Days Update Thursday, August 11, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Clyde works at the Brady Pub. Nancy comes in and jokes that she loves a man who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. Clyde tells her that his shift is almost over and suggests she get them a table to have dinner but Nancy says she has a better idea and suggests they have dinner with Chloe and Brady, unless he doesn’t think they should. Clyde reminds her that Chloe hates his guts.

Brady joins Chloe at the Basic Black office. Chloe talks about having to make her proposal perfect so she doesn’t give Kristen another reason to write her up since that petty bitch could come walking through the door at any moment. Leo then walks in and asks who she is calling petty.

Xander and Sarah agree that Ava and Gwen must be working together. Sarah wonders what to do now. Xander says they have to get Ava to admit that she helped Gwen escape from prison on the night that Abigail was murdered and that she knew Gwen was going to kill Abigail and frame Sarah for it. Sarah worries about doing that but Xander feels it might not be that difficult since Gwen and Ava are business partners, not chums, and Ava already rolled on Gwen once before. Xander believes he can make Ava throw Gwen under the bus one last time.

At the DiMera Mansion, Gwen tells Ava that she did not kill Abigail but she had motive so it won’t look good for either of them if the cops find out she had opportunity. Ava questions if Gwen is threatening her after she went out of her way to do her a favor. Gwen points out that it would be in their mutual interest for both of them to keep their mouths shut. Ava assures that her secret is safe with her. EJ then walks in to the room and asks if he’s interrupting. Ava says not at all since it is his house. Ava introduces Gwen to EJ. Gwen says they have met. EJ doesn’t remember that. Gwen says she’s not surprised as it was quite a long time ago and he barely even recognized that she was in the room as he was so focused on getting his million dollars back from Xander.

Xander tells Sarah that he’s going to have a word with Ava since he knows she just moved in to the DiMera Mansion. Sarah warns that he has to be prepared since Ava isn’t stupid and will just deny everything. Xander says he’ll just show her the copies of the visitor logs and phone records, so they can prove that Ava and Gwen were in contact before and after Abigail’s murder. Sarah argues that they don’t know what they talked about and all they have is a theory. Xander assures that he will lean on her until she folds. Sarah admires his confidence but warns that Ava is as tough as nails, so he has to have proof. Xander reluctantly agrees. Sarah reminds him that Ava isn’t the only person Gwen spoke to that day as there is also her good friend Leo Stark.

Brady questions what Leo is doing at Basic Black. Leo calls it a social call as he thought he’d save their asses by saving their company. Brady asks how he’s going to do that. Leo then presents a book.

Clyde knows Nancy wants Chloe and Brady to like him but nothing has changed. Nancy points out that they are living together now and that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop trying to change their minds about him. Clyde points out that she can’t change that he has a prison record and that they are living together because he needed a place to stay or else he’s violating his parole and she graciously offered when Ben and his family left town. Nancy clarifies that she was happy to do it. Clyde says that means more to her than she knows. Nancy thinks they are pretty compatible in many ways, even as roomies. Clyde calls her a really great friend to him, more than anyone else has ever been as it seems like she always has his back, even when he’s accused of murder.

Jennifer offers to take Thomas to the town square for frozen yogurt but Thomas doesn’t want to go and tells her about a loose tooth. Chad arrives so Thomas runs away and goes upstairs. Jennifer questions what just happened. Chad responds that Thomas hates him and it’s own fault. Jennifer encourages that he doesn’t but Chad says he wouldn’t blame him if he did since he lost his temper with him yesterday. Jennifer encourages that all parents do that but Chad says not under these circumstances. Jennifer doesn’t want to upset him further but informs him that last night, Thomas was worried when Chad didn’t come home. Chad says he should’ve called. Jennifer adds that she and Jack were worried too. Chad admits he got a little drunk last night and crashed at Sonny’s. Jennifer says she knows as Sonny texted her and she told Thomas, but he was still scared. Chad questions why. Jennifer tells Chad that his son is afraid that he’s going to leave him the way his mother did.

Nancy sits with Clyde and reminds him that she told him when they met that she believes everybody deserves a second chance. Clyde says that meant the world to him. Nancy wanted him to stop being so hard on himself since he did his time and paid his debt which is why she felt so bad when he got arrested. Clyde admits it was rough but it all worked out and now he’s with her and couldn’t be more grateful. Nancy is sure that the man who sold Clyde that stolen bracelet is the one who killed Abigail, insisting that it has to be him. Clyde agrees and wishes he could’ve given the cops a better description of the little weasel. Clyde declares that he would’ve been the hero now as the guy who brought the killer to justice.

