GH Short Recap Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Finn and Alexis go to a support meeting and, after the meeting, they talk privately about Gregory’s condition.  Finn feels guilty that he didn’t notice the symptoms of his dad’s ALS. Alexis makes Finn realize that his dad didn’t want him to put his life on hold to focus on his ALS, that is why he didn’t tell him about his condition.  Gregory’s doctor tells him that he shouldn’t drive a car anymore. The doctor also says he needs to wear leg braces. The doctor also recommends Gregory wear splints on his hands when he is at home to keep his
hands stable.

Anna and Dante think that Pikeman is threatening to hurt Charlotte in order to force Valentine to set up Sonny and they are determined to find proof.

Dex continues to follow Austin and overheard a conversation between Austin and Ava where Austin tells Ava that Mason is going to give the flash drive to the boss today and their nightmare will be over soon.

Carly goes to visit Drew in Bentonville and Drew tells Carly how he saved Chris’s life. Carly and Drew see Mason arrive at the jail and wonders what he is doing there. Mason talks to someone in the prison yard and thanks him for taking time to see them. Austin is brought by a prison guard to stand next to Mason. Austin is surprised to be meeting with Cyrus.

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