GH Short Recap Thursday, July 28, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Dante asks Sam to move in with him and she tells him she will think about. It because it is a big decision.

Dax meets with Michael on the hospital stairway and tells him what happened with Josslyn and Sonny. Michael tells Dax to stay away from Josslyn but make sure to ask Sonny a lot of questions and gain his trust and maybe he will get Jason’s job. Brandon wonders why Michael and Dax are talking on the hospital stairway.

The sleazy photographer tells his friend the sleazy reporter that Sasha was on drugs when she ran over Harmony and he should write a story about it.

Diane is able to show the court Esme planned the whole night at the cabin but, still can’t prove she posted the video. Nik tells Ava he slept with Esme and an angry Ava tells him she is going to burn down his life. Nik decides to fight for his marriage. Esme tells Spencer she isn’t taking his deal so he tells Diane he wants testify again this time for the defense. An angry Ava goes to Wyndamere and sees Esme hurriedly packing her things to leave and she calls Esme a little whore.

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