Brady asks Leo what the hell he’s doing here. Chloe questions his book. Leo responds that he saw their ad online for a brand and he’s a living, breathing brand on his own who is between gigs, he thought he would give them first dibs on his services. Leo thought he could bring some color to Basic Black. Brady tells him that they are busy. Chloe tells him to go away and questions his book. Leo says it’s a look book and that he put it together to give her an idea of his vision. Chloe goes through it and sees it’s only pictures of Leo. Leo feels there’s no question that he could bring fab to the drab at Basic Black. Chloe asks Brady if they should call security but Brady says he can throw Leo out himself. Leo questions the hostility. Chloe argues that they all know he’s not here for a job. Brady says they aren’t stupid and that all Leo wants to do is stab them in the back.

Sarah and Xander talk about Gwen calling Leo on the day of the murder as well. Xander doesn’t see Leo killing anyone and notes that Lucas didn’t say anything about seeing Sarah in drag running down the stairs. Sarah asks if Xander thinks it was Gwen then. Xander responds that Leo is just a con man, but Gwen will clearly do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Xander can’t believe that Gwen convinced him that she changed. Sarah encourages him to stop beating himself up as he couldn’t have known. Xander says he chose to ignore the signs. Sarah understands that Xander had been hurt so badly by her and needed to love again. Xander argues that he wasn’t hurt by Sarah, but by that monster Kristen DiMera. Xander says that Sarah has just made him happier than he’s ever deserved to be. Sarah encourages that he deserves to be happy and loved. Sarah wants him to give himself more credit since he saw through Gwen eventually. Xander says they both know Gwen wouldn’t have gone near Sarah if he hadn’t been so stupid.

EJ remembers Gwen as Xander’s mistress. Gwen responds that they aren’t together anymore which EJ calls a point in her favor. EJ remarks that any friend of his late brother’s wife is welcome in this house. EJ is sure Gwen is a great comfort to Ava. Gwen remarks that she certainly tries to be. EJ invites Gwen to stay for drinks and dinner. Ava calls that generous but thinks it’s too late to add another person to the table. EJ says they are very adaptable and asks Gwen to stay. Gwen agrees to stay, so EJ says he will go shower and change, then they can get to know each other a little better. EJ then adds that they can get around to discussing the secret that Ava seems to be keeping for her.

Chad questions Thomas thinking he left him for good. Jennifer tells him that he was panicking and that she reassured him, but it was a rough night for him. Chad apologizes. Jennifer didn’t want to tell him but thought he needed to know. Chad agrees. Jennifer hates to cause him more pain. Chad says he’s not worried about his pain, but about his son. Chad says his son just wants his mom back and he has no clue what to say to him. Jennifer says that none of them can make this okay but they can all go through this together. Jennifer advises that you can’t always be wise and wonderful for your kids but you can be there. Chad knows he’s a mess right now and last night, he wanted to feel nothing. Chad declares that he’s filled with nothing but rage. Jennifer understands that. Chad admits he was just too ashamed to face his kids last night because they didn’t need their drunken father stumbling around. Chad states that he’s doing his best to keep it together, but admits he’s falling apart. Jennifer hugs Chad as he questions what they are supposed to do without Abigail.

Clyde suggests Nancy just take Chloe and Brady out by herself. Nancy argues that they are a couple now, so Chloe has to accept that. Clyde suggests they could get takeout, stay home, and watch some lady wrestling. Nancy jokes that she’ll put him in a hammerlock to get her way. Nancy believes that once Clyde spends some time with Chloe and Brady, they will learn to love him like she does. Clyde then questions if he just heard her say that she loves him. Nancy claims that she doesn’t know what she said and points out that he’ll have to change his shirt before they go out to dinner. Clyde jokes that he does clean up pretty nice. Nancy suggests he go home and shower, then put on the new shirt that she bought him. Nancy says she will go pick up Chloe and Brady, then she will text him where to meet them for dinner.

