Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Alex has a dream about being in bed with Stephanie and then Chad appearing in the bed as well. Alex then wakes up in bed with Allie and Chanel.
Stephanie is at home on the phone with Steve, telling him that she got an emergency message from Paulina, so she’s heading to see her now and will be at the hospital after. Stephanie takes two pills from her purse and then checks the mirror, noting that she doesn’t look too hungover. Stephanie then goes to leave as Chad arrives at the door.
Li calls Dr. Rolf, leaving a message questioning where he is and why he’s not answering his calls. Li warns that Gabi is looking for him and is already suspicious that he did something to Stefan to make him hate her. Li adds that Dr. Rolf better be in his lab when he gets there and declares that he’s not about to lose Gabi to that bastard. Li hangs up and goes to leave his room but opens the door and is surprised to see his sister, Jing-Wen aka Wendy Shin, has arrived.
Johnny storms in to the living room of the DiMera Mansion to confront EJ but finds Stefan instead. Stefan says EJ told him that Johnny moved back in last night. Johnny responds that they’ll see how long that lasts. Johnny adds that he was glad to hear Stefan’s not dead. Johnny asks if EJ is around as he really needs to talk to him. Stefan informs Johnny that EJ left about 20 minutes ago.
Gabi finishes a phone call outside of her office, threatening to find a new head of security if he doesn’t find Dr. Rolf by noon. Gabi then heads in to the office to find EJ sitting at the desk.
Allie and Chanel wake up in bed with Alex. Allie notes that it was quite a night. Alex says part of him feels like he’s still dreaming and jokes with them that his dream came true.
Stefan tells Johnny that EJ told him what Ava did. Johnny calls it a mistake and says EJ is making a federal case about it. Stefan is not surprised that EJ is furious. Johnny argues that EJ is delighted because he found a way to get even more money and that EJ would’ve done exactly what Ava did. Stefan argues that EJ is trying to get back something that was stolen from this family. Stefan declares that this isn’t about money but about making sure Gabi gets kicked to the curb. Johnny reminds Stefan that Gabi is his wife. Stefan says not for long. Johnny brings up how everybody said how happy they were together and how crazy he was about her. Stefan responds that he’s not crazy about her now and that Gabi is about to get exactly what’s coming to her. Johnny calls that intense and asks what exactly Dr. Rolf did to him.
Gabi tells EJ to get out as she has work to do. Gabi threatens to call security as he has no right to be there. EJ remarks that one of them doesn’t have the right and they both know who that is.
Li questions Wendy showing up at his door with no heads up and asks what it’s about this time. Wendy reminds him that it’s about the promise that was made to her about her dream job, so she questions where it is.
Chad apologizes to Stephanie for not calling before showing up. Stephanie says it’s okay and he just surprised her. Chad says he just wanted to come over before work to talk so she invites him in. Chad says he would like to apologize for last night. Stephanie assures there is no need as they both had a lot to drink and are paying the price this morning. Stephanie says last night, reality had beaten them both up so the second bottle of champagne was a mistake and so was the nightcap. Stephanie adds that before they did something stupid, Chad did the thinking for both of them and she thanks him for that. Chad tells her that he really enjoyed working with her and talking to her, so he really doesn’t want to screw that up. Stephanie suggests they forget what happened after leaving Julie’s Place. Stephanie brings up the message that she got from Paulina, sounding like an asteroid is going to hit Salem. Chad offers to come with her. Stephanie agrees, noting that she could use all the help she can get as they then exit together.
Chanel and Allie relate to Alex dreaming about a threesome. Alex then gets out of bed and goes to take a shower. Allie feels there is something going on with him. Chanel responds that Alex is in love with them. Allie doesn’t believe that but Chanel thinks last night freaked him out because they are so hot that he fell in love with them. Allie argues that Alex doesn’t even know them that well and hasn’t known them long enough to be in love with them. Chanel feels he knows them enough and says she saw it in his eyes, so she knows she’s right and that there is love in the air.
