GH Short Recap Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Elizabeth starts her first day as head nurse by going to the hospital’s memorial wall and talking to Epiphany’s picture and thanking her for everything. She taught her and promised her she will do her best to make her proud.

Elizabeth listens to Portia’s problems with Curtis and advises her to fight for her marriage. Taggert asks Jordan for a a job at the police department and she tells him that he would be the perfect person to replace her as police commissioner.

Drew tells Sam he will be going to prison and they need to find a way to tell Scout he will be gone for a while.

Ava continues to encourage Nina to tell Sonny the truth but, since Ned can’t remember anything, Nina thinks hersecret is safe.

Ava tells Nina that she should still tell Sonny the truth because the truth will eventually come out.

Molly has a sonogram to find out how many of her eggs can be harvested before she begins hormone therapy to treat her endometriosis.

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