Y&R Update Thursday, July 28, 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

At Newman Enterprises, Michael informed Victor that everyone on his security team had been briefed. “The less is said, the better,” Victor said, and Michael agreed. Victor appreciated what Michael did tonight. He thought it was nice knowing he could count on his old friend, Michael, and he said he wouldn’t forget this. Michael offered to stay here and get updates on the case so Victor could go home and check on Victoria. Victor declined, because he knew Nikki was taking care of their daughter. He didn’t want Victoria to get upset by any bad news Chance might have. Victor said Michael could go home to Lauren. Michael said he wouldn’t let Victor talk to Chance without having his attorney present. Michael said that Chance was Victor’s son-in-law, but he was also a damn good cop who was sure to have questions.

At Crimson Lights, Nick acknowledged telling Sally he’d be available to talk to her about work, but this wasn’t a good time. She didn’t want to talk about work either. She’d been hoping to run into Sharon, because they recently had a good talk about Adam, the most confusing, infuriating and exasperating human she’d ever known. Nick recalled Sally saying she regretted getting involved with Adam. He guessed he understood why she wanted to commiserate with Sharon, since she could relate. Sally plopped down into the chair opposite Nick and began to share her tale of woe, but he apologetically said that he couldn’t talk about the drama between her and Adam right now. She asked what happened to put him in a bad mood.

Nick didn’t want to talk about what happened. He was sure Sally would read all about it when she got to work tomorrow. Sally dropped the bomb that she was going to resign. “The hell you are,” Nick replied. He wanted an explanation. She revealed that she overheard Adam tell Sharon that he broke up with Sally because he thought that was best for her. Nick contended that everyone already knew that was why Adam broke up with Sally, but it didn’t matter. Sally thought it changed everything. She said she wasn’t okay with Adam making that sacrifice. Nick thought it was clear that Adam didn’t care what Sally thought, since he made the decision without consulting her and was continuing to lie to her. Sally said Adam made a stupid mistake, but he thought he was doing the right thing. Nick felt Sally was just making excuses for Adam, just like Sharon and Chelsea did and just like Victoria did with Ashland. She denied doing that. “What is wrong with you? You’ve got this incredible opportunity. It is right in front of your face. You just have to grab it. And you’re willing to throw it all away for this guy who stomped on your heart with both feet. Is this all the self-respect you have?,” he asked. Sally was taken aback by Nick’s harshness. She bet this had more to do with Victoria than her. She told him not to put his baggage on her, because he didn’t know her that well. He apologized and said she could do what she wanted, but she shouldn’t confuse Adam treating her like dirt as a sign of their incredible love – a lot of women had made that mistake with Adam. Nick got summoned to Newman by Victor. He told Sally he hoped she reconsidered this terrible decision, and he left.

Sally called Chloe into the office late. Chloe didn’t mind coming in, since she was so excited about this new position. Chloe noticed that Sally didn’t seem as enthusiastic as she was before. “This is about Adam, isn’t it?” Chloe asked. Chloe wondered if Adam was angry with Sally for staying on while he quit. Sally said that Adam broke up with her so their relationship wouldn’t get in the way of her job. Sally explained that she told Adam that she didn’t want to get the job this way, and she was going to turn in her resignation. Chloe hoped Sally had realized that quitting would be crazy. Sally said she’d been dismissing being CEO as just a job, but the truth was it was an amazing once in a lifetime opportunity. She’d mentioned her plans to Nick, and he told her that she’d be one more in a long line of women making bad decisions to impress Adam. Sally was confused, and she called Chloe here help her think this through. Chloe asked what Sally would do if Adam told her to quit the job to show how much she loved him. Sally noted that Adam said the exact opposite. Chloe said that Adam knew Sally never fall for that. “And now just look what he has you doing with just a touch of reverse psychology?,” Chloe said. Chloe asserted that Adam basically had Sally begging him to accept this sacrifice in honor of her love for him. Sally was adamant that she’d never beg Adam for anything. Chloe stared at Sally knowingly. Sally realized that she actually had been begging Adam. She admitted he’d even called her pathetic. Chloe said Sally was feeding Adam’s massive ego and making him think he was more important to her than anything else, meanwhile he was putting her down. Chloe asked if that was what Sally wanted the rest of her life to look like. Sally said of course not. Chloe said Adam was going to constantly put his love with Sally to the test, because he didn’t know how else to be in a relationship.