Stefan tells Johnny that Dr. Rolf didn’t do anything to him and that you can’t make someone hate someone. Stefan can’t wrap his head around why he ever loved Gabi. Johnny is sure he’s not the only one that finds that weird. Stefan confirms plenty of people have chimed in and it’s getting old. Johnny says that everyone is saying one thing while Stefan is saying the opposite. Stefan doesn’t get why people are surprised since he and Gabi started out hating each other, so maybe he just convinced himself there was more to it than there was. Johnny brings up Dr. Rolf again but Stefan insists this has nothing to do with Dr. Rolf. Stefan questions what Dr. Rolf would have to gain by making him hate Gabi. Johnny calls that an interesting question but notes that it wouldn’t be the first time a DiMera has hired Dr. Rolf to do something that can’t be done. Stefan points out that Stefano is dead. Johnny argues that EJ inherited Stefano’s playbook. Johnny goes over how if Stefan was with Gabi, she’d have an iron grip on DiMera but if he sides with EJ then she doesn’t stand a chance.
Gabi reminds EJ that he doesn’t have the votes and they are at a tie which means she remains in place. EJ asks Gabi if she’s happened to notice that Ava hasn’t shown up for work. EJ says that Ava and Jake’s marriage was a fraud. Gabi disagrees, saying they loved each other. EJ calls that irrelevant because the marriage was a legal fraud, the kind that puts people behind bars.
Stephanie and Chad meet Paulina in her office. Paulina questions what Chad is doing there. Stephanie says her voicemail sounded serious so she thought she’d want the whole team on whatever this is. Paulina confirms it’s serious and sensitive. Chad reminds Paulina that she recommended Stephanie hire him and he thought that was because she trusted him. Chad agrees that they should’ve called and offers to wait outside. Stephanie suggests Chad sign a non-disclosure agreement because she could use his help. Paulina apologizes for not being at her best this morning and says that she does trust Chad as she needs to trust someone. Stephanie asks Paulina to tell them what the problem is. Paulina says not until Chad signs.
Li tells Wendy this is not a great time and asks if it can wait. Wendy points out that it only took her 10 hours to get there so she can wait a little longer for what’s coming to her. Li complains that she wants things handed to her on a silver platter. Wendy argues that their dad promised she’d be out of the grunt I.T. job in Fairbanks. Li argues that he promoted her but Wendy complains about it being in Fairbanks. Li says that their dad is the one who wants her there while Wendy argues that Li is the one who could do something about it and get their dad to listen. Li reminds her that this isn’t a good time. Wendy asks if she’s driving him crazy and declares that she’s going to keep doing so until he gets her the dream job in Salem, the center of all things DiMera. Li argues that it isn’t that simple while Wendy points out that he’s engaged to the CEO. Wendy then asks if he screwed that up too.
Gabi tells EJ that Ava has a valid marriage license, signed, sealed, and delivered. EJ tells her to keep digging that hole for herself. EJ informs Gabi that knowingly filing a forged marriage license is fraud which means that every subsequent business transaction predicated on that license would be fraudulent. EJ adds that if Ava knew that Jake’s signature was forged, her taking a seat on the DiMera Board as Mrs. Jake DiMera would be a fraud as would voting his shares and if anyone else knew the license was fraudulent, that person would be a partner in that fraud and equally culpable. EJ declares that all of that would be criminal which means that every business meeting, corporate filing, and pay check cashed since August 13 would be fraudulent and that would all be public record of criminal activity. EJ jokes that it was fun to say all that. Gabi responds that it will be fun to watch him get thrown out. EJ says she can go ahead and make that call but informs her that he has the marriage license and the forensics reports that say Jake’s signature had been forged. EJ reveals that Ava caved and sold Gabi down the river and then said it was all Gabi’s idea. Gabi mocks Ava accusing her and says she would pin something she did on someone else. EJ says the trial would be interesting but his first priority is getting Gabi the hell out of his office. EJ tells Gabi that now that Ava is no longer entitled to Jake’s shares, they default to his closest relative which is Vivian Alamain. Gabi argues that Vivian can’t vote because she’s incarcerated. EJ confirms that means Vivian has a right to assign a proxy for her vote and he has someone at the prison getting that signed, sealed, and delivered. EJ asks Gabi if she can guess which of her ex-lovers will get the nod. EJ adds that the change of ownership of Jake’s shares is being prepared. EJ tells Gabi that she’s out of moves and this is checkmate. EJ asks if she has any idea how much Stefan is going to enjoy being the deciding factor that gives her the boot. EJ then tells Gabi to have a great day as he exits the office.