Chloe brings up that Leo told Nancy that she was on some list of his, so she questions why they’d be dumb enough to hire him after that. Leo claims that he only said that because Nancy made him so mad. Chloe argues that he’s still mad, so if they hired him, he’d run the company in to the ground. Leo asks why he would do that. Brady reminds him that he made it clear that he intended to get even with anyone who came between he and Craig. Leo admits that’s true, but claims he changed his mind and decided to be the bigger person by letting that all go. Leo asks them to let bygones be bygones. Chloe questions why he would even want to work here. Leo says he has to eat. Brady calls him unbelievable. Leo feels he’s unique and his designs for Basic Black would be too. Leo asks if they should talk salary. Chloe tells him to get out. Leo calls them so tiresome. Leo then declares that he will start his own brand and bury them as he then exits the office.

Xander and Sarah go over how Gwen killed her own sister and framed Sarah for it because she wanted Sarah out of the way, so she could have another shot with Xander. Xander declares that’s why he’s going to be the one to make sure that her plan blows up in her face. Sarah notes that the one thing about Gwen that she understands is risking everything to be with him. Sarah says she is back to herself because they are really together. Xander encourages that she did all the hard work. Sarah says they make a really great team. Sarah asks if they have to go confront Ava right this minute. Xander agrees to put it off for a bit as they kiss.

Gwen worries to Ava about EJ hearing them talking. Ava notes that EJ is desperate to get rid of her and now he’ll have just what he needs if he figures out that she helped Gwen escape. Gwen asks why he wants to get rid of her. Ava says it’s because she just inherited Jake’s shares of DiMera Enterprises. Gwen notes that EJ is going to want answers when he gets back. Ava tells her that they are going to need to come up with another really big secret, fast.

Jennifer brings Thomas back to the living room to Chad. Chad apologizes for not coming home last night and acknowledges that it was wrong to yell at him. Chad tries to explain that he wasn’t mad and says he’s just mad at the world. Thomas says he is too. Chad states that they are both mad and sad because Abigail is gone and they both miss her very much and would do anything for her to come back. Chad talks about how Abigail was great at making him feel better. Chad offers to show him old pictures and says he wants to be good at coming up with great ideas like she was, but he doesn’t think he has it in him right now. Chad says he can’t but maybe Thomas has an idea. Thomas responds that maybe it would make Chad feel better if he could make him feel better. Chad calls that the best idea he’s ever heard. Chad talks about how much Thomas and Charlotte remind him of Abigail and he loves them. Thomas then hugs Chad. Jennifer watches on in tears.

Brady tells Chloe that he can’t believe Leo just walked in, expecting a job. Chloe goes through Leo’s books and admits that some of his designs are really good. Brady mocks the suit that Leo was wearing. Chloe acknowledges that Leo definitely has his own style but shows Brady some photos from the book and says it’s actually different and she likes it. Nancy then walks in and questions why they are looking at pictures of that horrible man.

Leo sits at the Bistro with a drink, complaining that Chloe and Brady wouldn’t know a good design if it hit them in the face. Clyde then appears and declares that’s exactly what he should do to him.

Nancy complains that Chloe and Brady are looking at pictures of the man who destroyed her marriage. Chloe tells her that it’s not what she thinks. Nancy argues that Leo ruined her life and then stayed in Salem to rub her nose in it. Chloe says that’s why she wants nothing to do with him. Nancy says she knows a look book when she sees one. Brady confirms that Leo came in, asking for a job. Nancy can’t believe the nerve of him. Chloe says that’s why they threw him out. Brady adds that if he had a baseball bat, Leo would’ve been crawling out with two broken legs.

Clyde sits with Leo and says he’s been looking for him and the cops would be too if he gave them a better description, but he doesn’t think he’ll forget his face now. Leo says their last association was mutually beneficial and offers to buy Clyde a drink. Clyde grabs Leo and warns that he almost took a murder charge because of him but luckily, he had an alibi. Clyde gets the feeling Leo won’t be half as lucky as he was.

Chad asks about the frozen yogurt that Thomas and Jennifer were talking about. Jennifer suggests Thomas and Chad go get it together. Chad invites Jennifer to come with them but she thinks they need a boys night out. Chad says it’s up to Thomas. Thomas agrees that it sounds fun so he and Chad exit together as Jennifer smiles.

EJ returns to the living room and tells Gwen that Harold said it was no problem to set another place at the table for her. EJ pours them drinks and toasts to family and new friends. EJ says he’s eager to know all about the secret Gwen and Ava are keeping and he can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with Abigail.