Sally didn’t want to think Adam had been playing mind games with her all along. She honestly thought he wanted her to have this opportunity to prove herself. Chloe said if Adam was truly noble and thought Sally would be better off in the job than in the relationship, he’d be right. Sally thought love was more important than a job. Chloe said a healthy stable relationship with the right man was better than a job, but that didn’t describe Sally and Adam’s relationship. Sally didn’t want to believe Adam stopped loving her or that he never did. Chloe thought Sally had to stop fixating on what Adam felt and meant before she lost herself. Chloe said Chelsea fell into the same trap, and that was why she wasn’t able to continue the fashion line – she’d lost years of her life because of her obsession with Adam. Sally said even if Chloe was right, and this relationship wasn’t healthy or worth saving, she told Adam she didn’t want to get the job this way, and that was the truth. Chloe said Adam didn’t get Sally the job – the most he did was get out of her way. She said Nick and Victoria asked Sally to stay because they loved her ideas. Sally said Adam took a chance on her and gave her the job in the first place. Chloe said Sally proved she deserved to be the boss with her brilliance and hard work. Chloe said when she and Sally first started working together, she was determined to make people sit up and take notice – so where was that Sally Spectra? Sally said Chloe was right. “You knew what I was going to say. That’s why you asked me to come here. You don’t want to lose this job and you are not a quitter,” Chloe said.

Sally thanked Chloe for reminding her she wasn’t a quitter. Sally was going to show the world what she was capable of. She wasn’t sure what Adam expected out of this whole thing, but it didn’t matter because she was going to make the most of the opportunity she was given. “Correction – that you’ve earned,” Chloe said. Sally appreciated having a friend and ally like Chloe. Sally gave Chloe permission to shake sense into her. Chloe said she wouldn’t abuse the privilege. Chloe said she was honored to work with Sally again, and they were invincible and unstoppable. Sally said tomorrow they were moving forward full throttle.

Nick went to the office, and Victor said Chance was on his way. Nick asked about Victoria. She was resting, according to Victor. Nick noticed Victor and Michael seemed remarkably calm, given what happened. Nick asked if Michael and Victor knew more than they were letting on. Michael and Victor didn’t mention that they already knew the car in the ravine was Ashland’s and that he was found inside. Michael said Chance organized a thorough search, and Ashland would surely be found soon. Victor said he had his men watching all over town, and the noose around Ashland’s neck was tightening. Victor said when Ashland was caught, Victoria could press charges. Michael thought there was enough to keep Ashland in jail while he awaited trial. Nick assumed they were so calm because they both assumed the end of the Ashland Locke nightmare was coming.

Chance came in. nick recalled that the last time they talked, Chance said they’d found a car in the ravine. He asked if it was Ashland’s car. The answer was yes. Nick asked if Ashland was in the car. Again, yes – Ashland was behind the wheel, and he was dead. Nick hoped Ashland would’ve survived the crash. He asked if the crash caused Ashland’s death. Chance hesitated, and Michael said those were questions for the medical examiner. Chance agreed that they wouldn’t know until the autopsy. Chance correctly assumed Victor wanted to be the one to break the news to Victoria. Chance wanted to know why Victor ended up at Victoria’s house tonight. Victor said his security team told him something was amiss. Chance asked why this was the first he was hearing that there was a security team involved. Victor said that Chance never asked before. He explained that he sent his security team to watch Victoria after he found out Ashland was in town. Chance asked what security saw. According to Victor, the team got suspicious when they saw Nick knock on the door without getting a response. Nick explained that he went around to the back door when Victoria didn’t answer. Chance asked if the team followed Nick to the back of the house.

Victoria said the team kept watching the house, then not long after, they saw Nick and Victoria leave the house in an agitated state. That alarmed the security team, and they called Victor. Chance asked if Nick was aware of security’s presence, and he said no. Chance didn’t see them when he got there either. Victor said he told his team to take the night off because he knew Nick was with Victoria. Chance asked if Victor was saying his guys didn’t approach the house or see Ashland come or go. Michael thought Victor answered those questions. Chance said he didn’t. Victor felt like he was being interrogated. Chance said he was just trying to build a timeline. Victor said Michael could give Chance the contact info for the security team. Chance decided to leave, and Victor said to say hi to Abby and Dominic.