Li tells Wendy that he and Gabi are fine and questions what she is talking about. Wendy responds that the walls here are thin and reveals that before he answered the door, she heard him on the phone having a meltdown about Stefan DiMera, Gabi’s not so late husband. Li argues that Stefan is totally uninterested in Gabi. Wendy asks why he was panicking then. Li shouts back that he wasn’t panicking so she asks if she hit a nerve as Li then gets a phone call from Gabi, who says she needs him. Li asks what’s wrong. Gabi says she can’t tell him over the phone and she just needs him to get there. Li says he’s on his way and hangs up. Wendy tells Li that she will come with him and they can talk about the job in the car. Li argues that he kept his promise and he’s sorry that she’s not satisfied, but she never is. Li then storms out. Wendy wonders why he’s so freaked out about Stefan DiMera. Wendy opens up Li’s laptop and decides to see what she can do.
Stefan questions Johnny thinking that EJ paid Dr. Rolf to brainwash him about Gabi. Stefan tells him that there’s a hole in his scenario because EJ would have had to have been working with Dr. Rolf long before he was alive, but EJ didn’t know he was alive until Gabi told him. Johnny argues that EJ is the most accomplished liar on two continents and Stefan bought it. Stefan doesn’t know what went on between Johnny and Ava but it sounds like he’s having a hard time accepting what she did, so now he’s taking whatever he can find to see what sticks. Stefan adds that if he loved Gabi, he would know.
Alex comes out of the shower. Chanel asks if he’s still in a mad rush to get out of here since he got out of the bed like it was on fire. Alex admits it was a bit awkward. Chanel thinks Alex seemed a bit overwhelmed as if he was under the grip of a powerful emotion. Allie adds that Alex seems in a rush to get out of here. Alex apologizes if that’s the way it seemed and assures them that he had an amazing time and they are both awesome. Chanel says they know why he feels like he needs to get out. Chanel reminds Alex that what happened last night was just about sex, nothing more, and a one time thing. Alex questions where this is coming from. Allie explains that Chanel thinks there might be something more. Alex assures that he’s in to them both but that’s not something any of them need to worry about. Alex then decides it’s time to come clean and explains that he didn’t try to rush out because he couldn’t deal with some feelings, but because he had a dream. Alex then reveals that the dream wasn’t about them, but about Chad DiMera which surprises and confuses them.
Chad signs the non-disclosure agreement for Paulina. Stephanie then asks Paulina what they are dealing with. Paulina calls it something that can undo her entire campaign, but that’s not what has her upset which is why she had to have Chad sign the NDA. Paulina reveals it’s about her daughter, Chanel. Stephanie questions what Chanel has to do with her campaign. Paulina explains that last night, she got a visit from the lawyer, Sloan Peterson. Chad recognizes that she represented Leo Stark when he was accused of murdering Abigail, so there’s nothing she wouldn’t stoop to. Paulina informs them that Sloan has another client and delivered an ultimatum from whoever it is as they know something about Chanel. Stephanie asks what it is, so Paulina hands her the file folder.
Alex explains to Allie and Chanel that the dream was actually about Stephanie and her being with Chad. Chanel jokingly asks if he dreamed about having a threesome with them. Alex clarifies that he dreamed that Chad had the capability of taking Stephanie away from him. Chanel points out that he doesn’t have Stephanie while Allie adds that he doesn’t know that Chad has her either. Alex assures this was a dream and why he’s all mixed up. Chanel and Allie joke about him dreaming about Chad while in bed with them. Alex tells them that he had an amazing time with them and he cares about them both a lot. Alex calls them amazing. Chanel doesn’t think anything could change that. Alex says he has to get going, but he doesn’t know which one of them to kiss goodbye first, so they both kiss him on the cheek.
