GH Short Recap Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Liesl meets Cody and advises Britt to date him and have some fun. Britt and Liesl are stunned when Cody meets Scott and punches him in the face.

Nicolas persuades Ava not to divorce him so he can help her with the Esme situation.

Sam tells Dante that she isn’t ready to move in with him yet.

Mia the executive coach helping Drew gets hired by Carly to help advise her on her future plans.

Sonny, and Nina decide to have a relationship and face whatever comes with it together.

Victor tells Valentin that he is going to leave Charlotte in boarding school indefinitely because he hasn’t been following orders. Anna decides to investigate Valentin and find out what secrets he is hiding from her. Drew decides not to be a nice guy in business anymore. Drew sees Valentin, and tells him they need to
have a talk.

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