Nick suspected Victor and Michael were keeping something from him. Victor understood Nick was upset and probably felt responsible for Ashland’s death, but he shouldn’t. Victor said Nick saved Victoria’s life. Michael echoed Victor’s sentiments and added that Nick had no intention of killing Ashland. Victor said it wasn’t even clear whether Nick’s punch caused Ashland’s death. Michael stated that Ashland had no business driving tonight, and Nick had nothing to do with him getting behind the wheel. Victor said maybe Ashland chose to drive into the ravine to kill himself. Michael noted that Rey had a heart attack and lost control of the car – something like that could’ve happened to Ashland. While Nick appreciated the attempts to let him off the hook, but he highly doubted any of those scenarios happened. Victor didn’t care how Ashland died – the important thing was that he was out of their lives and no longer a threat to Victoria. Victor asked Nick to come stay at the ranch. Nick needed to go for a drive to clear his head.

Once they were alone, Victor thanked Michael for how he handled things. Michael was sure Chance would be back with more questions. Victor said that they should assume Ashland got up after the punch, realized he had nothing to live for anymore, and then he drove into the ravine and met his end. Michael said that was a plausible theory that was impossible to disprove. “Exactly,” Victor replied.

Chance was back at Crimson Lights staring at Ashland’s ring, with a pensive expression.

Phyllis and Summer met at Society. Summer hoped Phyllis didn’t ask her to come here without Kyle so she could bash Diane without offending him. Phyllis said she and Summer had a lifetime together without talking about Diane, and she wanted to go back to that. Summer was relieved and eager to do that. Summer admitted it had been a struggle getting caught between Phyllis and Kyle and Phyllis and Jack, all while trying to manage an international move and getting Harrison settled in and launching a company. Phyllis understood it was hectic. Phyllis said they should have fun and she’d foot the bill.

Phyllis knew what it was like to juggle the home and business. The Grand Phoenix was a well oiled machine now, so she had time to help Summer. Phyllis was sure that Chelsea pulling out of Marchetti was hard. Summer understood that Chelsea had to prioritize her mental health. Phyllis asked about the person Chelsea recommended, and Summer said they were in talks. Phyllis asked if the marketing position Summer offered her was still available. Summer said she filled the position months ago.

Summer was surprised Phyllis was angling for a job at Marchetti. She thought Phyllis was happy running the hotel. Phyllis said she loved the hotel, but it wasn’t like it was in the beginning. She missed the challenge of setting up a new business. Summer asked how much this had to do with Diane working at Marchetti. Phyllis insisted that she was doing everything she could to stay away from Diane. Phyllis said she didn’t ask about the job before because of Diane, but then she decided that she shouldn’t let Diane influence her life. Summer found this hard to believe. Phyllis thought it was a mistake for Kyle to hire Diane, but he’d have to suffer the consequences. Summer assumed Phyllis was hoping hiring Diane turned would blow up in their faces so Phyllis would be proven right. Phyllis pointed out that Summer was the one who kept bringing up Diane. Phyllis said this wasn’t about Diane. Phyllis wanted to work with Summer on something creative. Phyllis said she and Summer had so much fun when they worked together before, and they could have that again.

Summer admitted she’d been a bit jealous that Kyle was getting to work with his mother, while Summer missed the chance to work with hers. Phyllis said she missed it too. Summer didn’t think Kyle would be thrilled at the prospect of Phyllis and Diane getting in each other’s faces every day. Phyllis said that wasn’t going to happen. She said she wouldn’t let anything or anyone jeopardize her relationship with Summer. Summer wasn’t sure Phyllis could stop herself from feuding with Diane. Phyllis said she’d just stay clear of Diane. Phyllis didn’t want to talk about Diane. She wanted to talk about this job.

Summer said Harrison kept asking why they didn’t speak Italy anymore. She thought his phrasing was so cute. Phyllis thought the maternal role suited Summer. Nick walked in and they waved him over. Phyllis asked if he was okay. He revealed that Ashland was dead. Nick was sorry. This was going to be so hard on Harrison. Summer thanked Nick for letting her know. She said she’d get back to Phyllis on her idea. Summer went home to talk to Kyle about how to deal with this. Phyllis sensed there was more to this story that Nick didn’t want to share in front of Summer. He said that the death was just sudden. Phyllis said the bright side was that Nick never had to deal with Ashland ever again.

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