Li goes to the DiMera Office where Gabi complains to him about what happened with EJ. Gabi admits that she doesn’t know of any more moves. Li asks if she’s sure he’s not bluffing. Gabi doesn’t think so since Ava didn’t come in and her phone must be off and EJ says he has the marriage license with proof that it’s forged. Gabi talks about EJ laughing at the idea of Stefan casting the deciding vote against her. Gabi cries that Li is the only one in her corner and the only one she can trust as she hugs him.
Johnny advises Stefan to think about it and tells him that he can’t just believe everything EJ says. EJ then comes home and says he sees they have finally met. Stefan responds that they were just getting to know each other. Johnny says he was telling Stefan to watch his back when EJ is around. EJ understands he’s still angry about Ava but they can talk about that another time since he and Gabi are at an end game right now. EJ tells Johnny that soon, his financial future will be brighter so he could show some gratitude which he questions. EJ knows Johnny is upset about Ava’s duplicity. Johnny argues that he’s upset that EJ treated Ava like dirt. EJ says that in time, he will see he did what was the best for everyone. EJ calls Ava bad news and suggests that Johnny turn the page and find someone more age appropriate. EJ tells Stefan that his mother’s power of attorney is being transferred as they speak, so it should be waiting for them at company headquarters. EJ asks if Stefan would like to give Gabi a peek at her dismal future. Stefan responds that he’d love nothing more. EJ declares that it’s so great that Stefan is not dead anymore as they exit the mansion together.
Stephanie tells Paulina that she can see why she is concerned. Paulina complains that Sloan is just going between her and her blackmailer, going after her daughter. Chad adds that there’s no guarantee they wouldn’t keep asking for more. Paulina worries that they could still go public with this shortly before the election. Paulina questions what they do about this now that they know the situation.
Allie tells Chanel that they are good with Alex and asks if they are good. Chanel asks why she asked that. Allie points out that they just did something really crazy and it was basically her idea, so she’s asking if she asked too much. Chanel still can’t believe they did that. Chanel brings up Allie saying she thought it might make them closer and she thinks it worked. Chanel calls last night really hot but says just the two of them is hotter. Allie agrees as they kiss while Chanel’s phone rings nearby with a call from Paulina.
Alex returns home to the Kiriakis Mansion and sits down with his tablet, where he sees an article about Chad joining Stephanie’s PR firm.
Wendy hacks in to Li’s personal laptop but finds nothing of interest. She declares that she needs to find out why he’s so freaked out about Stefan DiMera. Wendy decides to get that information straight from the horse’s mouth.
Li tells Gabi that they need to slow down and think of a way to get EJ back in his cage. Gabi complains that EJ thinks he’s already won and is so enjoying using Stefan as his hatchet man. EJ then arrives with Stefan and tells Gabi that he brought her a surprise.
Chad goes back home with Stephanie. Chad talks about meeting with Sloan. Chad suggests letting him take care of this while she goes to visit her mother. Alex then shows up at the door. Stephanie questions what he’s doing there. Alex responds that he’s here to tell her that she is the biggest hypocrite he’s ever met.
Chanel goes to see Paulina and says she got her message and she sounded terrible, so she asks if everything is okay.
Johnny complains that EJ is full of himself and comments on EJ telling him to find someone more age appropriate. Johnny then goes to leave the mansion right as Wendy Shin arrives.
Li warns EJ to watch it. EJ says he told Gabi that he would come back with ammunition .EJ presents Vivian’s power of attorney that will grant her proxy shares to Stefan. EJ advises Gabi not to wait for the vote to start looking for another job. EJ jokes that Stefan could give her a recommendation since he knows her better than anyone else. Stefan remarks that he wishes he didn’t and wishes he never laid eyes on her. Gabi questions why he’s being so mean to her. Gabi argues that they were in love so there must be some part of him that remembers that. Gabi asks Stefan to look in to her eyes, insisting there must be something in there. Stefan then has a flashback to admitting his feelings for Gabi.
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