Nancy suggests not mentioning Leo anymore since it just makes her queasy. Brady mentions that he was just about to try to convince Chloe to go get something to eat and invites Nancy to join them. Nancy responds that the funny thing is that she came to ask them to join her and Clyde for dinner tonight. Nancy asks them to please say yes because whether they like him or not, Clyde Weston is the new man in her life. Nancy declares that Clyde makes her happy and she just wants to share that with the people she loves. Chloe brings up Clyde living with her now, which Nancy confirms. Nancy remarks that she didn’t think she needed to ask her permission. Chloe says she doesn’t and if Clyde is the man in her life, then she will gladly go to dinner with them and try to focus on the fact that Clyde makes her happy. Brady adds that if Chloe is good with it, then he’s in, so they all exit together.

Xander brings Sarah room service in bed. Sarah tells him that she developed an appetite for something entirely different as they kiss in bed.

Ava questions why Gwen would have a secret involving Abigail. EJ asks if Gwen can answer that. Gwen sees that EJ has figured her out. EJ says he didn’t put it together until after he left the room that Gwen is the daughter Jack didn’t know he fathered, who returned to Salem with a desire to get even. Gwen calls that a long time ago. EJ says he wasn’t in Salem when Gwen seduced his brother and tried to ruin his marriage which Gwen admits to. Gwen says she was very angry back then but luckily, she was able to see the harm she had caused and made peace with Abigail long before she died. Gwen says her heart goes out to Chad because she knows how devastated he is over the loss of his wife.

Chad and Thomas have frozen yogurt together in the town square. Thomas’s tooth comes out and Chad talks about how long they have been waiting for. Thomas asks Chad to hold onto it for him and points out that Abigail used to, so he’s going to have to do some of the stuff that she did. Chad responds that he would be happy to and promises to guard it with his life. Thomas asks if the Tooth Fairy knows they are Jennifer’s house now. Chad assures that the Tooth Fairy is very smart and will find him. Thomas then mentions that the Tooth Fairy is a he.

Leo argues that Clyde is looking at him like he killed Abigail. Clyde tells him to tell it to the cops. Leo questions if they need to involve the cops in this. Leo reminds Clyde that he’s on parole while he just spent a certain amount of time on the wrong side of the law himself. Clyde points out that he’s been cleared. Leo brings up Clyde having the stolen jewelry of a murder victim. Clyde says he’ll take his chances. Leo tells him to at least let him finish his wine. Clyde tells him to drink up because they won’t be serving where he’s going. Leo then instead throws his wine in Clyde’s face and runs away.

Xander and Sarah lay in bed together, agreeing that the last time they were this happy was the night before their wedding. Sarah says the meds are working, her hallucinations have diminished, and she’s back with the man she loves. Xander says he’s soon to be her devoted husband which Sarah says will make her even happier than she is now as they kiss. Sarah declares that first, they have unfinished business to attend to. Xander agrees that they must make Ava cough up what she knows about Gwen.

Gwen asks EJ if Chad and the kids will be at dinner. EJ says no as they are staying with Jack and Jennifer. EJ points out that they still haven’t told him their secret. Ava then tells EJ that it’s about Xander because Gwen wants him back. Gwen says it’s true as she thought it was a lost cause, but now that Lucas said he saw Sarah in the house on the day that Abigail was murdered, then maybe she still has a chance. EJ guesses she hasn’t heard that Sarah might have an alibi. Gwen brings up what Lucas said. EJ says he and Lucas have a long history. EJ calls Lucas a liar, so as soon as he heard he implicated Sarah, he knew she hadn’t done it so someone else killed Abigail. EJ then goes to check on dinner. Gwen can’t believe Ava told EJ that she’s pining after Xander. Ava says they had to tell EJ something and the best lies have a grain of truth to them. Gwen questions it being a good idea for Ava to be living in the same house with the man who is out to get her. Ava tells her not to worry about it as she knows how to handle EJ DiMera.

Nancy brings Chloe and Brady to the Bistro where they find Clyde wiping his eyes with a towel. Nancy questions what happened. Clyde reveals that he just ran in to the guy who sold him Abigail’s bracelet. Brady asks where the hell he is. Clyde responds that he knew he was onto him, so he threw a drink in his face and ran out.

Chad questions Thomas saying that he saw the Tooth Fairy in the basement of the DiMera Mansion and that it was a man. Chad wants Thomas not to go down there again because those tunnels are not the safest place for a little kid, especially by themselves. Thomas points out that he wasn’t by himself because the Tooth Fairy was there and he told Abigail about it. Leo then walks by, so Thomas tells Chad that he can ask the Tooth Fairy himself because there he is.

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