he shuts it for her. Eric then appears and grabs Xander, demanding he get his hands off of her.

Ava worries about EJ not believing her if she tells him about his mother when he already wants her dead for killing her. Harris points out that Susan’s not dead. The woman that EJ hired then enters the room dressed as a nurse with a syringe and announces that it’s time for Ava’s medication, leaving them confused. Ava argues that she’s never gotten a shot here, so she questions what medication that is. She claims that the doctor ordered something new which Ava questions while Harris asks for the name of the medication. She asks Harris to leave the room while she administers the injection. Harris tells her to hold on a second. She questions if he’s interfering with Ava’s treatment. Harris instructs Ava to call the doctor to confirm he ordered this. The woman questions Harris thinking she’s lying. Harris says no but that Ava has a right to know what drug she’s being given. The woman then pulls her gun out and says she was hoping to do this the easy way but Harris had to go play hero, so now they are both going to get a shot, only it’s not going to be from a needle.

Philip tells Rex that during his time away, he came to see that his love for Chloe turned in to an unhealthy addiction and he’s a lot better now. Rex asks if Philip would be able to control how he acts if he had romantic feelings for Chloe which Philip confirms. Philip then admits that he is still head over heels in love with Chloe Lane.

Nicole tells Chloe that her situation with EJ and Eric is not the same as Chloe’s with Xander and Philip. Chloe asks what is different. Nicole tries to explain it but then admits maybe it is sort of the same. Chloe complains that Nicole still wants her to dump Xander for Philip. Nicole apologizes for trying to steer her in any direction about her love life but argues that Chloe did the same by giving her grief over choosing EJ. Chloe says she did but eventually accepted it while Nicole continues giving it to her which she plans to ignore. Nicole argues that Chloe does have another option. Chloe repeats that what she had with Philip is in the past, just like what Nicole had with Eric. Nicole asks if she’s sure about her and Philip. Nicole asks what it was like when she saw Philip again. Chloe admits her heart skipped a beat when she saw him, but that’s only because she was shocked that he was alive. Nicole suggests it was her heart telling her that Philip is the one she’s supposed to be with right after dumping Xander on his sketchy ass.

Eric questions what Xander is doing. Xander responds that Theresa brings out the worst in him. Xander remarks that Brady had the right idea about her. Theresa tells him to get out of her sight so Xander walks away. Eric checks on Theresa and asks if Xander hurt her. Theresa says if Eric didn’t show up, she would’ve been the one hurting Xander. Eric asks what that was all about. Theresa says it was just Xander being Xander. Eric says it’s good to see her anyway and guesses she’s in town for Victor’s funeral which she confirms. Theresa says as much as they clashed, it felt wrong not being here. Eric comments that Victor’s been a big part of all their lives. Theresa tells Eric that it’s so good to see him and hugs him. Theresa adds that her mom told her that Eric and his girlfriend lost a baby and she’s so sorry. Theresa asks if she’s okay. Eric responds that she just got released from the hospital.

EJ questions if Sloan just came from the hospital as he sees her hospital bracelet. Sloan says she didn’t realize she still had it on. EJ mentions that Nicole told him that Sloan lost the baby and he’s very sorry. EJ adds that he can only imagine how devastated Eric is as he knows becoming an actual father was a lifelong dream of his. EJ imagines he and Nicole having a child must feel like salt in the wounds. Sloan remarks that EJ’s condolences meant nothing and asks if he’s actually enjoying knowing Eric is suffering. EJ disagrees and says as a father, he knows Eric’s pain. EJ remarks that maybe being a parent just isn’t in the cards for Eric. Sloan responds that maybe it is. EJ hopes she’s right that having a child is in the cards for Eric, but he’s very sorry that it can’t happen now. EJ calls losing a child a pain that no one deserves and says his heart goes out to both of them. Sloan thanks him for saying that as EJ then walks away.

Theresa asks Eric if he and Sloan are going to try again in a few months. Eric reveals they just learned that Sloan has a medical condition that prevents her from carrying a child to full term. Theresa says she’s so sorry. Eric is starting to think that maybe being a father isn’t a part of God’s plan. Theresa encourages that it could still happen someday and that she’s here to support him if he wants to hang out, talk, or anything because he’s always been a comfort to her. Eric tells her that he’d do anything for her. Theresa asks him to put in a good word with Brady for her. Eric questions if she’s interested in Brady since it didn’t end well. Theresa tells Eric to just forget she said anything. Theresa says she won’t pretend to know much about God and his plans, but she knows any kid that had Eric as a dad would be the luckiest kid on the planet. Theresa then hugs Eric.

Philip tells Rex that his feelings for Chloe are still strong but he’s not going to start chasing after her. Rex doesn’t want him to do anything that will jeopardize his recovery. Philip assures that he won’t do anything to break up Xander and Chloe which would free Xander up to pursue Sarah. Rex says he’s not worried about that. Philip asks why Xander would bother anyway now that Sarah is carrying Rex’s baby.

Chloe tells Nicole for the last time that she is with Xander now whether anyone likes it or not. Nicole begrudgingly accepts that. Chloe suggests a pact that they don’t get to choose who the other are with. Nicole agrees but tells her not to come crying to her when Xander shows his true colors and does something to make her regret ever laying eyes on him. Chloe tells her the same with EJ. Chloe and Nicole then laugh and hug.

Harris questions who sent the woman. Ava asks if it was EJ who sent her to kill her. She declares that the person holding the gun asks the questions and asks who wants the first bullet.

Theresa walks through the park, saying she doesn’t need Eric to put in a good word with Brady as she can do it herself. Theresa looks at her phone but then decides against looking too desperate on day 1. Theresa declares that she’s not giving up on Brady because she knows they belong together.

Philip runs in to Chloe in the town square and thanks her again for her help with Brady. Chloe says it was all Belle. Philip points out that Chloe could’ve stopped it but she stuck her neck out for him. Xander then joins Chloe and comments on Philip enjoying his freedom, asking if he ever thought he’d be just strolling in the town square again. Xander hopes he didn’t keep Chloe waiting too long and they walk off for dinner together.

Sarah returns to Rex in the living room. Rex assures that he didn’t tell Philip that the baby is Xander’s. Rex admits he doesn’t love lying to his brother but he knows it’s for the best. Rex adds that Philip is still in love with Chloe but he said he’s not going to pursue her and he hopes he’s telling the truth because Xander marrying Chloe is good for everyone, especially Sarah and her baby.

Sloan meets Eric at the Pub and asks if he still wants to be a father. Eric says of course, so Sloan asks what he says to them adopting a baby.

EJ goes home to Nicole in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Nicole notices EJ checking his phone so she asks if something is wrong. EJ claims it’s just business as he’s waiting to hear from an associate that she’s closed a deal…

The woman EJ hired declares this is where it ends but Harris grabs her, causing her to drop the gun. As they struggle with one another, Ava picks up the gun and pulls the trigger.

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